
16 (2020)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 20분

연출 : Ana Lambarri


Laura and Carlos have a date. It begins as a pleasant encounter but ends violently. Laura, unable to accept what happened, faces the incomprehension of those around her.


Alba Planas
Alba Planas
Sonia Almarcha
Sonia Almarcha
Claudia Roset
Claudia Roset
Gonzalo Hermoso
Gonzalo Hermoso
Manolo Flórez
Manolo Flórez
Jana Quiles
Jana Quiles
Susana Marroig
Susana Marroig
Javier Laorden
Javier Laorden
Jordi Rubio
Jordi Rubio


Ana Lambarri
Ana Lambarri
Ana Lambarri
Ana Lambarri
Ana Lambarri
Ana Lambarri
Héctor Bobo
Héctor Bobo
David Casas Riesco
David Casas Riesco
Executive Producer
Alfonso Sanz
Alfonso Sanz
Victoria Paz
Victoria Paz
Art Designer
Juan Manuel Gamazo
Juan Manuel Gamazo
Alberto Torres
Alberto Torres
Original Music Composer
Carlos Hernández de Miguel
Carlos Hernández de Miguel
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

The Fire
Judith decides to go on her own to the salsa-dancing night, even though her boyfriend, with whom she goes there every week, can’t accompany her. A stranger, with whom she briefly dances, offers to walk her home. Next morning, upon returning home, Judith refuses at first to accept that she’s a rape victim, but in the end decides to go to a doctor and press charges - which prove inadequate to have the rapist convicted. Under the influence of sweeping bodily and mainly psychological oscillations, Judith decides she has to follow an unorthodox path in order to prove the perpetrator’s guilt.
In a surreal meeting filled with countless individuals from a variety of backgrounds, nine people recount how sex and sexuality have been used to exert control over their lives. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, nationality, social class, religion, or gender, all are equally shattered and all are equally victims. Those that recount their experiences show that the power / sex dynamic can come in many forms. Whether the power is taken away by physical or psychological means, and regardless of whether it is perpetrated by an individual, institution, or society, the results are equally devastating.
Four hoodlums break into a jeweller's house and brutally murder him, his wife and daughter. On the run they kidnap Jenny, a Senator's grand daughter and her boyfriend, but discover that the two will not be taken easily. In the melee that follows, the gang are blown away one by one, until the final vengeful confrontation between Jenny and the remaining gang member.
Cry Rape
A man who is arrested for rape swears it wasn't him but somebody who looks just like him, but the victim insists it was him.
Seasons of Life
A housemaid, who is sexually abused by her boss and made pregnant, is forced to give up her son in order to continue her education. Six years later, she comes back to claim her son. From Malawi comes this moving story about sexual abuse, women rights and the legal justice system in Malawi.
A Case of Rape
When she was raped, Ellen thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to her. What was worse, was the treatment by the hospital staff, police and the court system, when she reported it, and the man was caught.
Elhallgatott gyalázat
Herrmann is a leftist Thirty Something, who is still politically active, despite beginning to live the usual life of having a girlfriend and a child. On the way to his weekly political meeting he is kidnapped.
It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy
