
TurboFire: Tone 30 (2010)

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상영시간 : 30분


This workout is similar to the previous one, Sculpt 30. In the Tone 30, you will be doing more repetitions of each exercise at a slightly faster rate. You will need the resistance band in order to complete this workout as well.



추천 영화

Dial Tone
An old man hires an assassin to get rid of a former colleague.
Screen Tone
Half-tone dot "screens" intended for use as shadings and tones in Manga comic illustrations have here been "photogrammed" directly onto raw 16mm film stock. A flicker collage of these dots has then been created using a 16mm film printer. The sounds heard are those that the dots themselves produce as they pass the optical sound head of the 16mm projector. This is a camera-less and sound-recorder-less film.
Tone Deaf
When a unicorn comes across an adorable young princess in the woods, he's delighted, until he realizes the horrifying truth about this particular royal. Unlike those Disney animated princesses, this one can't even carry a tune. In fact, her voice is rather deadly.
Room Tone
Unity in an art form (music), no matter genre or age.
Matilda Tone
Love & revolution in a Brooklyn graveyard ... how was it for you, Mrs Tone? ... a collision of 18th & 21st century body politics.
an island tone
Short film by Stom Sogo dealing with ambient topologies and malleable forms.
Ernie Ball: The Pursuit of Tone - Tom DeLonge
Ernie Ball highlights blink-182/Angels & Airwaves guitarist and songwriter Tom DeLonge. Experience the story behind Tom's early influences in the San Diego skate scene to his sonic evolution from blink-182 to Box Car Racer and Angels & Airwaves.
Scream Tone
16mm film from 2002.
After the Tone
How do you deal with the fact that someone close to heart has suddenly disappeared without a trace? Can you go on living whilst waiting for his return?
Believing he's found the frequency that will free human consciousness, a drug-addled techno producer builds a machine that kills people with sound.
At Our Home
After a disagreement with his teacher, a young boy runs away.
Room Tone
Kayley is producing a feature film in which her ex-boyfriend has been cast in the lead role. Work and play combine uneasily in this look at moving on.
Gilad: Step and Tone Workout
Burn fat, lose inches and tone up those problem areas with this exercise program from Gilad, the fitness instructor of the long-running TV program "Bodies in Motion." Shot on location at a Hawaiian beach, the routine incorporates a step and light hand weights with easy-to-follow exercises that target the biceps, chest, shoulders, back, triceps and abs. The workout begins with a warm-up and ends with a cool-down to help you avoid injury.
Ring Tone
Ring Tone is an investigative thriller with Sureshgopi in the lead . The movie that has been directed by debutant director Ajmal and Bala both are playing an important role in this movie.
Tone Bell - Can't Cancel This
Comedian Tone Bell simply wants to live in a world where Alaska is cold, student loans are paid and jelly is free. He's finally found the one place his uncompromising view of this unfair world can't be stopped.
Two Tone Britain
Documentary tracing the history of the Two Tone record label which emerged in the late 1970s, the bands linked to it and their musical influences, and its place at the fore of promoting multi-cultural music and concepts and the Ska music revival.
Room Tone
Lloyd is a man in his late-20s who works as a freelance sound mixer in Kansas City, MO. Lloyd loves his job, is good at it, and has a nice, stable life, but he cannot seem to let go of an unfulfilled dream.
뉴욕 메츠팀은 선수 개개인의 기량은 뛰어나지만 서로를 헐뜯는 분위기 탓에 성적이 신통치 않다. 그러나 이 팀의 투수 헨리(Henry Wiggen: 마이클 모리아티)와 포수 브루스(Bruce Pearson: 로버트 드니로)는 언제나 함께 묶여 다녀야 한다고 계약서에 쓸 만큼 우정이 돈독하다 . 헨리는 아름다운 아내가 있고, 키도 크고 잘 생긴데다 유일하게 팀을 승리로 이끄는 인기 스타. 반면 브루스는 입담배를 질겅거리는 초라한 외모에다 농담도 못 알아듣는 멍청한 선수로 돈이나 탐내는 천박한 여자들과 사귄다. 브루스가 혈액이 새나가는 불치의 병에 걸리면서 이 팀에 새로운 공기가 형성되는데...
Dead Tone
As another semester draws to a close at the University of Dreyskill, a simple game dreamt to help students avoid studying becomes a bloody battle for survival.
직장을 잃고 함께 살던 남자 친구와도 깨진 올리브(아만다 크루 역)는 마음의 평온을 찾고 자성의 기회를 갖기 위해 주말에 도시를 벗어나 시골로 탈출한다. 올리브는 하비(로버트 패트릭 역)라는 괴짜 노인으로부터 화려한 시골집을 빌리는데, 올리브로 인해 내면에 잠재된 살인 충동을 자극 받은 하비는 그녀와 끔찍한 피투성이 살인극을 벌인다.