
Behind the Walls (2008)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 31분

연출 : Christian Faure


A young runaway rejects society's condemnation and dares to fulfill his dreams. France, 1930s. 14-year-old orphan Yves Tréguier sees the world through the bars of "educational homes" where he is raised in conditions worthy of a penal colony, and dreams of a dramatic escape across the ocean to New York.


Carole Bouquet
Carole Bouquet
la mère de fil de fer
Catherine Jacob
Catherine Jacob
la directrice
Michel Jonasz
Michel Jonasz
le directeur
Émile Berling
Émile Berling
Yves Tréguier
Guillaume Gouix
Guillaume Gouix
Julien Bouanich
Julien Bouanich
Fil de fer
Anthony Decadi
Anthony Decadi
Jonathan Reyes
Jonathan Reyes
Le Rat
Finnegan Oldfield
Finnegan Oldfield
Le Bégayeux
Simon Perret
Simon Perret


Christian Faure
Christian Faure

비슷한 영화

No Place To Hide
Detective Joe Garvey is called in to a mysterious case: a ballerina has been slayed on stage during a performance, it seems she didn't even fight. At her house Garvey finds her 14 years old precocious sister Tinsel. She's not very cooperative, so he arranges to have her sent to the orphanage -- until she's attacked too. He takes her under his wings, and soon both get the attention of a secret organization.
Five Days One Summer
A 1930s Scottish doctor (Sean Connery) goes climbing in the Alps with an infatuated niece (Betsy Brantley) he passes off as his wife.
Sor Ye-yé
Maria is a young orphan who lives with her wealthy aunt. Maria sings in a cocktail bar with his friends, who form a rock band, and enjoy the night with them. One of his friends, Ernesto, is in love with her, though she does not seem to feel the same about him. In fact, multiple existential doubts and feel a strange emptiness in his life suddenly drive to enter a convent as a novice, breaking Ernestos' heart. However, with her cheerlul character, open and rebellious, not appear to conform to life in the cloister, and especially have problems with the novices director , who often punished for trying to take the right path. In the convent, which also functions as children's hospital, she meets a doctor with which it takes quite right for the contrast between his two characters, but his way with love and mutual respect.
항일전이 한창이던 1939년, 중국의 한 가난한 산골에 구전민요를 수집하기 위하여 팔로군 병사가 찾아든다. 그는 그곳에 머무르면서 한 소녀에게 공산당의 거점인 옌안(延安: 연안)에서는 여성이 평등한 대접을 받는다고 말한다. 병사가 떠나고 얼마 후 돈에 팔려 마을의 노인에게 시집을 간 소녀는 힘겨운 결혼생활을 견디다 못해 옌안으로 도망가기 위해 강을 건넌다.
내 어린 날의 일기
는 마르타 메자로스 감독 자신의 어린 시절을 담은 첫번째 ‘일기’ 영화이다. 소련에서 헝가리 이민 가족으로 살고 있던 율리는 그곳에서 부모님을 잃고, 조부모와 함께 헝가리로 돌아온다. 그들은 공산당의 고급관료인 마그다의 집으로 들어가서 살게 된다. 마그다는 율리를 양딸로 삼으려고 하지만 율리는 세상과 고립된 상황과 그 집안의 냉랭하고 굴욕적인 분위기 때문에 고통스러워 한다. 그녀는 어린 시절 해외에 있던 기억을 떠올린다. 영화관은 그녀의 피난처가 되고 자유로운 생각을 가진 엔지니어 야노스가 율리의 안식처가 되어 준다. 소련과 헝가리라는 서로 다른 두 세계의 영향을 받고 자라난 율리는 그녀의 할아버지가 세상을 떠난 후 마그다의 품을 떠나기로 결심한다. - 제9회 서울여성영화제
The Fighting Musketeers
D'Artagnan is back from England with a message for the queen. Buckingham has declared that he was ready to attack France to deliver Anne of Austria. D'Artagnan ends up arrested and thrown into prison. Musketeers wonder how to rescue their friend.
게이블 앤 롬바드
A biography about the love affair between 1930s Hollywood superstars Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.
The Enchanted Grove