When Harry Walters runs out of gas, he gets picked up by a beautiful young woman. But when she pulls a gun on him and orders him to take his clothes off, Harry puts up no resistance and is sexually assaulted. He reports the incident to the authorities, but they either don't believe him, or, if they do, can't understand why he would consider it a crime - a reaction he also gets from his friends and family.
Former army commando Bose gets fired after he stops a rapist's attack on a student. The young woman and Bose fall in love, but then his family is kidnapped, and he discovers that the rapist has connections to terrorists.
Police inspector Sciarra, struggling with an identity crisis, and Domenica, an orphan who would like to know about her mother, spend one day together along the streets of Naples. It's Sciarra's last day of work and he has to take Domenica to the morgue, to identify a man who might have raped her. To Domenica, Sciarra is a father she never had, to him she is the daughter he couldn't have.
Yesterday's Tomorrow
Yesterday's Tomorrow is the story of three promising young and diverse adults, each with their own destiny who through extraordinary circumstances are left to die, as their lives collide and harmoniously come together.
어느 비 오는 아침, 학교를 가던 9살 소녀 소원은 술에 취한 아저씨에게 끌려가 믿고 싶지 않은 사고를 당한다. 이 일로 몸과 마음에 지울 수 없는 상처를 받은 소원이네 가족. 하지만 절망 끝에서 희망을 찾아 나서는데...
Mr. Fraud
Bhai Ji is a high-tech robber who changes his looks frequently. Disguised as jewelry experts, he and his team members hatch a plan to steal precious jewelry from a palace in Kerala.
The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard
Based on the idea by Roland Topor (screenwriter of Roman Polanski's The Tenant), this very curious completely silent melodrama tells the story of Mona, who has left her father, the railway gatekeeper, after being raped on the train track. She is kidnapped and taken to a Parisian whorehouse. However, a disinherited prince, Dudu who tries to rescue her, is himself kidnapped and forced to serve as a male prostitute. The two captives meet there and fall in love. They are taken away by different rich people - he to an Arab "harem," she to a surgeon's home.
핫 로드
어릴 때 돌아가셔서 아빠의 얼굴을 모르는 카즈키(여주인공) 카즈키의 엄마에게는 고등학교 때부터 사랑하는 남자(스즈키)가 있었지만 원하지 않는 남자와 결혼을 하여 카즈키를 가지게 된다. 엄마의 사정을 아는 딸..카즈키는 유년 시절부터 외로웠다. 그런 성장기를 거쳐온 카즈키는 점점 마음이 삐뚫어지던 중.. 전학 온 에리(카즈키의 친구)의 소개로 타마니 토오루(폭주족 리더)와 하루다 마 히로시(남자 주인공)을 소개받게 되는데..
헌팅 그라운드
미국의 여대생 5명 중 1명은 성폭력을 경험한다. 이 중 단 5%만이 성폭력 피해를 신고할 뿐이며, 가해자가 처벌된 경우는 극히 드물다. 영화는 미국 전역의 대학 캠퍼스에 퍼져있는 성폭력과 이를 은폐하려는 대학 사회의 충격적 현실을 고발한다. 가히 '문화'라 할 만한 대학 내 성폭력의 실태는 여지껏 이를 축소, 부인하여 학교의 '명예'를 지키려는 대학 당국에 의해 감춰져 왔다. 범죄 사실을 신고한 생존자들에게 돌아오는 것은 그들을 보호해야 할 학교 측의 불신과 묵인, 비난과 보복일 뿐이다. 그러나 그들은 주저앉지 않는다. 논란을 일으키고, 다른 생존자를 지지하는 움직임을 만든다. 새로운 전략으로 맞서 싸운다. (2015년 제9회 여성인권영화제)
백엔의 사랑
그래!! 나 꿈도, 직업도, 돈도 없다. 어쩔래?? 서른두 살 ‘이치코’(안도 사쿠라 분)는 대학 졸업 후 백수 상태로 쭉 부모에게 얹혀 살며 연애도 한번 해보지 못한 소위 ‘N포세대’다. 서로를 못 잡아먹어 안달인 여동생과의 싸움이 날마다 계속되고, 급기야 두 사람은 가족들 앞에서 머리채를 잡고 대판 싸운다. 이치코는 홧김에 독립을 선언하고, 매일 밤 단골로 찾아가던 백엔샵에서 심야 아르바이트를 시작하게 된다. 최저시급, 우울증에 걸린 점장, 변태 이혼남 동료의 텃세, 유통기한 지난 음식을 훔쳐가는 4차원 노숙자, 바나나만 사가는 퇴물 복서, 바나나맨. 홀로서기를 위해 고단한 날들을 보내게 된 이치코. 난생처음 좋아하는 남자가 생겼지만, 그 또한 그녀와 별반 다르지 않은 노답남. 모든 것이 꼬여버린 그녀의 인생, 다시 시작할 수 있을까?
군집 본능
당신이 믿는 것은 과연 진실인가? 예니퍼는 어느 날 같은 반 친구 알렉상드르에게 성폭행을 당한다. 예니퍼는 마을에 그 사실을 알리지만 교회를 중심으로 뭉친 마을 공동체는 예니퍼를 철저히 외면한다. 그날 이후 예니퍼와 가족의 삶은 서서히 무너져 가는데...
A serial rapist gets acquitted of his crimes due to a police mishandling of the investigation. His victims decide to turn the tables on him and begin stalking him. NOTE: This is the made-for-television film, not to be confused with the horror film of the same title and year.