
Black Holes: Messages from the Edge of the Universe (2017)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 52분

연출 : Martina Treusch


It is the birth of neutrino astronomy. For the first time, astrophysicists can detect extra-terrestrial neutrinos in ice on the South Pole. The fundamental questions of science remain unanswered., how did the universe come to be? What keeps our world together? The newly discovered extra-galactic neutrinos may hold the keys to answering these questions.


Sven Philipp
Sven Philipp
Uve Teschner
Uve Teschner
Anke Arndt
Anke Arndt


Martina Treusch
Martina Treusch
Thomas Lütz
Thomas Lütz
Camera Operator
Daniel Liepke
Daniel Liepke
Camera Operator
Stefan Wachner
Stefan Wachner
Camera Operator
Jakob van Santen
Jakob van Santen
Camera Operator
Christian Weigand
Christian Weigand
Oliver Kless
Oliver Kless
Tim Stanzel
Tim Stanzel
Olaf Skrzipczyk
Olaf Skrzipczyk
Robert Klemm
Robert Klemm
Sound Designer
Christoph Sturm
Christoph Sturm
Color Grading
Niki Kraus
Niki Kraus
Production Director
Lars Reimer
Lars Reimer
Production Director
Sabrina Volkmer
Sabrina Volkmer
Production Director
Olaf Jacobs
Olaf Jacobs
Rainer Baumert
Rainer Baumert
Production Director

