Big Brother: The Big Picture (2008)
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The full video of the presentation David Icke recently did on July 6th 2008, regarding the Big Brother state and the real reason for the encroaching Police State and stripping of our Freedoms. Excellent video, a must see for those who want to understand the truth and how the pieces fit together.
A Keith Thompson film on the ruling elite’s involvement with satanic activity. This film dives into the formation of the Illuminati, how it infiltrated freemasonry, and the satanic nature of it’s aims.
Compiled after 15 months filming and editing, this fast-moving, professional video documentary will give you a unique education on the inner teachings of Judaism and the Talmud. Through the television camera "The Other Israel" takes you where few Christian scholars have gone before.
A lecture by G. Edward Griffin, given in the late '60s, exposes the hidden plan that shapes U.S. foreign policy and that the ultimate objective of that policy is the same then as it is now — disarmament and world government.
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.
Bro Night follows the story of three bros who during their weekly Bro Night get a mysterious phone call that will change their lives forever.
2117년 겨울, 공안국 빌딩에 한 대의 폭주 차량이 돌진하는 사건이 일어난다. 운전자는 아오모리에 있는 잠재범 격리 시설 「생츄어리」의 심리 카운슬러인 야사카 이즈미였다. 하지만 공안국의 조사 직전에 야사카 이즈의 즉각 송환이 결정되고, 감시관 시모츠키 미카는 그녀를 송환하기 위해 집행관인 기노자 노부치카, 쿠니즈카 야요이 함께 아오모리로 향한다. 그리고 그 곳에서 그들을 기다린 건 “가짜 낙원”이었다.
Alex Jones' second feature documentary. Jones takes a closer look at the 1993 incident with the Branch Davidians in Waco. The documentary presents evidence for the US government overstepping Constitutional boundaries and perpetuating a cover up.
In 1974, President Ford ordered the evacuation of Boston, OH. Theories as to why included the cover up of a mutation-causing chemical spill; extreme paranormal activity; and Boston being taken over by a satanic cult. But what really happened in Helltown?
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. (IMDB)
An assassin hunts and tortures his old predecessor in the basement of his European home, only to reveal the lies and corruption of their international hitman agency by taking a journey through the manipulations of the old man's past.
A family man (Josh Duhamel) inquires why Taco Bell doesn't serve fries, but finds he's bitten off more than he can chew when a sinister "Big Fries" conspiracy threatens to destroy everything he holds dear.
A secret society of financiers known begin to wage war on each other for control of the world momentary system.
Inspired by a 1970's science fiction novel entitled ALTERNATIVE 3, one man, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most startling secrets: An elite group is said to be secretly building an exclusive off-world survival colony on planet Mars. Credible individuals have begun to emerge claiming to have been actual Mars recruits including the great granddaughter of a historically significant American president.
프랑스 앙뉘에서 발간되는 미국 잡지 프렌치 디스패치의 편집장 아서 하위처 주니어(빌 머리)가 갑자기 사망한다. 발행인의 부고는 곧잡지의 부고이기도 해서, 프렌디 디스패치의 최정예 저널리스트들은 마지막 발행본에 실을 특종 기사를 고민한다. 허브세인트 새저랙 (오언 윌슨), J. K. L. 베렌슨(틸다 스윈튼), 루신다 크레멘츠(프랜시스 맥도먼드), 로벅 라이트(제프리 라이트)는 각자 도시와 예술, 정치와 푸드 섹션을 맡아 피날레를 장식할 호의 기사를 쓴다. 살인죄로 수감된 천재 화가의 작품은 영악한 미술상에 의해 그 가치가 엄청나게 뛰게 되고, 기성세대에 저항하는 프랑스 청년들의 변혁 운동은 기성세대가 선언문을 고쳐준다는 아이러니를 마주하고, 해외파 기자는 프랑스의 외국인 노동자 셰프의 감정을 이해한다.
Anthony J. Hilder and Jordan Maxwell's first film, is an "overview" of the American Illuminati's plan to bring this planet under the dictates of gargantuan Global Government by the turn of the century.
The Hidden Dimension in World Affairs is one of Jordan Maxwell’s most controversial subjects. It emphatically displays Vatican ties to some of the highest crimes in humanity past and present. A must see for anyone in search of this knowledge.
The Grassy Knoll: FBI Agents re-examine the JFK Assassination presents an investigation into the story of a man who confessed to firing the fatal shot from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza; Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. His story becomes one more compelling piece of evidence for what most Americans have long suspected: that their government covered up critical facts about the CIA's collaboration with Organized Crime to assassinate the President of the United States.
홍콩 부패수사국이 조사 중인 담배 밀수 사건의 중요 증인 잭 허가 재판이 열리기 한 시간 전에 홀연히 사라져 호주로 달아나자
부패수사국의 조사관 설리가 잭 허를 설득해 홍콩으로 데려오기 위해 호주로 간다. 하지만 밀수 사건에 흑막이 따로 있다는 것이 밝혀지면서 사건은 의외의 방향으로 흘러가고 점점 더 미궁으로 빠져들어 가는데...
Deconstructing The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour explores the music written for the Magical Mystery Tour TV show, as well as the additional songs that appeared on the 1967 LP. In 1967, The Beatles embarked on an ambitious project, writing and directing a one-hour film, Magical Mystery Tour. The music written for the film is some of The Beatles' psychedelic best. In Deconstructing The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour, Mr. Freiman delves into the creative process behind “The Fool On The Hill,” “Blue Jay Way,” “I Am The Walrus,” and other selections from Magical Mystery Tour. Scott will also “deconstruct” other songs from the Magical Mystery Tour album, including “Strawberry Fields Forever,” “Penny Lane,” and “All You Need Is Love.”