
The Kugitan tragedy (1978)

장르 : 드라마, 로맨스

상영시간 : 1시간 16분

연출 : Kakov Orazsahatov, Yazgeldy Seidov
각본 : Khodzha Kuli Narliyev


A love story with a tragic ending set in 19th century Turkmenistan


Sabira Annaklycheva
Sabira Annaklycheva
Baba Annanov
Baba Annanov
Sabira Atayeva
Sabira Atayeva
Ata Dovletov
Ata Dovletov
Oleg Avetisov
Oleg Avetisov


Kakov Orazsahatov
Kakov Orazsahatov
Yazgeldy Seidov
Yazgeldy Seidov
Khodzha Kuli Narliyev
Khodzha Kuli Narliyev
Murad Atayev
Murad Atayev

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