Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend (1987)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 1시간 0분
연출 : Gene Feldman, Suzette Winter
Her story is well-known - the lonely child who yearned for affection and approval which she finally seemed to find as Hollywood's greatest love goddess. But even though she scaled heights few could even dream of, she was one of the loneliest of stars. And yet, in spite of the breakdowns, the failed marriages, the sordid rumors surrounding her life -- and her death.
Fiction/documentary about great Brazilian singer Nelson Gonçalves, where interviews about him are mixed with dramatization of episodes in his life. The film tell us about Nelson's childhood, the time when he tried his luck as a professional boxer, his career as a radio singer in the 1950s, the decadence caused by his cocaine addiction and his comeback.
Former child prodigy James Harries and his family may at first sight seem to be a houseful of geniuses, but although every single member has a Ph.D. in Metaphysics, we soon discover that some were purchased from a fake university in the USA, while the others were awarded to them by themselves. They regard themselves as morally, intellectually, and financially superior to the rest of society, even though the clan (housed in a mock mock-Tudor cottage in the middle of a Cardiff council estate) includes a convicted arsonist, an astral projectionist, a former Bunny Girl, a part-time private detective and a transgender daughter (James is now Lauren), all of whom seem to live their lives in a parallel universe.
Filling the giant screen with stunning time-lapse vistas of Antarctica, and detailing year-round life at McMurdo and Scott Base, Anthony Powell’s documentary is a potent hymn to the icy continent and the heavens above.
Michael Jackson is a legend in the world of craft brewing. His 1977 book, The World Guide to Beer, was the first of its kind, and the first to categorize almost every major style of beer in the world. His 1993 television series, The Beer Hunter, became an instant classic, and helped launch the spectacular craft beer movement that we take for granted today. Michael's engaging writing literally saved many styles of beer from extinction, and his work inspired an entire generation of brewers to experiment with beer styles from around the world. Many in the beer world are unaware that Michael was also the leading author on the subject of whiskey, and his books on whiskey have sold more copies worldwide than his books on beer. His sudden death in 2007, at the age of 65, shocked the beer and whiskey worlds. His legacy and contributions were substantial, and should be recognized and remembered. As a person, Michael was one of the best, as those fortunate enough to know him can attest to.
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his formative years entering amateur contests, performing in sleazy night spots. Along the way, he steals gags from the best comics in town and finds love with Genevieve, a dancer whom he marries. But Gleason isn't the ideal husband or even a responsible father as he abandons his family to answer the call of Hollywood. Brash, arrogant, and egotistical, he alienates his directors and the man who discovers him. When he ends up back in New York, Gleason gets one of those rare second chances in the new medium of television, creating some of its most unforgettable characters. But even as Gleason becomes the talk of the tube, his life - ruled by demons of rage, booze, and insecurity - unravels.
미국 여배우 루이즈 브룩스에 관한 다큐멘터리.
KEYE LUKE is a short film bio-pic about pioneering Actor and Artist Keye Luke, the first, original on-screen Kato in the 1940s Green Hornet decades before Bruce Lee and also the All-American "Number One Son" in the popular Charlie Chan films of the 1930s.
우유병에 술을 담아 마시고 몰래 담배를 피우며 꿈도, 미래에 대한 열정도 없던 반항아 ‘루이’는 운명처럼 육상을 시작한다. “견딜 수 있으면, 해낼 수 있다” 누구도 막을 수 없는 집념과 노력으로 루이는 19살에 최연소 올림픽 국가대표로 발탁되고 베를린 올림픽에 출전해 세계가 주목하는 육상선수가 된다. 하지만 제 2차 세계대전이라는 피할 수 없는 현실이 찾아오고 그는 공군에 입대해 수 많은 전투 속에서 살아남지만 작전 수행 중 전투기 엔진 고장으로 태평양에 추락하고 만다. 두려움으로 가득한 망망대해 위에서 삶에 대한 의지만으로 47일을 버티던 그의 앞에 나타난 것은 일본 군함. 살았다는 기쁨도 잠시, 그의 앞에는 더 큰 위기가 찾아오게 되는데…
Poland, 1970. Firmly determined to fight against Soviet tyranny and prevent the destruction of the world, the high-ranking officer of the Polish army Ryszard Kukliński makes a serious decision that will put his life, his family and the fate of an entire nation at risk.
The life and times of escape artist/magician Harry Houdini.
앨리스 스프링스부터 인도양까지 호주 사막 2,740km를 걸어서 횡단하기로 결심한 로빈은, 오직 낙타 네 마리와 자신의 반려견만을 데리고 홀로 사막을 걷기 시작한다. 그녀의 무모한 계획에 이끌린 내셔널 지오그래픽 사진 작가 릭이 중간 거점마다 여정을 기록하기로 한다. 광활하고도 고독한 사막 속, 위험천만한 여정이 시작되는데…
Released just a few years after her death, this forms a picture of who Janis was through interviews and performance clips.
매 순간 3명이 죽는 사상 최악의 위기에 처한 제 2차 세계대전. 절대 해독이 불가능한 암호 에니그마로 인해 연합군은 속수무책으로 당하게 된다. 결국 각 분야의 수재들을 모아 기밀 프로젝트 암호 해독팀을 가동한다. 천재 수학자 앨런 튜링은 암호 해독을 위한 특별한 기계를 발명하지만 24시간 마다 바뀌는 완벽한 암호 체계 때문에 번번히 좌절하고 마는데... 과연, 앨런 튜링과 암호 해독팀은 암호를 풀고 전쟁의 승리를 끌어낼 수 있을까…?
This documentary tells of the life and career of screenwriter Frances Marion. By the mid-1920s, she was the most respected and highest paid scriptwriter in Hollywood.
A film about Finnish artist Kalervo Palsa who was completely neglected by his peers and time
Sumitha rises to riches after becoming a glamorous actress and she falls in love with Ram Kumar, a business tycoon. All hell breaks loose, when Ram's son falls for Sumitha.
A documentary about the Armenian avant-garde filmmaker, Artavazd Pelešjan.
Follow the adventures of Kiss of the Spider Woman scribe Manuel Puig portrayed by Fabio Aste, who left Argentina after being persecuted for his homosexuality and settled in exile in Rio de Janiero in this intimate drama from filmmaker Javier Torre. Though life in Rio was full of romance and adventure for Manuel, the controversy surrounding him grew ever more intense, until the only way out was a trip back to his native Argentina. In the years that followed, Puig eventually made the painful decision to move to Mexico, where he spent his final days until death caught up with him at the age of fifty-eight.