
Noites Cariocas (1935)

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Enrique Cadícamo



Sadi Cabral
Sadi Cabral
Walter D'Ávila
Walter D'Ávila
Grande Otelo
Grande Otelo


Enrique Cadícamo
Enrique Cadícamo
Enrique Cadícamo
Enrique Cadícamo
F. Gianetti
F. Gianetti
Genaro Ciavarra
Genaro Ciavarra
Adam Jacko
Adam Jacko
Director of Photography
Caio Brant
Caio Brant

비슷한 영화

세 얼간이
천재들만 간다는 일류 명문대 ICE, 성적과 취업만을 강요하는 학교를 발칵 뒤집어 놓은 대단한 녀석 란초! 아버지가 정해준 꿈, ‘공학자’가 되기 위해 정작 본인이 좋아하는 일은 포기하고 공부만 하는 파파보이 파르한! 찢어지게 가난한 집, 병든 아버지와 식구들을 책임지기 위해 무조건 대기업에 취직해야만 하는 라주! 친구의 이름으로 뭉친 ‘세 얼간이’! 삐딱한 천재들의 진정한 꿈을 찾기 위한 세상 뒤집기 한판이 시작된다!
나랑 결혼할래요?
평생을 함께하고픈 운명의 여자를 만났다. 그런데 라이벌이 너무 막강하다. 분노 조절 장애에다 결혼할 운마저 없다는 내 팔자에 웨딩마치는 정녕 욕심인가?
더 아치스
1960년대 인도. 사랑과 우정의 길을 헤쳐 나가는 아치와 친구들. 개발업자들에 의해 소중한 공원이 사라질 위기에 처하자 리버데일의 미래에 대해 고민한다.
스윙 타임
존 럭키 가넷(프레드 아스테어)은 도박가이자 댄서이다. 그와 마가렛(베티 퍼네스)과의 결혼식에 늦게 되자, 마가렛의 아버지는 자신의 딸과 선한 의도에서 결혼하고자 한다면 이를 증명하기 위해 25,000 달러를 가지고 오라고 가넷에게 말한다. 가넷과 친구인 팝 카데티(빅터 무어)는 첫 화물 기차를 타고 뉴욕으로 향하는데 거기서 가넷은 댄스스쿨 강사인 페니(진저 로저스)를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그 둘은 카지노 댄스 무대에서 성공적인 공연을 선 보인다. 25,000 달러를 벌게 된 가넷은 페니와 결혼할 것을 결심하고, 페니를 안심시키고 그녀에게 인정받고자 댄스 밴드 지휘자인 로메로(조지스 메탁사)와의 경쟁에서 이기고자 결심한다.
It Happened in Brooklyn
Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School, and get a job as a singer in a music store. He also meets Leo, a talented pianist and his teacher Anne, whose dream is to singing Opera. When Jamie arrives from England, Danny tries to show him the Brooklyn experience and help him compose modern swing music. Together, these four also try to help Leo get the Brooklyn Music scholarship.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Marjorie Winfield's engagement to Bill Sherman, who has just arrived home from fighting in World War I, serves as the backdrop for the trials and tribulations of her family.
Bartok the Magnificent
Russia is being terrorized by an evil witch known as Baba Yaga; the only one who is not afraid of her is Bartok the Magnificent. Bartok, an albino bat, has just arrived in Moscow and is impressing everyone with his performances, including Prince Ivan Romanov. However, one person is not impressed; Ludmilla finds Bartok annoying and naive. After Bartok's show, a violent bear suddenly attacks. Bartok must save everyone by stunning the bear with dust and then knocks him over and traps him in a wagon.
Mohamad Ali's Street
A play in the streets of Mohammed Ali through a musical and performance ensemble, which is linked to a love story with her neighbor, will she achieve her dream of stardom and love.
Wedding in Malinovka
The movie takes place during Russia's civil war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (Mensheviks). Andrejka and Yarinka are a young betrothed couple in the village of Malinovka, caught between the battle lines. Gritsian is the leader of a Menshevik band who are planning to attack the village. Yarinka appeals to the local Bolshevik commander for his faction's help. The Bolsheviks quickly come up with a plan to save the village... but the plan requires Yarinka to enter into a pretend marriage with Gritsian.
The Hit
Dr. Shuki Chaftziva is a ballroom dancing instructor who tries his hand at match-making. He follows the obituaries and takes his client, Zigi Fuchsman, an auto mechanic and childhood friend, to comfort the mourners and check out the widow and her property. At the same time, Ben Gurion Shemesh, a grease monkey who wants to be a singer, tries to win the heart of Dina, the disco floozy and also Zigi's daughter
