
Quintet 3 (2018)

장르 : 액션

상영시간 : 3시간 24분


Grappling Team Survival Match


Kazushi Sakuraba
Kazushi Sakuraba
Urijah Faber
Urijah Faber


비슷한 영화

Renzo Gracie: Legacy
Renzo Gracie: Legacy is a 2008 documentary film about Brazilian jiu jitsu pioneer Renzo Gracie, directed by Gethin Aldous and written by Aldous, Steve Allen and Adrian Miller. Shot over a ten-year period, it shows the origins of the sport of Mixed martial arts from its bare knuckle days to the explosion of the sport in both Japan and America.
Welcome to the world of no-holds-barred freestyle fighting...the fastest growing "sport" in the United States, Brazil, and Japan. CHOKE follows undisputed World Freestyle Fighting Champion Rickson Gracie as he prepares to defend his title in a one-night, single elimination tournament where the winner will fight 3 separate fights over five hours. The World Cup finals of hand-to-hand combat.
Eddie Bravo Invitational 6
EBI 6 features a 16 man submission grappling tournament with a grand prize of $50,000 on the line. The action can be seen Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS!
STRONGHOLD: In the Grip of Wrestling
Adult men grapple with social stigmas to pursue their passion for wrestling. Includes an in-depth look at wrestling homoeroticism and homophobia.
The Gracies and the Birth of Vale Tudo
This is story of the Gracie Family, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the creation of Mixed Martial Arts events. It shows the dissemination of one of the greatest chapters of the 20th Century in Brazil and the World, an extremely significant phenomenon, it illustrates the beliefs and values of this family of Martial Artists, as well as their life philosophy
Polaris 7
Polaris 7 Main Card
Gracie Jiu-jitsu In Action - Vol 1
See Grand Master Helio Gracie's historical battles against Japanese Jiu-Jitsu champions Kato and Kimura, which took place in the 1950's. Also watch the 1975 Team Gracie vs. Team Karate challenge, which took place on tile flooring, where Rorion, Relson, and the legendary Rolls Gracie were pitted against various karate black belts. Plus, Rorion in the first publicized NHB match in the US, where he fights a world-renowned Kickboxing champion who asked to keep his identity unknown. It also includes many fights of Gracie Jiu-Jistu students as well as the grueling match between Rickson Gracie and the feared brawler "King Zulu". Bonus Footage includes: The unedited footage of Helio Gracie's classic match with Kato. Also, see what is like a day with Helio Gracie at his ranch in Brazil. Plus, and the young gun Ralek Gracie in his first real fight!
Gracie Jiu-jitsu In Action - Vol 2
This DVD documents many fights which occurred in the years just prior to Rorion's creation of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Including Royce Gracie's first fight with Jason De Lucia (The second match was in UFC II) and the Hapkido master who fights Rorion can't seem to understand why he keeps getting choked out. You will also see Royler and Royce Gracie compete in black belt judo competitions and prove repeatedly that Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is more than just a sport. Also included are some of Rickson Gracie's fights, one against a Russian which took place at the Gracie Academy and the other is the classic fight of his, on the beach in Rio de Janeiro. Bonus Footage Ryron and Rener of the new generation of Gracie's, competing in incredible matches against some of today's best grapplers: "King of the Cage" champion Joe Stevenson, Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Cassio Werneck, Todd Margolis and much more!
Quintet 2
TEAM Tiger Muay Thai VS TEAM Reebok
Quintet 1
Quintet 3
Grappling Team Survival Match
Back Attacks Enter The System by John Danaher
Learn The Best Back Attack System In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today John Danaher is the most sought after instructor in the world today. Learn the same secrets that world class athletes like Gordon Ryan, George St. Pierre, and the rest of DDS use to choke everyone. Learn the system that has the highest finishing rate in EBI overtime history. Transform your back attack system by discovering the secrets that have changed the Jiu Jitsu game. This is an easy to learn system broken down into a curriculum for all levels and there is over 8.5 hours of content.
Feet To Floor: Volume 1
