
The Autograph Hound (1939)

장르 : 애니메이션, 코미디, 가족

상영시간 : 8분

연출 : Jack King


While trying to collect autographs at a Hollywood studio, Donald meets a number of movie stars, and runs afoul of a security guard.


Clarence Nash
Clarence Nash
Donald Duck
Billy Bletcher
Billy Bletcher
Security Guard
Sara Berner
Sara Berner


Jack King
Jack King
Johnny Cannon
Johnny Cannon
John Elliotte
John Elliotte
Larry Clemmons
Larry Clemmons
Ed Dunn
Ed Dunn
John Dunn
John Dunn
Ed Love
Ed Love
Ward Kimball
Ward Kimball
Paul Allen
Paul Allen
Rex Cox
Rex Cox
Shamus Culhane
Shamus Culhane
Nick DeTolly
Nick DeTolly
Animation Production Assistant
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Bob Newman
Bob Newman
Assistant Director
Harry Reeves
Harry Reeves

비슷한 영화

시계 청소부들
미친 듯이 웃을 시간이 왔다. 미키, 구피, 도날드가 거칠게 돌아가는 톱니바퀴, 뒤틀린 스프링, 귀청이 찢어질 듯한 종소리, 잠든 황새와 맞서 싸운다.
Mickey's Trailer
Goofy's in the driver's seat, Mickey's in the kitchen, and Donald's in bed in Mickey's high-tech house trailer. When Goofy comes back to eat breakfast, leaving the car on autopilot, it takes them onto a dangerous closed mountain road. When Goofy realizes this, he accidentally unhooks the trailer, sending it on a perilous route. They come very close to disaster several times, while the oblivious Goofy drives on and hooks back up to them.
Mickey and the Beanstalk
A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?
The Old Mill
Night in an old mill is dramatically depicted in this Oscar-winning short in which the frightened occupants, including birds, timid mice, owls, and other creatures try to stay safe and dry as a storm approaches. As the thunderstorm worsens, the mill wheel begins to turn and the whole mill threatens to blow apart until at last the storm subsides.
Mickey's Polo Team
