The House in the Square (1951)
In all of time it's never happened before ... of all the lovers since the world began it's only happened to us !
장르 : 드라마, 판타지, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Roy Ward Baker
Atomic scientist Peter Standish travels back in time to 1784, an era he has read about in his forefather's diaries. He falls in love with his forefather's cousin Helen but his contemporaries of 1784 are perplexed by his strange talk and the odd knowledge he possess.
When Ray gets a day pass from rehab, he has a chance encounter with Arora. As they spend the day together, he discovers that the mysteries she holds may change his life forever.
It is August 12th. After the remote control to his boarding house's only air conditioning unit is inadvertently destroyed by spilled cola, "I" devises a plan to return to yesterday in a time machine to recover the remote before it breaks. However, his prankster friend Ozu cannot resist playing with past events, even if it means bringing the universe to the brink of destruction. Now "I" finds himself racing through time to avoid disaster.
Two people attempt to create a film for a local film festival, but the clock is running because they have 52 hours to write, direct and release a film.
어느 날 유카와에게 우츠미가 사건의 상담을 위해 찾아온다. 행방불명이었던 여고생이 수년 후에 사체가 되어 발견되었으며, 쿠사나기 형사가 일찍이 담당한 소녀의 살해 사건으로 무죄가 된 하스누마 칸이치 (무라카미 준)가 용의자 선상에 올랐기 때문. 하스누마는 과거의 사건 때와 마찬가지로 묵비권을 수행, 증거 불충분으로 석방된다. 게다가 그는 여생이 살고 있던 마을로 돌아와 당당하게 유족들 앞에 나타나 이들을 도발함으로써 마을 전체는 혼란에 빠진다. 그리고 맞이하게 된 마을 축제 퍼레이드 당일, 하스누마가 살해된다. 피해자를 사랑했던 가족, 동료, 연인 모두에게 동기가 있는 동시에 알리바이가 있고, 모두가 침묵을 지키는데...
When successful 80s nightclub manager Tony Towers boards a magical train at Christmas, he discovers that each carriage harbours a different stage of his life and the actions he takes in one carriage directly affect his life in the next. Can Tony change his life – and the lives of the people he loves – for the better, or will he just make things worse?
After experiencing the worst day of their lives, roommates Will and Ben - one a poorly paid law-clerk and the other a failing stand-up comedian - wake up to find a functional time machine on their coffee table.
Centres on the sisters as they initially use the machine to discover music from future and place bets, before realising it will best be used to help fight the Nazis. But when the sisters clash, the consequences are catastrophic.
While filming a documentary series about Appalachian folklore and mythology, a crew of amateur filmmakers uncover the legend of a mysterious box hidden away deep in a wilderness area known as "Jeffrey's Hell" in the Appalachian mountains of East Tennessee. As the mystery unfolds they soon discover that some secrets are best locked away and forgotten. Based on actual events.
Dedicated to the contradictions of scientific and technical progress, warning against one-sided technical developments that turn a person into an involuntary consumer.
James Moore is on the verge of a breakthrough, time travel. But time travel doesn't come cheap, and the bank won't help - so James turns to loan shark Rooney Wagner for help. Now, Rooney wants his money and there's none to give.
Two kids inadvertently travel back in time with no clear way to get back. They are faced with some hard choices and the task of returning to their time.
On a tragic night, a physicist challenges the limits of time travel to save the woman he loves, but soon discovers its inherent dangers are far greater than he expects.
A kid finds a mysterious stick in his attic that allows him to travel through time.
A divorced doctor is gifted a bespoke door that sends him back 25 years in search of the only woman he ever loved.
Rafa is a lonely teenager with OCD and his overwhelmed mother insists on giving him professional help or he will end up in a military school. Faced with the situation, he agrees to visit a self-help group where he meets a somewhat eccentric masked guy who states to be a time traveler. Rafa begins the search to find out if the young guy is who he says he is and came from the past or is simply a mental patient who escaped from an asylum.
After being written out of the family will, a grieving grandson delves into the mysterious circumstances surrounding his grandfathers death, and the company he once worked for.
It is described as a magical love story is set against the workings of Grand Central Terminal and the solar phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge, which takes place when the sun rises and sets between the city’s skyscrapers aligning perfectly with the streets below.
젊은 희극작가 리차드 콜리어는 어느날 노부인으로부터 금시계를 받으며, 자기에게 돌아와 달라는 요청을 받는다. 몇년 후, 아름다운 젊은 여인의 사진을 보는 순간 한눈에 반한 콜리어는 그 여인이 바로 금시계를 준 노부인임을 알아낸다. 미모의 젊은 여인에 대한 간절한 그리움으로 1912년으로 되돌아가고 자하는 콜리어는 심령학자의 도움으로 과거로 돌아간다. 유명한 배우이자 아름다운 여인인 그녀를 옛 호텔에서 간신히 만나고, 마침내 뜨거운 사랑을 사랑을 하게 되나, 동전하나 때문에 현실로 돌아와버린다. 과거의 아름다운 사랑과 그녀를 간절히 그리는 콜리어.