페기(밍크 스톨)는 냉혹하고 양극단의 성격을 가진 가정주부로 400파운드의 체구를 지닌 옛 하녀 그리젤다와 함께 경찰을 피해 도주 중이다. 그리젤다가 페기의 히스테리컬한 선동 탓에 페기 남편의 머리 위에 앉았다가 그를 질식사시킨 탓이다. 법망을 피할 수는 있지만 그대신 사악한 여왕 칼로타(매시)의 굴욕을 견뎌야 하는 모트빌이라는 무시무시한 마을로 이들은 피신한다. 거기서 페기와 그리젤다는 남자 같은 여자 레슬러 모와 그녀의 여자친구 머피 쓴트 잭스와 함께 살게 된다. 모는 정신병자로 아직 수술을 받지 않은 성전환자다. 더 도착적인 이야기가 이어진다. 그 중에는 여왕의 반항적인 딸인 쿠쿠 공주(피어스)가 나체주의자 캠프의 관리인과 함께 도망치는 사건도 있다. 그는 여왕의 가죽옷을 입은 불량배무리의 총을 맞아 쓰러지고 공주는 성으로 다시 끌려온다. 돌아온 공주가 여왕의 화를 어찌나 심하게 돋구었던지 여왕은 공주를 집단 강간하라고 명령하고, 공주는 페기가 조제한 약으로 광견병을 주입 당한다. 페기는 공주를 대체하는 흉측한 인물이 됐다. 이야기는 사악한 여왕이 쿠데타로 폐위 당해 잡아먹히고 모트빌의 범죄자들이 자유를 축하하는 춤을 추면서 끝난다.
In late XIX century, rich and bored Maria (Paola Senatore) is after a more sexually interesting life and gets involved with Alessio who shows her other kinds of love. She soon becomes his sex slave but some unexpected consequences will arise from her desperate search for sexual fulfillment.
After many adventures, young female switchboard operator starts a love relationship with a serious young man. But while he's away on business, she gets lonely and succumbs to her colleague's passes.
Young couple Samuel and Eva move to Madrid and start living together when he finds work as a photographer. Although Samuel doesn't knows, Eva's expecting a baby.
Hannah wasn't always happy about the existence of her 'Vajayjay'. She talks about how she used to imagine having sex would be like a Céline Dion song and how she discovered masturbation thanks to her PlayStation controller. She's in a love-hate relationship with her vagina and chronicles how her feelings towards her sexuality have changed over time.
A British porn director named Dave is casting his movies. Melissa is a buxom blonde who satisfies Dave both in his office and on the set. Minimal plot has Dave's jealous (and prudish) girl friend calling the cops on him during the inevitable orgy finale.
A somewhat perverted man who has a peculiar interest in hair starts dating with a female artist who opens her own exhibition of pubic hair gathered from men she had slept with. Their abnormal relationship is established by exchanging visual letters shot on 8mm.
Tomer and Shmulik are a couple. One evening, during a causal supper, one of them announces he wants to break up. Pain takes over their intimacy and the night takes an unexpected turn.
A man and a woman are entangled in a warehouse at a company. The man, Yuji, aims to cum inside her, but is met with resistance from the woman. The woman's bodily fluids spill onto one of the mannequins... Immediately afterwards, Yuji comes into the warehouse in place of the two men. Suddenly, a naked woman appears in front of him, wiping the cum from her body. Surprised, Yuji calls for someone to come in, only to find a mannequin lying around the warehouse...