
Sinderella Live (1995)

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 0분


A bawdy pantomime filmed during the sellout 1995 nationwide tour.


Jim Davidson
Jim Davidson
Charlie Drake
Charlie Drake
Baron Hardon
Jess Conrad
Jess Conrad
Prince Charming
Dianne Lee
Dianne Lee
Roger Kitter
Roger Kitter
Ugly Sister Camilla
Dave Lee
Dave Lee
Ugly Sister Madonna
Dave Kristian
Dave Kristian
Mia Carla
Mia Carla
Fairy Godmother


Jim Davidson
Jim Davidson
Bryan Blackburn
Bryan Blackburn

비슷한 영화

핑크 플라밍고
뱁스 존슨(디바인)과 "지구상에서 가장 지저분한 사람들"이라고 알려진 그녀 가족들의 역겨운 인생은 경쟁 커플 마블즈의 공격을 받고 산산조각 난다. 마블즈는 "가장 지저분한 사람들"이라는 타이틀을 차지하고 싶어한다. 갑작스럽게 나타난 마블즈는 젊은 여성을 납치해 임신시키고 그 아기를 레즈비언 커플에게 파는 범죄를 저지르며 지저분한 커플이라는 타이틀에 알맞은 인물이라는 것을 합법적으로 주장할 자격이 있음을 보이는 한편 거기서 더 나아가 뱁스에 대한 공격을 개시한다. 우편으로 똥을 보내고 그녀의 트레일러 집을 태워버리는 것이다. 분노의 반격을 시도한 뱁스와 그 일가는 마블즈를 추적하여 그들을 기소하며 가장 너저분한 신문사들을 모아놓고 기자회견을 연후 그들을 총살한다. 워터스와 디바인의 명성을 확고하게 한 마지막 장면에서 뱁스,디바인은 개가 방금 싸놓은 배설물을 먹으면서 자신이 불결의 여왕임을 증명한다.
She Devils of the SS
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해피타임 스파이
인간과 인형들이 함께 사는 평화로운 도시, 인형들만 노리는 살인형범이 나타났다. 과거의 악연으로 원수지간이 되어버린 병맛 인형 탐정 ‘필립스’와 열혈 형사 ‘에드워즈’는 환상적인 궁합(?)을 보이며 범인을 추격하기 시작하는데… 지금까지 이런 솜뭉치는 없었다! X나게 신선하고, X나게 웃긴 약빤 코믹 수사극 탄생!
천국의 아이들
마임 배우 가랑스와 밥티스트는 서로 사랑하지만, 허영심이 강한 배우 프레데릭 등 가랑스를 사랑하는 다른 세 남자들 때문에 기구한 삶을 살게 된다. 3시간 넘는 상영시간이 지루하지 않는 ‘프랑스 연극의 정수와 혼’이 담긴 영화로, 누벨바그 이전의 프랑스 문예 영화의 정점을 보여주는 기념비적인 작품이다.마르셀 카르테가 연출하여 나치 점령 하의 파리에서 2년에 걸쳐 제작되었고 나치가 물러간 후에야 비로소 완성, 개봉되었다. 또한 시인 자끄 프레베르의 시나리오와 당대 최고의 연극배우인 장 루이 바로의 판토마임 연기로 더욱 유명한 작품.
The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who's Walking
Seth Green and Matthew Senreich serve up hilarious Walking Dead-inspired satire in this special featuring the zany stop-motion animation of Adult Swim’s “Robot Chicken.”
While touring abroad in Europe, beautiful American skydiver Fathom Harvill gets wrapped up in international intrigue when Scottish spy Douglas Campbell recruits her to help him on a secret mission. Before long, Fathom realizes that no one around her, including the mysterious Peter Merriweather, can easily be trusted, leading to various adventures that involve bull fighting, beaches and, of course, romance.
George Carlin: Jammin' in New York
When George Carlin is asked which HBO concert is his favorite, his answer is always, "Jammin’ In New York." The show, taped at the Paramount Theater in Madison Square Garden and winner of the 1992 CableACE Award, is a perfect blend of biting social commentary and more gently-observed observational pieces.
George Carlin: Back in Town
Back in Town is George Carlin's ninth HBO special. It was also released on CD on September 17, 1996. This was also his first of many performances at the Beacon Theater in New York City. He rants about Abortion, The death penalty, prison farms, fart jokes, free floating hostility and words.
Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuthu
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Bill Maher: Victory Begins at Home
Maher addresses contemporary political, social and cultural topics -- Iraq, President Bush and the so called Axis of Evil. The opinionated Maher said about Victory Begins at Home: "We've heard everything about the War on Terrorism except what we can actually do to help win it. The government used to do that for us through propaganda (the positive kind) posters, so taking my cue from the great old posters of World War I and World War II ('Loose Lips Sink Ships,' 'Buy War Bonds,' 'Plant a Victory Garden,' etc.) I commissioned artists to paint the posters our government today should be putting out to help us win this war."
Carlin on Campus
George Carlin hits the boards with the former Hippie-Dippie Weatherman's take on Brooklynese pronunciations of the names of sexually transmitted disease ("hoipes"), plus a prayer for the separation of church and state, feuds between breakfast foods, and the absurdity of wearing jungle camouflage in a desert.
George Carlin: What Am I Doing in New Jersey?
George Carlin changes his act by bringing politics into the act, but also talks about the People he can do without, Keeping People Alert, and Cars and Driving part 2.
Carlin at Carnegie
Recorded at Carnegie Hall, New York City in 1982, released in 1983. Most of the material comes from his A Place for My Stuff, the album released earlier that same year. The final performance of "Seven Dirty Words," his last recorded performance of the routine, features Carlin's updated list.
Margaret Cho: Notorious C.H.O.
A film of Margaret Cho's one-woman stand-up show, in which she presents her take on modern sexual topics and minority issues. Filmed live.
George Carlin: Again!
Performing at the Celebrity Star Theater in Phoenix on July 23, 1978, Carlin mesmerizes his audience in the second of his 12 HBO specials. The show was originally planned as part of a concert/sketch movie, The Illustrated George Carlin, that never came to fruition.The routines include: Death, Kids & Parents, Newscast #2, Time and Al Sleet, the Hippy-Dippy Weatherman. -- From Amazon.com
Lewis Black: Stark Raving Black
Blustery funnyman Lewis Black hits the stage for his Comedy Central special, which finds the comic using his wry observational humor to skewer everything from Washington politicians and the tanking economy to cellphones and getting old.
Totally Bill Hicks
Consisting of two parts: ‘Revelations’, Bill Hicks’ last live performance in the United Kingdom made at the Dominion Theatre; and a documentary about Hicks’ life ‘Just a Ride’ featuring interviews with friends, admirers, and family.