
The Solitary Life of Cranes (2008)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 27분

연출 : Eva Weber


Part city symphony, part visual poem, the film explores the invisible life of a city, seen through the eyes of crane drivers working high above its streets. Within the loose structure of a day, starting with the drivers climbing up at dawn and ending with them coming down after a nightshift, the film observes the city as it awakens with a bustle of activity, through the lull of midday and the manic rush in the evening, until it calms down again deep into the night. Throughout the film, the drivers share their thoughts and reflections on London and life in general. What emerges is a lyrical meditation about how our existence is shaped through the environment we inhabit, both for the drivers high up in the sky and the people on the ground they are watching.



Eva Weber
Eva Weber

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