Chingari (2012)
장르 : 스릴러, 액션
상영시간 : 2시간 28분
연출 : A. Harsha
Officer Parashuram travels to Switzerland to rescue his girlfriend. He only has five days to rescue his girlfriend from her kidnappers.
TV 홈쇼핑이 유일한 친구인 아이 나미. 부모님은 나미에게 관심이 없다. 엄마에게 관심을 받고 싶어 일을 저지르곤 하지만 엄마는 해외의 가난한 아이들에게만 관심이 있고 어느 날 결국 떠나버린다. 엄마가 떠나자 폐인이 된 아빠의 무관심, 평범하게 살고 싶다며 남자친구와 집을 나가버린 언니. 외롭게 자란 나미는 20살이 되어 아빠의 유산을 물려받았고 외로움에 지친 사람들을 관찰하는 다소 괴상한 취미생활을 하며 하루하루를 보낸다.
그러던 어느 날 흥미로운 독거노인을 발견하게 된다.
A mysterious millionaire buys an ad agency and begins to replace its employees with his own people, who don't appear to be advertising types at all...
Sahar, an Iranian girl who has recently broken up with her fiancé, has decided to spend some time by herself in Antalya, Turkey. Leaving a club late at night, assuming that she is rich, she gets kidnapped and held in a remote basement. The kidnappers go greedy on the ransom, but little they know is that the whole setup has been a misunderstanding from both parties in the first place.
Five years after taking the fall for his younger brother, a tormented ex-con flees parole to find his kidnapped baby niece. One step ahead of the police, and one behind an unraveling criminal syndicate, he must once again sacrifice everything in the name of family.
A young woman moves onto a sailboat in an effort to leave behind her traumatic past.
The daughter of the wealthy Soga family is kidnapped and her fiance is murdered. But the kidnappers, Tatsu and Sanko are unaware that Tatsuko is the heiress to a fortune. Two strong-arm brothers, Kosaka and Takeshi, learn of her identity and join the gang in an effort to shake down the tycoon for ten million yen. Upon joining forces, their first move is to rid themselves of the driver whose identity is known to the police because of a cap which he left behind at the scene of the crime. Upon obtaining the ransom money, the brothers murder the two kidnappers and go to the port city of Kobe. The younger brother, Takeshi, has fallen in love with the prisoner and refuses to allow her to be killed and they take her with them from one hideout to another.
여고생이 사라졌지만 너무나 평온한 시골의 한적한 마을, 기간제 교사로 새로 부임 온 외지 출신 체육교사 ‘기철(마동석)’은 동네 분위기가 심상치 않음을 감지한다. 실종된 여고생의 유일한 친구 '유진(김새론)'만이 친구가 납치된 거라 확신하여 사건을 쫓고, 의도치 않게 ‘유진’과 함께 사라진 소녀를 찾기 위해 나선 ‘기철’은 누군가에 의해 그녀의 흔적들이 사라지고 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데...
A nobleman seeks to rescue his bride, who has been kidnapped by his former lover and a bandit.
A botanist has a run in with a group of cocaine dealers and is kidnapped, but not before calling on her brother for help.
After a car wreck temporarily robs Lauren Carlton of her memory right down to her own name, she must piece together the details of the accident as they slowly return to her. When she finally remembers that she has a daughter who's missing, she must lead the police to the girl's kidnappers.
전직 특수부대원 ‘액스’(스티븐 시걸)는 범죄가 만연한 도시 ‘몽라’에서 아픈 사람들을 치료하며 의사로서 제2의 삶을 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 한 마을에서 특별한 능력을 가진 소녀 ‘타라’가 납치되는 사건이 발생하고, ‘타라’의 아빠는 ‘액스’를 찾아와 자신의 딸을 꼭 찾아 달라고 부탁한다. 이에 ‘액스’는 옛 동료들을 불러모아 폭력조직의 본거지를 급습할 작전을 세우는데… 납치된 소녀를 구하라! 소녀의 운명이 그에게 달렸다!
어느 밤 납치를 당한 리사, 극한의 공포 상황에서 기적처럼 탈출한다. 죽을힘을 다해 집으로 돌아온 그녀. 하지만 아무도 그녀의 말을 믿어주지 않는다. 가족도 경찰도. 실화가 바탕인 영화. (넷플릭스)
Plot begins with a heist.
어떠한 상황에서도 냉철함을 잃지 않던 최고의 협상가 하채윤은 긴급 투입된 현장에서 인질과 인질범 모두 사망하는 사건을 겪고 충격에 휩싸인다. 그로부터 10일 후, 경찰청 블랙리스트에 오른 국제 범죄조직의 무기 밀매업자 민태구가 태국에서 한국 경찰과 기자를 납치하고 그녀를 협상 대상으로 지목한다. 이유도 목적도 조건도 없이 사상 최악의 인질극을 벌이는 민태구와 그를 멈추기 위해 한치도 물러설 수 없는 협상가 하채윤. 남은 시간 12시간, 목숨을 건 일생일대의 협상이 시작된다!
An erotic thriller about a young artist whose obsession with a taboo fetish leads to life altering consequences.
A docu-special, which recounts the terrifying true story in Elizabeth Shoaf's own words. Featuring news footage and interviews with first-hand accounts from Shoaf, her parents and police officials, the special takes viewers through Shoaf's journey to a new beginning.
The story of the freed female hostages of Boko Haram, detailing their lives in captivity and since their release.
Param and Jasmeet fall in love and they get married. Their perfect romance gets disturbed by Jasmeet’s suppressed ambition however, she has dreams of going to London so that she can pursue her career and build a better life for herself. But Param unable to get a visa and that creates some high drama in their love life.
Áurea Diamantina, a movie star who has quarreled with her husband, stays at a grand hotel where, in order to get free publicity, conspires with her manager to simulate a kidnapping. Meanwhile, her jealous husband hires a private detective to keep an eye on her.
A man goes to his house, finds her daughter dead and hears his wife and another man plotting his killing.