The Glass Ark (1994)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 29분
연출 : Bernard Gosselin
The undertaking of an enthusiastic group of scientists to transform an indoor cycle racing-track built for the 1968 Montréal Olympics into an ecological park. The Biodôme of Montréal contains 4 ecosystems of the 3 Americas, from the Tropical Forrest to the Polar World, from the Laurentian Forrest to the St-Lawrence Marine Environment.
Participant Media’s Last Call at the Oasis is a new documentary from Jessica Yu & Elise Pearlstein. Think water is an infinite resource? Think again.
A St. Louis woman marries a New Mexico cattleman who is seen as a tyrant by the locals.
With only one male grey panda left in the entire world, Ron the Zookeeper is sent in to get a sperm sample, no matter what.
In this David and Goliath story for the 21st century, a group of proud Scottish homeowners take on celebrity tycoon Donald Trump as he buys up one of Scotland's last wilderness areas to build a golf resort.
A wilderness girl raises a deer and a mountain lion to be friends.
Revolution is a new movie from internationally-acclaimed filmmaker Rob Stewart. A follow-up to his award-winning documentary Sharkwater, this continues his remarkable journey of discovery to find out that what he thought was a shark problem is actually a people problem. As Stewart's battle to save sharks escalates, he uncovers grave dangers threatening not just sharks, but humanity. In an effort to uncover the truth and find the secret to saving our own species, Stewart embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 15 countries, over four years in the making. In the past four years the backdrop of ocean issues has changed completely. Saving sharks will be a pointless endeavor if we are losing everything else in the ocean, not just sharks. Burning fossil fuels is releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; changing the oceans, changing atmospheric chemistry and altering our climate.
The Once-ler, a ruined industrialist, tells the tale of his rise to wealth and subsequent fall, as he disregarded the warnings of a wise old forest creature called the Lorax about the environmental destruction caused by his greed.
Musicwood is an adventure-filled journey, a political thriller with music at its heart. An unusual band of the most famous guitar-makers in the world (Bob Taylor of Taylor guitars, Chris Martin of Martin Guitars and Dave Berryman of Gibson Guitars) travel together into the heart of one of the most primeval rainforests on the planet. Their mission: to negotiate with Native American loggers and change the way this forest is logged before it’s too late for acoustic guitars.
This documentary film presents one of the largest environmental and financial crimes of our days. More specificaly, it explores the irreversible damage done to the public interest, the environment and the citizens by the construction of private garbage processing plants.
Over three very personal films, Sir David Attenborough looks back at the unparalleled changes in natural history that he has witnessed during his 60-year career.
Kudzu, or Pueraria Thunbergiana, is a vine threatening to take over large portions of the Southern landscape. Imported from Japan by the Departement of Agriculture in the 30's for erosion control, its spreading growth has become a problem of menacing proportions. Kudzu is an off-beat, witty, informative documentary about the vine that is devouring the South. Featuring the Kudzu Queen, the Kudzu rock band, a cast of real-life characters and an appearance by former President Jimmy Carter, it illustrates how Southern cultural traditions have quickly grown up around a botanical pest. The eminent American poet and novelist James Dickey ("Deliverance"), recites three stanzas of his poem, "Kudzu."
행크는 아프리카 고원에서 동물을 연구하여 동물과 같이 살아간다. 공항으로 마중나가려던 행크는 마침 아프리카 당국의 밀림 사육 관리들이 찾아와 동물들을 보호 구역으로 내쫓으라고 하자 이에 항의하다가 가족들의 도착 시간을 놓친다. 가족들은 온갖 고생끝에 지친 몸으로 행크의 짐을 찾아오나 그는 보이지 않고 수십마리의 사자와 호랑이들이 그들을 맞이한다. 집안에서 동물들에게 쫓기는 가운데 밤이 깊어 가족들은 창고에 쓰러져 잠이 든다. 이윽고 허겁지겁 집에 돌아온 행크는 가족과 반가운 재회를 한다.
임기 말년의 홀아비 대통령 앤드류(마이클 더글라스)는 재선을 앞두고 유권자의 표를 얻기 위해 동분서주한다. 꼬투리 하나라도 잡히지 않으려는 그는 환경 단체에서 보낸 로비스트 시드니(아네트 베닝)를 만나고 한 눈에 반한다. 대통령의 위치를 떠나 한 남자로서 그녀에게 구애를 하고 주위 보좌관들의 만류에도 불구하고 우여곡절 끝에 시드니를 초대한다. 언론에서는 대통령에게 새 여자가 생겼다고 대서특필하고 상대 후보는 시드니의 과거 경력을 들먹이며 앤드류를 몰아세운다. 그러나 그러나 앤드류는 많은 사람들의 비난과 반대에도 불구하고 시드니의 사랑을 얻는데 성공한다.
목수들이 트럭을 몰고 나무를 베러간다. 환경 보호단체는 그것을 막으려고 시위를 라고 결국 트럭은 시위대를 뚫고 숲속에 들어가고 나무를 베기 시작한다. 그러나 어떤 일꾼이 나무를 베는 순간 실수로 자기 팔 옆 부분을 베어 나무의 수액이 몸에 들어간다. 그러자 갑자기 그는 좀비로 변해버리고 숲은 완전히 좀비의 숲으로 되어 버린다. 그 사실을 아직 사업장 고용주들은 모르고 사업가는 환경단체와 협의하기 위하여 거부하는 자신의 아들(타일러)를 그 숲에 보낸다. 그러나 이미 숲은 좀비의 천지로 유혈이 낭자함에 공포감으로 물들게 된다. 이미 숲은 살육과 잔인함이 가득한 죽음의 숲으로 변해 버렸고,뒤늦게 새로운 나무 수액을 발견하여 실험을 하던 과학자들이 좀비로 변해 버리게 되고...
In the jungles of the Solomon Islands, a remote archipelago in the South Pacific, a biologist is attempting to do something Charles Darwin and Ernst Mayr never accomplished: catch evolution in the act of creating new species. Albert Uy is on the verge of an amazing discovery in the Solomon Islands, but there's a threat looming on the horizon. The islands' resources are being exploited, putting all local wildlife at risk. It's a race against time to gather the evidence necessary to prove the existence of a new species before it's lost forever.
A stunning documentary capturing a once in a generation event – the flooding of Lake Eyre and the dramatic transformation of the dead heart of Australia. ABC News mounted two filming expeditions by helicopter to follow the floodwaters from north Queensland down the great outback rivers to Lake Eyre and record the amazing cycle of life, as the deserts bloomed and birds descended from far and wide to capitalise on the short lived boom.
Celebrates 30 years of televised specials by The National Geographic Society.
A young man and his young elephant street beg in gritty Bangkok amid the controversial elephant business that threatens their survival, until the opportunity comes to release the elephant to the wild.