Mickey leads his polo team Donald (on a mule), Goofy, The Big Bad Wolf against an all-star team: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Harpo Marx (on an ostrich), Charles Chaplin, in a game refereed by Jack Holt. Featured spectators include the Three Little Pigs with Shirley Temple, W.C. Fields, and Clarabelle Cow with Clark Gable. Game action proceeds pretty much as you might expect from this bunch of comedians.
Flowers and Trees
A jealous stump threatens two trees that are in love by starting a forest fire. When the rain comes and puts out the fire the forest revives and celebrates the wedding.
On Ice
Mickey shows off his ice-skating skills to Minnie; Goofy does some unconventional ice fishing; Donald straps skates to Pluto and laughs at his attempts to skate. Donald gets strapped to a kite and is about to be swept over a waterfall when Mickey pulls off an heroic rescue.
Santa's Workshop
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
Moving Day
Donald and Mickey are overdue on their rent, so the sheriff is preparing to evict them and sell their belongings. Goofy the ice-man comes by and helps them move out before the sale, but their piano doesn't want to stay on his truck. Meanwhile, Donald has a fight with a plunger and a fishbowl after removing a heater from the gas line.
톰과 제리 : 수퍼 레이스
집에서 쫓겨난 톰과 제리는 '환상의 수퍼 레이스'에 참가하게 된다! 과연 그들은 우승을 할 수 있을까?
미키의 크리스마스 캐롤
디킨스의 크리스마스 고전 소설을 개작한 애니메이션
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
톰과 제리: 화성에 가다
세기의 앙숙인 톰과 제리. 여느 날처럼 쫓고 쫓기는 사냥 놀이를 하던 톰과 제리는 우연히 화성 로켓 발사를 앞둔 국제 우주 센터에 들어가게 된다. 사냥 놀이에 몰두한 톰과 제리는 로켓이 발사되는 것도 모른 채 로켓에 탑승, 우주 비행사들과 함께 화성으로 향한다. 화성에 도착한 우주 비행사들은 제대로 둘러보지도 않은 채 화성에 생명체가 없다는 성급한 판단을 내린 후 지구로 귀환하고, 사냥 놀이에 빠져있던 톰과 제리는 지구로 귀환하는 로켓을 놓쳐 결국 화성에 남게 된다. 제리를 본 화성인들은 고서에 나와있는 위대한 예언자 글룹과 닮았다며 궁전으로 데려가 극빈 대접을 하고, 뒤이어 궁전에 도착한 톰은 몸집이 제리와 비슷한 화성인들에 의해 거인으로 오해를 받으며 뜻하지 않게 화성 도시를 파괴하게 된다. 결국 화성인들에게 사로잡힌 톰은 처형당할 위기에 처하는데 그 순간 한 화성인이 달려와 제리는 위대한 글룹이 아니며 톰과 제리 모두 지구에서 보낸 첩자라는 의견을 피력한다. 첩자로 몰린 톰과 제리는 화성인 핍의 도움으로 겨우 달아나지만, 화가 난 화성나라 국왕은 지구를 공격하기로 결정한다.
