
Il trasloco (1991)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 15분

연출 : Renato De Maria
각본 : Renato De Maria, Franco Bifo Berardi, Giampietro Huber


It's moving day for the Via Marsili 19th apartment in Bologna, Italy, a former hotbed of the Movement of 1977. While waiting for the movers to finish their job, cultural agitator Franco Bifo Berardi leads us through a decade-long trip down memory lane.


Franco Bifo Berardi
Franco Bifo Berardi
Alessandro Raffini
Alessandro Raffini
Fabio Sabbioni
Fabio Sabbioni
Franco Bolelli
Franco Bolelli
Claudio Burattini
Claudio Burattini
Claudio Cappi
Claudio Cappi
Andrea Gropplero
Andrea Gropplero
Jeanette Jung
Jeanette Jung
Luisa Bombi
Luisa Bombi
Mario Canale
Mario Canale
Massimo Carlotto
Massimo Carlotto
Matteo Guerino
Matteo Guerino
Franco La Cecla
Franco La Cecla
Giorgio Lavagna
Giorgio Lavagna
Habib Massoudian
Habib Massoudian
Claudio Molinari
Claudio Molinari
Giorgio Rossi
Giorgio Rossi
Maurizio Torrealta
Maurizio Torrealta
Dadi Mariotti
Dadi Mariotti
Valerio Minella
Valerio Minella
Angelo Pasquini
Angelo Pasquini
Paolo Scozzari
Paolo Scozzari
Giancarlo Vitali
Giancarlo Vitali


Renato De Maria
Renato De Maria
Renato De Maria
Renato De Maria
Franco Bifo Berardi
Franco Bifo Berardi
Gian Filippo Corticelli
Gian Filippo Corticelli
Director of Photography
Emanuele Angiuli
Emanuele Angiuli
Renato De Maria
Renato De Maria
Luigi Melchionda
Luigi Melchionda
Giampietro Huber
Giampietro Huber
Daniele Marchitelli
Daniele Marchitelli
Maria Teresa Oldani
Maria Teresa Oldani
Monica Ghezzi
Monica Ghezzi
Assistant Director
Monica Ghezzi
Monica Ghezzi
Script Supervisor
Mario Iaquone
Mario Iaquone
Gian Franco Basile
Gian Franco Basile
Stefano Barnaba
Stefano Barnaba
Sound Mix Technician
Daniele Scollo
Daniele Scollo
Assistant Camera
Enrico Buscaroli
Enrico Buscaroli
Production Assistant
Enza Negroni
Enza Negroni