Elections Day
The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.
Stomp: Out Loud
Stomp is a rhythmic, musical extravaganza that has stunned audiences across the globe. If you weren't lucky enough to catch them in your hometown (or you did and you crave more), now there's Stomp Out Loud, a special HBO performance that will bring the unusual musical feats right into your living room. You might just find yourself grabbing a broom or even your remote control to keep time. "It's comedy, it's theater, it's very physical, it's energetic, it's occasionally quite terrifying," says one performer. Taking their show from the theater to the streets, this astonishing troupe can make music out of just about anything and just about anywhere. --Dana Van Nest
쇼처럼 즐거운 인생은 없다
브로드웨이 최고의 쇼무대를 꾸미고 있는 몰리(Molly: 에델 머만 분)와 테렌스 도나휴(Terence Donahue: 댄 데일리 분) 부부는 세 자녀가 성장하자 그들과 함께 가족 쇼단을 꾸민다. 부모의 재능과 끼를 물려받은 스티브(Steve Donahue: 조니 레이 분), 케이트(Katy Donahue: 미치 게이너 분) 팀은 춤과 노래에서 발군의 실력을 보이고 ‘도나휴 쇼단’은 승승장구 빅히트를 기록한다. 그러던 어느날 맏아들 스티브가 신부가 되겠다는 폭탄 선언을 한다. 게다가 여자와 술을 지독히도 좋아하는 막내팀은 놀랄만한 미모의 가수 지망생 빅키(Vicky: 마를린 몬로 분)와 사랑에 빠져 불행을 자초한다. 캐이트, 빅키, 팀 세 사람이 함께하는 새로운 공연이 막을 올리는 날, 빅키에 대한 짝사랑에 상심해 있던 팀은 자동차와 함께 전복되는 사고를 당하는데...
Rocky Horror Tribute Show
Recorded at London's Royal Court Theatre in front of an audience of faithful fans, various cast members from different productions of the Rocky Horror Show come together in a one off concert extravaganza paying tribute to the phenomenon.
They were the hottest thing in the eighties, the pin-up boys on every teenage girl’s wall. And with hits like “Tough Titties” and “BoyTown”, they cemented their reputation as the biggest boy band on the planet. Now two decades later, BoyTown are back – they may be the Old Kids on the Block and a bit Out of Synch, but these Boys to Men are ready to suck in the gut, put on the pastels and get those middle aged women crying for more!
Jack and the Beanstalk
A young boy trades the family cow for magic beans.
Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Blacklisted by the major airlines for endlessly chasing female staff, pilot Rick Richards returns to Hawaii to set up a helicopter charter company with his friend Danny. Having a girl on every island is a good way to get business but it becomes clear that romance and flying don't always mix.
Spring Is Here
Musical about two sisters in love with the same man.
Meet Me on Broadway
This economy-minded Columbia backstage musical opens with overly fussy director-choreographer Eddie Dolan (wartime star-substitute Fred Brady) in exigent mode, much in the Cole manner. Closing the movie are two archetypal Cole numbers: a perfect capture of his nightclub rhumba routine (using costumes that also appear in Tonight and Every Night) and a backyard tomboy-romp that morphs into a waltz, one of Cole’s oft-repeated themes. -Museum of Modern Art
슈렉 더 뮤지컬
Shrek The Musical is a musical with music by Jeanine Tesori and book and lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire. It is based on the 2001 DreamWorks Animation's film Shrek and William Steig's 1990 book Shrek! It was nominated for 8 Tony Awards including Best Musical.