올라프의 겨울왕국 어드벤처
올라프가 특별한 크리스마스 가족 전통이 없는 엘사와 안나를 위해 아렌델 왕국의 크리스마스 전통을 찾아 순록 스벤과 함께 모험하는 이야기. 디즈니 애니메이션 [코코] 상영시 오프닝 영상으로 공개.
슈렉 더 홀스
이 새로운 홀리데이 클래식에서 크리스마스 트리만 초록색이 아닙니다. 슈렉이 돌아왔고 시즌의 정신을 되찾기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 피오나와 아이들이 기억할 크리스마스를 약속한 후 피오나는 휴일에 집중 코스를 수강해야 합니다. 그러나 조용한 가족 크리스마스를 위한 모든 것이 자신에게 있다고 생각하는 바로 그때, 문을 두드리는 소리가 들립니다.
톰과 제리: 잭과 콩나무
꿈을 믿으면 이루어진다! 테마 파크 동화 마을(Storybook Town)에 살고 있는 톰과 제리, 그리고 소년 잭은 탐욕스러운 억만장자의 손에서 공원을 지키기 위해 우연히 마법콩을 얻게 된다. 그들이 잠든 사이 마법콩이 구름을 뚫고 하늘 높이 자라면서 세 친구의 모험이 시작된다. 콩나무를 타고 올라간 저 너머의 세상에서 드루피, 스파이크 등의 친구들을 만나고 황금알을 낳는 거위까지 손에 넣으며 비열하고 사악한 거인을 상대로 엄청난 모험을 하게 된다. 그들은 과연, 위기에 처한 동화마을을 구할 수 있을까?
톰과 제리: 보물섬 대소동
우리의 영원한 악동 톰과 제리가 이번엔 바다로 나섰다. 해적 삼형제의 보물을 찾기 위해 톰과 제리는 해적 무리를 능가해야 한다. 보물의 위치가 담긴 저주받은 지도는 해가 지기전에 다시 병에 담아야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 악령의 저주로 죽음을 피할 수 없다. 좌충우돌 악전 고투의 죽음을 눈앞에 둔 모험 끝에 드디어 우리의 톰과 제리는 해적을 제치고 보물을 차지하게 되는데...
톰과 제리 : 사라진 드래곤
평화로운 요정 마을을 어지럽힌 죄로 마을에서 추방당한 마녀 드리젤다! 그리고 마녀의 조카라는 이유로 마을 밖에서 살아야 하는 아테나. 그러나 아테나는 톰과 제리, 그리고 오갈 데 없는 동물들을 돌보며 살고 있는 착한 소녀다. 그러던 어느 날, 아테나와 톰, 제리는 우연히 드래곤의 알을 부화시켜 아기 드래곤을 돌보게 되고, 드래곤의 힘을 손에 넣어 요정 마을에 보복하려는 사악한 마녀 드리젤다와 맞서 싸우게 되는데...
디즈니 삼총사
17세기 중엽의 프랑스. 작지만 낙천적인 미키, 어리석지만 착한 심성의 구피, 겁쟁이 도날드는 왕궁 문지기로 일하고 있다. 미키의 꿈은 총사대의 대원이 되는 것. 하지만, 일개 문지기가 총사대의 대원이 되기란 낙타가 바늘 구멍을 통과하는 것 만큼이나 불가능한 일이고, 친구들마저도 그의 꿈이 허황되다고 웃어넘긴다. 그런데 그 꿈같은 기회가 찾아왔다. 총사대장인 피트가 미키와 구피, 도날드에게 미니 공주의 호위를 맡긴 것이다. 사실 이것은 피트 대장의 음모였다. 황실의 먼 친척뻘되는 피트는 왕실의 후계자인 미니 공주로부터 왕위를 빼앗을 음모를 꾸미고 있었으며 자기보다 왕위 계승 서열이 앞선 친척 27명은 이미 모두 은밀하게 죽여버린 터였다. 이제 왕위까지 단 하나 남은 장애물, 미니 공주를 손쉽게 처리하기 위해 피트 대장은 어리버리해 보이는 세 명의 문지기를 미니 공주의 호위로 임명한 것이다. 그러나 피트 대장은 미키와 구피, 도날드의 능력을 과소평가했다. 그들은 실수 투성이처럼 보이면서도 미니 공주를 납치하려는 모든 음모를 무산시켜버리고, 그 과정을 통해서 팀웍의 진정한 의미를 깨닫게 된다. 화가 머리끝까지 난 피트는 미키를 납치하고, 미니 공주를 암살하기 위한 마지막 음모를 꾸미는데...
겨울왕국 열기
생일을 맞이한 안나를 위해 엘사가 특별한 생일 파티를 준비하면서 벌어지는 이야기.

