Into the Jungle (2018)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 32분
연출 : Mark Hanlin
Conservationists Jim and Jean Thomas braved the steamy jungles of Papua New Guinea to save a tree kangaroo from extinction and ended up providing water and sanitation to ten thousand people in one of the most remote places on earth.
지구 상에서 가장 깊고 거대한 해저동굴 ‘에사 알라’
동굴 탐험가 ‘프랭크’는 자신의 탐험대와 함께 인간의 손길이 닿지 않은 남태평양의 깊고 거대한 해저동굴 ‘에사 알라’를 탐험 중이다. 어린 시절부터 탐험에 동행한 아들 ‘조쉬’는 수개월 째 계속되는 강행군에 지친 대원들에게도 냉정한 아버지를 이해하지 못해 잦은 충돌을 빚는다. 한편 탐험 비용을 지원하는 투자자 ‘칼’과 그의 약혼녀 ‘빅토리아’는 미지의 세계에 대한 단순한 호기심에 ‘에사 알라’로 들어간다. 열대 폭풍에 휩쓸려 수중미로에 갇힌 탐험대
생존의 탈출구를 찾아 나선 그들이 만나는 것은…
이 때, 갑자기 들어 닥친 열대 폭풍으로 지상과 연결된 유일한 출구가 순식간에 차단된다. 이제 그들이 선택할 수 있는 건 동굴의 더 깊숙한 곳으로 들어가 다른 출구를 찾는 방법뿐. 여러 번의 조난 상황을 경험했던 ‘프랭크’는 불안에 떠는 사람들을 이끌고 끝없이 펼쳐지는 수중미로를 향해 생존을 위한 모험을 시작한다. 점점 거칠어지는 물살과 싸우면서 탈출구를 찾아보지만 한치 앞을 예측할 수 없는 기이한 동굴의 구조 때문에 점점 더 깊은 바다 속으로 들어간다. 얼마 남지 않은 식량과 비어가는 산소통, 꺼져가는 불빛… 그리고 하나 둘 줄어드는 일행들. 생사의 갈림길에 선 이들은 극단적인 상황 앞에서 미지의 세계만큼이나 충격적인 모습을 마주하게 되는데… 상상 그 이상, 탐험의 끝을 확인하라!
Threatened daily by the deadly residents and harsh environment of Australia’s Outback, a lonesome bilby finds himself an unwitting protector, and unexpected friend, to a helpless (and quite adorable) baby bird.
After squandering his grant money, despondent and recently widowed anthropologist James Krippendorf must produce hard evidence of the existence of a heretofore undiscovered New Guinea tribe. Grass skirts, makeup, and staged rituals transform his three troubled children into the Shelmikedmu, a primitive culture whose habits enthrall scholars. But when a spiteful rival threatens to blow the whistle on Krippendorf's ruse, he gets into the act as well.
인간을 닮은 유대목 짐승이 호주에서 발견된다. 이것을 연구하는 학자가 암컷 짐승과 사랑에 빠지게 되는데...
배짱과 매력이 넘치는 ‘에롤 플린’은 파푸아뉴기니에서 영화 제작자들의 호위를 맡아 정글숲을 탐험하던 중, 우연히 무자비하게 살해당한 황금 탐사자의 시신을 발견한다. 이를 보고 그곳 어딘가에 황금이 있음을 직감한 ‘플린’. 황금을 쟁취하기로 마음먹은 그는 식인종과 악어라는 위협도 불사하고 친구들과 함께 황금을 찾아 나서는데…
As a war rages on in the province of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, a young girl becomes transfixed by the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, which is being read at school by the only white man in the village. In 1991, a war over a copper mine in the South Pacific tore the island of Bougainville apart. The reclusive “Popeye” (Hugh Laurie) offers the children in fourteen-year-old Matilda’s tiny village an escape with Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. But on an island at war, fiction can have dangerous consequences.
극락조를 관찰, 연구하고 극락조 수컷이 왜 화려한지에 대해 알아보는 내용의 다큐멘터리
Tells the story of a university drop out who returns to his village in Buka Passage, Bougainville. He drifts into rootlessness among bad companions, becoming progressively alienated from his parents and village life, with tragic results.