비슷한 영화

어나더 어스
MIT 입학 예정인 로다(브리트 말링)는 행성 발견 소식을 듣고는 하늘 위의 파란 별을 바라보면서 운전하다가 정차된 차를 들이받는다. 이 사고로 작곡가이자 예일대 교수 존 버로스(윌리엄 마포더)는 혼수상태에 빠지고 부인과 아들은 즉사한다. 4년 뒤 출소한 로다는 용서를 구할 결심을 하고 존을 찾아가지만 진실을 밝히지 못한 채 자신을 청소부로 소개한다. 이후 로다는 주기적으로 존의 집을 청소해주고, 시간이 흐르면서 두 사람은 사랑하는 사이로 발전한다. 한편, 또 다른 내가 존재한다는 새로운 행성 ‘제2의 지구’에 대한 화제가 고조되는 가운데, 로다는 억만장자 기업가가 후원하는 제2의 지구여행 프로젝트에 선발된다. 로다는 우주비행 대신 자신의 곁에 있어 달라고 부탁하는 존에게 그동안 숨겨왔던 진실을 밝힌다. 이에 존은 충격을 받고 분노하는데…
보이지 오브 타임
우주의 기원과 별과 은하의 탄생, 지구에서의 생명의 발생과 다양한 종으로의 진화를 탐험한다.
시간의 역사
This shows physicist Stephen Hawking's life as he deals with the ALS that renders him immobile and unable to speak without the use of a computer. Hawking's friends, family, classmates, and peers are interviewed not only about his theories but the man himself.
Passage of Venus
Photo sequence of the rare transit of Venus over the face of the Sun, one of the first chronophotographic sequences. In 1873, P.J.C. Janssen, or Pierre Jules César Janssen, invented the Photographic Revolver, which captured a series of images in a row. The device, automatic, produced images in a row without human intervention, being used to serve as photographic evidence of the passage of Venus before the Sun, in 1874.
빛을 향한 그리움
칠레의 3,000미터 고도, 아타카마 사막에 전 세계에서 온 천문학자들이 별을 관찰하기 위해 모인다. 하지만 그곳에는 독재 정권 아래 정치범들의 유해도 있다. 천문학자들이 어딘가에 존재할지도 모를 생명체를 찾아 멀리 떨어져 있는 우주를 관찰하는 동안 관측소기슭에서 여자들은 사막의 흙을 파내며 사라진 친척들을 찾는다. (2016년 제13회 서울환경영화제)
Sleep Has Her House
The shadows of screams climb beyond the hills. It has happened before. But this will be the last time. The last few sense it, withdrawing deep into the forest. They cry out into the black, as the shadows pass away, into the ground.
천문: 하늘에 묻는다
역사상 가장 위대한 왕 세종과 관노로 태어나 종3품 대호군이 된 천재 과학자 장영실. 20년 간 꿈을 함께 하며 위대한 업적을 이뤄낸 두 사람. 세종 24년인 1442년, 명나라 사신은 황제의 칙서를 들고 조선을 방문한다. 명의 사신은 조선이 천문 연구를 통해 독자적 시간을 가지는 것을 우려하며 천문 의기들을 폐기하고 이를 발명한 장영실을 압송하려 한다. 그러던 와중 임금이 타는 가마 안여(安與)가 부서지는 사건으로 세종은 장영실을 문책하며 하루아침에 궁 밖으로 내치고 그 이후 장영실은 자취를 감추는데...
The people of the planet Aeon, blessed with six suns, have never experienced night. When an archeological excavation uncovers evidence of an ancient catastrophe, all signs point towards the impending darkness of the very first Nightfall. Panic erupts as the suns slowly disappear one by one. Science struggles against superstition as the people race to comprehend the approaching Nightfall... the end of the world as they know it. Based on Isaac Asimov's classic story "Nightfall," voted "The Greatest Science-Fiction Story OF All Time."
Hawking: Can You Hear Me?
A documentary telling the remarkable human story of Stephen Hawking. For the first time, the personal archives and the testimonies of his closest family reveal both the scale of Hawking's triumphs and the real cost of his disability and success.
이클립스: 코트쉽 오브 더 선 앤 문
In this film, Méliès concocts a combination fairy- and morality tale about the foolishness of trying to look too deeply into the workings of an unstable and inscrutable universe. At a medieval school, an old astronomer begins to teach a class of young men, all armed with telescopes, about the art of scrutinising an imminent eclipse. When a mechanical clock strikes twelve, all the young men rush to the windows and fix their telescopes on the heavens.
Undaunted: The Forgotten Giants of the Allegheny Observatory
This film tells the surprising story of how the Allegheny Observatory has been a world leader in the study of the stars since the 1860s. Self-educated, and often facing unrelenting hardships, the people associated with the Allegheny Observatory defied the odds to make enormous contributions to the founding of astrophysics and early aviation.
Black Hole Hunters
A team of international scientists attempt to document the first-ever image of a black hole.
뉴질랜드의 아름다운 자연풍광과 밤하늘을 담은 다큐멘터리. 전직 군인이자 사진작가인 탐 로웨와 뉴질랜드 감독 니젤 스탠포드가 공동작업한 이 영화는 풍경, 사람 및 야생 동물의 놀라운 슬로우 모션 및 타임 랩스 촬영이 특징으로, 영화의 한 장면이 지난 2010년 올해의 천문사진상을 받았을 정도로 뛰어난 영상미가 돋보인다. 이 영화는 또한 세계 최초로 일반 판매된 4K 해상도의 영화로도 유명하다.
Wake Up
Jonas Elrod woke up one day with the ability to see and hear angels, demons and ghosts. Filmed over the course of three years, this documentary follows Jonas and his girlfriend as they try to understand the phenomenon.
Star Men
Four exceptional astronomers celebrate 50 years of work and friendship on a return road trip in the southwestern United States, recapturing youthful adventures and recounting each other's influences on the most exciting period in astronomy’s history. Roger the instrument-maker, Donald the theoretician, Nick the visionary, and Wal the observer. Together they represent the most productive period astronomy has ever had. They helped build the world’s biggest observatories and made revolutionary discoveries about the evolving universe, discoveries that have the power to change the way humanity sees itself. Alison Rose’s film is a funny, insightful, humbling and intimate portrait of friendship, as the men reflect on how their profound work on the universe has reflected back on the individual, affecting their sense of religious faith, how life may have purpose, and what is knowable and unknowable.
A history of the telescope and a look at the James Webb telescope, and at the universe through the eyes of scientists and telescopes since the beginning.
Apple Pie
Shot on 16mm celluloid across parts of New Zealand and Samoa, interdisciplinary artist Sam Hamilton’s ten-part experimental magnum opus makes thought-provoking connections between life on Earth and the cosmos, and, ultimately, art and science. Structured around the ten most significant celestial bodies of the Milky Way, Apple Pie’s inquiry begins with the furthest point in our solar system, Pluto, as a lens back towards our home planet and the ‘mechanisms by which certain aspects of scientific knowledge are digested, appropriated and subsequently manifest within the general human complex’. Christopher Francis Schiel’s dry, functional narration brings a network of ideas about our existence into focus, while Hamilton’s visual tableaux, as an extension of his multifaceted practice, veer imaginatively between psychedelic imagery and performance art.
Astronomy, Part 1: The Standard Deviants
This series also covers the essential concepts of astronomy: gravity, the light spectrum, Earth's magnetic field, the solar system, the sun, Kepler's Law, the universal law of gravitation, the Doppler Effect, and much more!
Max Minsky and Me
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team.