추천 영화

Old MacDonald Duck
Farmer Donald goes through his farmer day until a fly causes him to lose control while milking a cow.
Donald's Ostrich
Donald is the baggagemaster at a remote railway station. Part of the latest cargo shipment is Hortense the Ostrich, who is a bit too friendly with Donald, and who eats everything in sight, whether it's food or not (mostly not): a concertina, an alarm clock, some balloons, all of which start reacting when Hortense gets the hiccups.
The Riveter
Dodgy construction foreman Pegleg Pete has just fired his riveter. Donald is in need of a job, so he pretends to be experienced and gets it, lacking any competitor. Even the open elevator on the every skyscraper is enough to make Donald sickeningly dizzy, high up the roofless top-floor without railings the work is spooky, but the boss keeps coming up to keep a close eye on him. The damned riveting machine has its own will and much more strength then any duck: it ends up dragging the duck on a wild ride. Greenhorn Donald must also 'serve' lunch, an equilibrium nightmare while the riveting colleagues work their seismic vibes, till short-tempered Pete...
Truant Officer Donald
Donald catches his nephews swimming on a school day. He thinks he's made an easy catch, but the boys are much more resourceful than that. When he tries to smoke them out of their clubhouse, they put three roast turkeys in their bed and dress one boy as an angel.
Fire Chief
Donald and his nephews are the staff of a fire station. Huey, Dewey, and Louie, annoyed by Donald's snoring, ring the fire alarm. Soon, his bumbling sets the fire station itself on fire. They race off at the alarm, not realizing they are already at the destination, and the firefighting efforts go downhill from there.
Hobo Donald steals dinner off Pegleg Pete's table. Pete gives Donald a stick of dynamite. Then he puts Donald to work chopping trees. To say Donald is an inept lumberjack is understating the case. After several mishaps, Pete/Pierre chases Donald on railroad handcars.
Donald and Goofy are putting up advertising posters in a farm. Goofy prepares to post on a windmill, but his tools keep disappearing and reappearing on the windmill blades. Donald puts up his posters, a picture of a soup can, and a goat eats them immediately. Goofy gets stuck to his poster after it comes around on the windmill. Donald, being his calm, even-tempered self, gets into a battle with the goat.
Donald's Camera
Inspired by a store display, Donald decides to "hunt" some wildlife with his camera. First, he encounters a too-friendly chipmunk, then a large group of shy animals, then some animals in a dark cave. But his biggest challenge is a woodpecker, who finds a number of ways to torment him, even though Donald does manage to trick him briefly using some toothpaste that pretends to be a worm.
Donald's Lucky Day
Donald Duck, delivery boy, is hired to deliver a mysterious package on Friday the Thirteenth. He is hindered by a bothersome black cat -- and by the fact that the package contains a live bomb.
Donald's Vacation
Donald takes a kayak trip. When he gets to his campsite, he unloads the kayak, fights with his folding chair, and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, the chipmunks of the forest (precursors of Chip 'n Dale), attracted by his squawking, make off with the huge pile of food he carelessly unloaded. They get the attention of a bear, who Donald is soon battling.
Polar Trappers
Donald and Goofy are trappers in the frozen south (Antarctica) with different approaches. Donald sees a penguin and dresses as one to lure her to the chopping block; Goofy baits a trap with fish (then acts like a walrus to capture one that steals his bait bucket).
Officer Duck
Officer Donald Duck (Officer #13) is assigned to apprehend a criminal named Tiny Tom. Donald assumes by the name that he'll be a pushover but when he reaches Tom's hideout, he discovers "Tiny" Tom is actually a hulking Pete who immediately disposes of Donald. Donald decides to use strategy and is able to reenter Pete's house disguised as a baby who Pete surprisingly warms to. When Pete discovers Donald, he chases him down the street but is finally apprehended by Donald's marching police colleagues who make the arrest.
Donald's Penguin
Admiral Byrd ships Donald a penguin from the South Pole. Donald is amused by it, until he thinks it has eaten his goldfish. It hasn't - yet - so Donald gets a fish from the fridge to make amends. When he comes back, though, he's got a reason to be upset with the penguin.
바다 정찰병
원양 어선대의 대장인 도널드는 조카들과 항해 중 굶주린 상어와 조우한다.
A Good Time for a Dime
Donald visits a penny arcade where he sees a risque Daisy dancing in one of the nickelodeon shows and later has trouble with the airplane ride.
Drip Dippy Donald
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
Window Cleaners
Donald is washing windows on a high-rise; Pluto is his assistant, hauling the rope for the platform and refilling buckets but mostly sleeping. And when things are finally going well, Donald makes the mistake of tormenting a bee.
Modern Inventions
Donald Duck goes to a museum of modern inventions. After getting in without paying, he meets a robot butler who takes Donald's hat every time he sees him. Donald is very annoyed by this and magically fixes himself a new hat every time this happens and strolls on. Ignoring the sign not to touch it, Donald starts playing with a wrapping machine and ends up being wrapped himself. He also encounters and tries out a robot nursemaid and a fully automatic barber chair. They both don't do him much good.
The Hockey Champ
Donald shows his nephews the moves that won him his hockey trophy. But the boys have a few moves of their own.
Donald's Happy Birthday
It's March 13, Donald's birthday. The boys are going to buy him a box of cigars, but they're broke. They do a quick bout of yardwork and hit Donald up for the price of the cigars (without telling him why), but he makes them put it in a piggy bank. The problem: how to get the money without Donald catching them. Donald catches them buying the cigars but thinks they are buying them for themselves and forces them to smoke until they are sick the whole box.