Joe Leahy is the half-caste son of one of the first explorers of the Papua New Guinean interior. The documentary explores his relationship with the tribes that work his coffee plantation and explores what happens when the coffee market situation becomes more difficult.
A man encounters colorful characters while driving a taxi in Papua New Guinea.
This is a film about a Naval Air Corps Director who hates the war. Director Honda uses this film to ask the question "What is war?", showing the human bonds between Japan and America, Japanese military tactics which had little regard for life, and the attitude of Japanese military personnel who treated their actions as if they were just doing a job. This film contains few battle scenes, concentrating instead on the love stories of young officers and female members of the community in this lonely air base.
A Pidgin language drama based upon the emergence of Papua New Guinea as an independent nation. A young coastal man, Tonten, is searching for his missing brother. During his travels Tonten meets and marries a Chimbu girl in the highlands, and then he makes his way over the mountains to Port Moresby, the capital of PNG. After finding his brother, Tonten and his wife return to a peaceful life in his village. Wokabaut Bilong Tonten was the first feature film shot in Papua New Guinea with an all-Indigenous cast.
Two anthropologists married to each other go to an island off of Papua New Guinea for field research in pre-World War II. Eventually the war breaks out and many lives are disrupted and complicated.
The film's title is borrowed from a Dani fable that Gardner recounts in voice-over. The Dani people, whom Gardner identifies mysteriously as "a mountain people," believe that there was once a great race between a bird and a snake, which was to determine the lives of human beings. Should men shed their skins and live forever like snakes, or die like birds? The bird won the race, dictating that man must die. The film's plot revolves around two characters, Weyak and Pua. Weyak is a warrior who guards the frontier between the land of his tribe and that of the neighboring tribe. Pua is a young boy whom Gardner depicts as weak and inept.
An Australian widower living in New Guinea starts a relationship with a woman very similar to his much-beloved wife, but their life together turns out to be far from the imagined romantic ideal.
John Waiko is the first Papua New Guinea man to graduate with a PhD and be appointed a professor. He returns to the Binandere clan and his small village of Tabara in the Northern Province of PNG. Once there, he has to organise a celebration for his achievements with his family’s help. Since he has been away for most of his life, he has no recognised wealth in the village (the pigs used for gift giving), nor a network of supporters or knowledge of the preparation and rituals for having such a celebration. He wants the event to happen quickly but that’s not the way it works in Tabara. Man without pigs focuses on the antagonism aroused by the clash between traditional customs and Western values in this remote PNG community.
The western half of the island of New Guinea has been known by many names including Netherlands New Guinea, West Papua, Irian Jaya and Papua. It is an extraordinary place where snow-capped mountains drain into massive rivers and 250 languages are spoken. For centuries, the world has jostled for control of this rugged, isolated region, with its abundant natural resources and strategic position. Through eyewitness accounts and rare archival film, this fascinating documentary paints a picture that is intimate in detail but epic in scope. It is a sweeping saga of colonial ambitions, cold war sellouts and fervent nationalism, which highlights the role of players such as Australia and the UN at crucial points.
National Geographic joins author and explorer Piers Gibbon as he investigates one of mankind's ultimate taboos: cannibalism.
Gibbon treks into the rain forest of Papua New Guinea to find tribe members who ate human flesh. And, meets the members of the once-feared Biami tribe to witness their ritual techniques.
The Road to Home (2015), tells the story of Benny Wenda, the Nobel Peace Prize nominated West Papuan independence leader, in his ongoing struggle to free his people from Indonesian colonial rule. Since his dramatic escape from an Indonesian prison in 2002, where he was held in isolation and tortured as a political prisoner, Benny has been an unceasing crusader on the international scene, campaigning to bring about an end to the suffering of his people at the hands Indonesia's brutal colonial regime. Granted political asylum in the UK, Wenda's freedom of movement was restricted in 2011 when, at the behest of the Indonesian government, Interpol issued a 'red notice' putting him at extreme risk of extradition should he travel.
A documentary that reveals the underbelly of the global aid and investment industry. It's a complex web of interests that span the earth from powerful nations and multinational corporations to tribal and village leaders. This documentary offers unique insights into a multi-billion dollar world by investigating how aid dollars are spent.