
The Trial of Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Killer (1992)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 33분

연출 : Elkan Allan


Jeffrey Dahmer was indicted on 17 murder charges, later reduced to 15. Dahmer was not charged in the attempted murder of Edwards. His trial began on January 30, 1992. With evidence overwhelmingly against him, Dahmer pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. The trial lasted two weeks. The court found Dahmer sane and guilty on 15 counts of murder and sentenced him to 15 life terms, totaling 957 years in prison. At his sentencing hearing, Dahmer expressed remorse for his actions, and said that he wished for his own death.


Jeffrey Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer
Self (archive footage)
Laurence C. Gram Jr.
Laurence C. Gram Jr.
Self - Judge
E. Michael McCann
E. Michael McCann
Self - Prosecuting Attorney
Gerald P. Boyle
Gerald P. Boyle
Self - Defense Attorney
Tracy Edwards
Tracy Edwards
Self - Survivor


Elkan Allan
Elkan Allan
Elkan Allan
Elkan Allan

비슷한 영화

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의지의 승리
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인사이드 잡
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45억년의 진화를 거친 지구에게 우리는 감당하기 힘들 정도의 충격을 가하고 있다. 과도하게 소비하고 있으며 지구의 자원을 고갈시키고 있다. 하늘에서 볼 때, 지구의 상처는 명백히 드러난다. 은 지구의 상처를 꾸밈없이 보여주고 그 해결책을 제시한다. 그리고 이 영화는 한편으로 우리의 능력을 보여준다. 환경에 맞추어 바뀌거나, 환경을 바꾸는 능력을. 이 영화의 부제는 “비관론에 빠져있을 시간이 없다”라고 할 수 있다. 우리는 우리의 세계를 바꾸어놓을 중요한 선택의 기로에 서있다. 자, 그렇다면 이제 어느 쪽으로 우리의 능력을 발전시킬 수 있을까?
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His teachers, coaches, childhood friends and Barça teammates, together with journalists, writers and prominent figures from the history of football, come together in a restaurant to analyze and pick apart Messi's personality both on and off the field, and to look back at some of the most significant moments in his life. Viewed from Álex de la Iglesia's unique perspective, Messi recreates the player's childhood and teenage years, from his very first steps, with a football always at his feet, through to the decision to leave Rosario for Barcelona, the separation from his family, and the role played in his career by individuals such as Ronaldinho, Rijkaard, Rexach and Guardiola.
포르노의 막이 내린 후에
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"One Direction: This Is Us" is a captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis's really like to be One Direction.