Study how every BJJ student should be fighting on the feet, with this innovative system for transitioning feet to floor with Professor John Danaher. Learn what John’s new philosophy on pulling guard is, and how any student can use this for real results. Use a unique BJJ-based approach to get the fight to the floor, instead of just copying wrestling or judo, and unlock techniques and combinations you’ve never seen before. Move directly into positions you can attack from immediately, with Professor Danaher’s new methodology for training from the feet. Counter and stop pesky guard pullers with these techniques to keep your advantage early in top position. Convert common moves from the mat to your feet, as you learn how some simple sweeps can work as takedowns and more. Professor John Danaher is considered by many to be the greatest grappling coach in the world, with elite championship students like Gordon Ryan, Georges St. Pierre, and Garry Tonon. Know more. Win more.
Self Mastery: Solo BJJ Training Drills
Pick up Professor John Danaher’s solo drills for BJJ success for FREE! BJJ Fanatics & Professor John Danaher are teaming up to give everyone a way to train. This new 4-volume series is a gift for everyone who can only train at home because of the pandemic. Hear the same advice John Danaher gives his world class fighters (like Gordon Ryan & Garry Tonon) on how to keep improving when you can’t get on the mat. Learn the right ways to do these basic BJJ movements and how to craft the perfect home BJJ workout. This series is 4-volumes of FREE instruction from the most in-demand grappling coach on Earth. Know more. Win more.
Pressure Passing Encyclopedia
If you want to smash “New School” Guards, this is the series for you. Never has there been a more complete series on Pressure Passing. This series will make you better at Jiu Jitsu and it might just revolutionize the way you pass. Bernardo Faria is a 5x Black Belt World Champion Bernardo is famous for his over/under passing sequence He has succesfully utilized his pressure passing system on guys like Leandro Lo, Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu, Erberth Santos and many more Bernardo's system is easy to use, and easy to learn This pressure passing system requires NO flexibility, NO athleticism, NO strength, and virtually NO skill, just let him guide you Know more, win more
New Wave Jiu Jitsu: A New Philosophy Of Positional Escapes
Revolutionize The Way You Escape From Bad Position And Immediately Launch Devastating Submission Attacks With Professor John Danaher’s New Wave Jiu-Jitsu System Turn escapes immediately into dangerous positions of attack with this counter attack and escape series from Professor John Danaher Merge position and submission with New Wave Jiu-Jitsu. as Professor Danaher explains how to combine both into the most effective systems possible Take advantage of the escape and find opportunistic submission holds that John’s students have been excelling with in competition for years Learn how John separates positions into leg and arm-based pins, and how these key insights can change your escapes forever John Danaher is the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach of champion athletes like Gordon Ryan, Garry Tonon, and Georges St. Pierre Study submission attacks with detailed step-by-step coaching around leg locks, arm locks, clamp guards, and more that Professor Danaher has perfected
Kimo's Fierce Fighting NO-Holds Barred
World renowned UFC fighter Kimo Leopoldo presents his fierce brand of hand-to-hand combat with his sensational new “Fierce Fighting” self-defense video training series. Developed from hundreds of street fighting encounters and no holds barred cage fights, Kimo has refined and perfected a “Fierce Fighting” system so effective that anyone who learns his lethal techniques is almost certain to win any stand-up or ground fighting encounter.
156명의 선원을 태운 미핵잠수함 USS 몬타나가 정체불명의 물체에 의해 바다 깊숙이 침몰되는 사고가 발생하자 미해군은 침몰된 핵잠수함의 생존자 수색을 명목으로 민간석유시추선 딥코어와 연합 수색전을 펼치게 된다. 딥코어의 책임자인 버드 브리그먼(Virgil "Bud" Brigman: 에드 해리스 분)은 강인한 성격과 탁월한 리더쉽으로 딥코어 선원들의 전폭적인 신의를 받고 있는 인물이다. 버드 브리그먼과 그의 선원들은 커피 중위(Lt.Hiram Coffey: 마이클 빈 분)가 이끄는 해군측 특수부대와 함께 바다 속으로 수색작전을 편다. 한편 해군에 파견되어 온 해양 장비 전문가인 린지(Lindsey Brigman: 매리 스튜어트 매스트란토니아 분)는 버드와 결혼한 사이지만 고집 센 그녀의 강한 성격 때문에 관계가 원만치 못해 얼굴만 대하면 다투고, 커피 중위는 비밀지령 수행을 위한 지나친 독단적 행동으로 버드와 처음부터 갈등을 야기한다. 이들은 곧 잠수함을 찾아 생존자 수색을 하지만 예상대로 생존자는 없었다. 그런데 린지는 생명체가 살지 않는 심연에서 빛을 내며 지나가는 정체불명의 수중 생물을 발견한다. 동료 재머(Jammer Willis: 존 베드포드 로이드 분)가 고압병으로 지나친 산소를 흡입하여 쓰러지고, 설상가상으로 태풍이 불어서 사고가 발생하는데...
리딕: 헬리온 최후의 빛
절대공포의 상징 네크로몬거는 자신을 거역하는 행성은 모두 휩쓸어 버린 후, 정복의 상징으로 죽음의 조각상만을 남겨 놓는다. 평화로운 헬리온 행성에도 예외 없이 네크로몬거의 침략이 시작되고, 네크로몬거의 강력한 무력 앞에 멸망의 위기에 처한다. 헬리온의 지도자는 네크로몬거에 대항할 수 있는 유일한 종족 퓨리온을 찾지만 그들은 이미 알 수 없는 이유로 멸망한 후였다. 위기에 처한 헬리온의 지도자는 네크로몬거에 대항할 수 있는 퓨리온 족의 유일한 후예, ‘리딕’이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 우주 역사상 가장 최악의 범죄자 ‘리딕’은 대군단인 네크로몬거를 맞아 미래의 운명을 거머쥘 전투를 시작하는데...
언더 씨즈 2
비정상적이고 광적인 천재 과학자 드래비스 데인(Dane: 에릭 보고시안 분)은 아름다운 경치를 뽐내는 로키 산맥을 지나는 미국의 초호화판 열차 '그랜드 콘티넨탈'을 용병들의 도움으로 탈취하고 기차의 한칸을 장악해서 추적할 수 없는 컴퓨터 센터로 만든다. 워싱턴을 초토화시켜 미국방부와 지하 핵 원자로를 손에 넣으려는 데인은 최첨단 기술을 총동원 지구 궤도를 도는 전투용 인공위성을 장악하고는 미국 정부에 10억 달러를 요구한다. 그러나 이 기차에 타고 있던 퇴역 해군특수부대 요원 케이시 라이백(Casey Ryback: 스티븐 시걸 분)은 아찔한 고속 기차안에서 전면전을 벌인다.