Lizuca is only six years old, not much older than her pet dachshund Patrocle, when her mother dies and she is left to live with her grandparents on their farm. Before long, Lizuca's father comes to take her away to live with him and his new bride, a vile woman who considers children the bane of all existence. Lizuca and the dachshund escape the wicked stepmother and spend the night in a hollow tree, a tree that changes into an enchanted land where Lizuca (like Alice through the Looking Glass) discovers a world of characters in the form of bees, frogs, the four seasons, Snow White, her dwarves, and other fairy tale creatures. This magic place is threatened by the evil stepmother's plan to sell the grove that protects the secret land to developers -- a decision that puts the woman on trial before this perfidy can be realized.
Molly, the eldest child of a group of orphans being used as slaves on a farm hidden deep in a swamp, must rescue the others when their cruel master decides that one of them will be disposed of.
셋방살이의 기록
1947년 패전 후 오즈가 만든 첫 작품으로, 류 치슈와 이다 조코의 호연이 돋보이는 작품. 동시대 감독들이 전쟁 체제에 대한 비판이나 반성 등을 그린 작품을 양산해내던 당시에도 전쟁 전과 마찬가지로 오즈가 선택한 첫 제재는 ‘인정’이었다. 전후 일본 사회에 대한 귀중한 다큐멘터리와 같은 이 작품은 오즈 특유의 정적인 영상 속에 인간적이면서도 감동적인 삶의 메시지를 전해 주고 있다. 도쿄의 한 거리에서 잡화상을 운영하는 다네에게 길 잃은 아이 고헤이가 억지로 맡겨진다. 사람에 대한 정과 사랑에 무심했던 다네는 고헤이를 부랑아 취급하며 귀찮은 존재로 여기지만, 소년에 얽힌 여러 일들을 겪으면서 차츰 사랑을 깨달아 간다. 그러던 중 아이를 찾는 친부모가 그녀 앞에 나타나고, 다네는 아이를 보내야만 하는 처지에 놓이게 된다.
If I Had My Way
Construction worker Buzz Blackwell becomes the guardian of 12-year-old Pat Johnson after one of his buddies, her father, is killed. Buzz and Pat, along with their chum Axel Swensen, head to New York to look for the girl's uncle. The trio soon unexpectedly become owners of a tired restaurant.
레닌그라드스키의 아이들
Since the fall of the Iron Curtain an estimated four million children have found themselves living on the streets in the former countries of the Soviet Union. In the streets of Moscow alone there are over 30,000 surviving in this manner at the present time. The makers of the documentary film concentrated on a community of homeless children living hand to mouth in the Moscow train station Leningradsky. Eight-year-old Sasha, eleven-year-old Kristina, thirteen-year-old Misha and ten-year-old Andrej all dream of living in a communal home. They spend winter nights trying to stay warm by huddling together on hot water pipes and most of their days are spent begging. Andrej has found himself here because of disagreements with his family. Kristina was driven into this way of life by the hatred of her stepmother and twelve-year-old Roma by the regular beatings he received from his constantly drunk father. "When it is worst, we try to make money for food by prostitution," admits ...
Big B
Four brothers try to find the mystery behind the murder of woman who raised them.
데블스 듀
화목한 가정에서 자란 잭(잭 길포드)과 가족에 대한 기억이 전혀 없는 사만다(앨리슨 밀러)는 갓 결혼한 신혼부부다. 도미니카공화국에서의 신혼여행 마지막 날 밤, 두 사람은 택시 기사의 안내로 지하 클럽의 파티에 갔다가 정신을 잃고는 다음날 숙소에서 깨어난다. 몇 달 뒤, 임신한 사만다는 신체적 변화와 함께 이상한 행동을 하게 된다. 사만다의 이해하지 못할 변화와 함께, 집 주변을 서성대는 낯선 남자들을 발견한 잭은 집안 곳곳에 카메라를 설치한다. 성찬식에서 사만다와 대면한 토마스 신부님이 피를 흘리며 쓰러지는 사건이 발생하자, 잭은 설치된 카메라를 재생해본다. 도미니카 공화국에서 촬영된 의식 장면에서 특이한 상징들을 본 뒤 토마스 신부님을 찾아간 잭은, 그 상징들이 적그리스도를 불러오기 위해 사용되고 있음을 알게 되는데…
The President
The Dark Avenger
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
A young knight sets out to join King Richards crusaders. Along the way, he encounters The Black Prince who captures children and sells them as slaves to the Muslims. It is Robert Narra's sworn duty to protect the children and lead them to safety.
Bad Seed
A young man-about-Paris, cut off from his father's money, falls in with a picaresque gang of car thieves.
Flight of the Doves
While fleeing across the Irish countryside, two orphans are pursued by their villainous uncle, a master of disguises.
세인트 루이스호의 대학살
A luxury liner carries Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany in a desperate fight for survival.