비슷한 영화

베스트 오브 유스
영화는 1966년부터 2003년까지의 시간이 로마 중류층 가정 카라티의 두 형제 니콜라와 마테오를 축으로 보여준다. 니콜라(루이지 로 카시오)는 침착하고 다정하고 쾌활한 의대생이며 마테오(알레시오 보니)는 반항적이고 격정적인 철학도이다. 형제는 모두 자유와 사회개혁을 꿈꾸는 이상주의자이다. 둘은 서로 극단적으로 상반된 길을 가고 두 형제의 삶과 국가의 소용돌이치는 역사가 서로 뒤엉킨다. 60년대 플로렌스 대홍수 복구사업장에서 정신과 의사 공부를 하는 니콜라와 순간적으로 대학을 중퇴하고 군인이 된 마테오가 헤어졌다 오랜만에 다시 만난다. 여기서 니콜라는 허무주의 정치사상을 가지고 후에 테러단 붉은 연대와 관계를 맺는 아름다운 음악학도 줄리아(소니아 베르가마스코)와 사랑에 빠지고 그녀는 나중에 니콜라의 아내가 된다. 두 형제의 재회의 기쁨은 얼마가지 못하고 다시 둘은 헤어진다. 또 니콜라는 이탈리아 북부 투린의 대학으로 전학을 가고 여기서 일어나는 격렬한 노동투쟁에 끼여든다. 한편 경찰이 된 마테오가 시위진압에 투입되면서 다시 두 형제는 서로 정반대 편에 서서 만난다. 영화는 니콜라와 마테오 그리고 이들의 친구와 가족과 주변 인물들을 둘러싸고 붉은 연대의 테러, 나라를 뒤흔든 정치 스캔들, 시실리의 반마피아 운동 그리고 월드컵 축구 등 굵직굵직한 이탈리아의 역사들이 커다란 그림을 그린다.
My Brother Is an Only Child
Accio and Manrico are two working-class brothers in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, womanizing, and loved by all, while younger Accio is moody, hotheaded, and lives everything as if it was a war, much to his parents' chagrin. When the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite. His flimsy beliefs are put to test when he meets Manrico's like-minded girlfriend, falling in love with her.
An Average Little Man
Giovanni Vivaldi is an average middle-aged man with a secure job as a government accountant. He wishes nothing more than to set up his only son Mario, his biggest pride in the world, with the same secure government job before he eventually retires. For this, Giovanni will stop at nothing...
Good Morning, Night
The 1978 kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, president of the most important political party in Italy at the time, Democrazia Cristiana, as seen from the perspective of one of his assailants -- a conflicted young woman in the ranks of the Red Brigade.
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people and injures many more at a major national bank in Milan, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but an investigator uncovers a larger subversive project made of far-right fringe groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.
Slap the Monster on Page One
1972, Milan. Just a few days before the general elections, a young girl from an esteemed family is raped and murdered. Bizanti, editor-in-chief of a conservative newspaper, tries to derail the official police investigation in order to help the right-wing candidates supported by his boss to win the elections.
독일 자매
Germany, 1968: The priest's daughters Marianna and Juliane both fight for changes in society, like making abortion legal. However their means are totally different: while Juliane's committed as a reporter, her sister joins a terroristic organization. After she's caught by the police and put into isolation jail, Juliane remains as her last connection to the rest of the world. Although she doesn't accept her sister's arguments and her boyfriend Wolfgang doesn't want her to, Juliane keeps on helping her sister. She begins to question the way her sister is treated.
Il caso Moro
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
프론트 라인
유럽을 휩쓴 60년대 후반의 떠들썩한 정치적 사건들은 이탈리아에 특별한 흔적을 남겼다. 폭력적인 국가 전복을 위해 헌신하는 급진적인 붉은 여단은 1968년 학생 시위에서 결성되었다. 프리마 리나는 70년대 후반에 설립된 또 다른 이탈리아 테러조직으로, 그 방법은 훨씬 더 극단적이었다. 우파에 의한 쿠데타가 있을 것이라고 믿는 이탈리아 청년 세르지오 세지오는 폭력이 반드시 필요한 선택이라고 확신하며 지하로 들어간다. 그곳에서 그는 똑같이 헌신적인 수산나를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 결국 세르지오는 프리마 리나에서 정치적 극단주의자의 잔인한 전술에 환멸을 느끼게 되지만, 수산나가 잡히면서 그녀를 감옥에서 빼내기 위해 투쟁자로서 배운 수법에 의지하게 되는데..
Working Slowly (Radio Alice)
Bologna, 1976. The paths of two aimless young friends intertwine with those of Radio Alice, a pirate radio politically aligned with the leftist student movement.
굿바이 키스
평범한 인생을 살고 싶어하지만 실패하는 테러리스트에 관한 영화.
Il grande Blek
Waiting for the train that will take him away, a man goes back over moments of his small-town upbringing: the relationship with his family, his own involvement in the youth protests of 1968 and a childhood friend died too soon.
Maledetti vi amerò
Young radical Riccardo returns home after hiding out in South America for years, only to find out that he has no "home" left: his former comrades in arms have now either bourgeoisified or turned to drugs, and all they fought for seems to have set the stage for near-anarchy.
After the War
Bologna, 2002. Amidst protests against the labor reform, the assassination of a lawyer opens old wounds between Italy and France. Former far-left terrorist Marco, convicted of murder during the Years of Lead and living in Paris since then thanks to the Mitterrand Doctrine, is suspected of being its instigator. When the Italian government asks for extradition, Marco goes into hiding with his daughter Viola, precipitating also the life of his family back in Italy.
La mia generazione
Italy, early 80's. A political terrorist is being transferred northward from Sicily for a conjugal visit; during the journey, a police captain tries to make him cooperate.
Forza Italia!
Much-censored documentary encompassing thirty years of Italian politics under the steady supremacy of the Christian Democracy (DC), with satirical intent.
La caduta degli angeli ribelli
Who is the mysterious stranger Cecilia met on the street? Why is he suspicious of everyone? She is happily married, has a lovely child and a good job: yet she decides to join him and to become his lover, sharing his destiny right up to its tragic conclusion.
L’Orchestre Noir
Investigations carried out over 20 years on the attacks in Italy in the late 1960s, particularly the Piazza Fontana bombing, leading to the accusation of the extreme left. Ultimately, a collaboration between the Italian secret services and the CIA had created a paramilitary organisation inspired by the Greek colonels of the ‘67 coup, designed to halt the “communist threat”.
Appunti: 12 dicembre
Piazza Fontana bombing in December 12, 1969.
A documentary in three screens about the bottom-up magnetic revolution that made possible the broadcasting of the Bologna massacre on 2 August 1980.