Physics (2013)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 13분

연출 : Claire Oakley


Rona (9) lives in a run down seaside town where the local power station seems to be sucking all the energy away. Her Mum is ill and her best friend Sandi (9) is planning to run away. When Rona finds the God Particle on the beach she thinks it may hold the energy they all need.



Claire Oakley
Claire Oakley

비슷한 영화

생쥐 구조대
생쥐 버나드와 비앙카의 직업은 유엔 본부의 지하실에 자리잡은 국제 생쥐 구조대의 비밀첩보 요원. 어느날 마담 메두사에게 시달림을 받고 있던 고아 소녀 페니가 보낸 구조 요청 편지가 도착한다. 그녀는 엄청난 가치의 보석의 행방을 알고 있다는 이유로 악당 마담 메두사에게 납치돼 시달림을 당하고 있는 상태. 딱한 사정을 알게 된 국제 생쥐 구조대는 버나드와 비앙카 요원을 급히 파견하고 둘은 그녀를 구해내기 위한 일생일대의 모험을 시작한다. 신천옹 오빌, 잠자리 에빈루드와 같은 친구들의 전폭적인 도움을 받으며 버나드와 비앙카는 악어들의 호위 속에 접근조차 어려운 마담 메두사의 소굴로 들어가는데...
발레리안: 천 개 행성의 도시
수천 종의 외계종족이 평화롭게 살고 있는 28세기의 우주. 에이전트 발레리안과 로렐린에게 30년 전 사라진 행성 뮐의 마지막 남은 컨버터를 되찾아 오라는 미션이 내려진다. 그들은 키리안 행성에서 컨버터가 거래되고 있다는 정보를 입수하지만, 뜻하지 않게 외계종족의 표적이 되어버린다. 가까스로 컨버터를 구출해 낸 그들은 우주수호부의 본거지 알파로 향하고, 제한된 시간 안에 평화를 위협하는 레드존에 진입해 위협 요소를 제거해야 하는 새로운 임무를 받게 된다. 하지만 이 모든 사건이 자신들이 구출한 컨버터와 연계되어 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데...
It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property. Reason? The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called "fracking"-and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower.
19세기 중반, 세계 최초의 만국 박람회를 목전으로 둔 영국, 사람들은 새로운 발명의 기대에 가슴을 부풀이고 있었다. 연구를 위해 도미중인 발명가 아버지 에디와 조부 로이드의 귀가를 기다리는 소년 레이 또한 발명이라면 자다가도 벌떡 일어나는 사내 아이다. 그런 어느 날 레이의 앞에 수수께끼의 금속 볼이 전달된다. 조부 로이드로부터 배달 된 것이었다. 때마침 아버지와 조부를 미국에 부른 오하라 재단의 사람이라 칭하는 남자들이 나타나 그 볼을 빼앗으려고 한다. 레이는 자신이 만든 외바퀴 증기차를 차고 도망치려 하지만, 증기톱니바퀴 열차로 추격해 온 남자들에게 잡혀 만국 박람회의 파빌리온에 갇혀 버린다. 그곳에서 레이는 미국에 있어야 할 아버지 에디와 재회하고 금속볼의 비밀을 알게 된다. 초고압의 증기를 고밀도에 봉인하여 담은 구체. 그것은 인류의 역사를 바꿀 수 있을 정도의 위력을 지닌 경이의 발명품 스팀볼 이었던 것이다! 재단은 그 힘을 무기화하여 온 세상에 팔려 하고 있었던 것. 레이와 재단의 볼을 둘러싼 분쟁은 이윽고 영군군까지 출동하게 하면서 큰 소란을 불러 일으킨다. 그 소동 중에 스팀볼에 얽힌 새로운 비밀이 밝혀지는데. 과연 이 신비에 싸인 스팀볼은 사람들에게 행복을 가져오는 꿈의 힘인가, 혹은.. 악마의 발명 인가?
원더풀 데이즈
인공지능도시 ‘에코반’의 심장부, ‘델로스 센터’에 침입자가 발생한다. 에코반 순찰대원 제이는 그가 첫사랑 수하임을 알게 된다. 하늘은 잿빛이 아니라 푸른빛이라고, 언젠가 꼭 푸른 하늘을 보여주고 싶다고 말했던 수하. 그러나 갑자기 에코반을 떠났고 사람들은 모두 그가 죽었다고 했다. 기다렸던 첫사랑을 적으로 만난 제이는 혼란에 휩싸이고, 제이를 사랑하는 경비대장 시몬 역시 수하의 존재를 알게 되는데... 잿빛 하늘이 계속되는 지구. 살아남은 사람들은 남태평양의 ‘시실섬’에 모여 도시를 건설한다. 과학자들과 권력자들은 오염물질을 에너지원으로 하는 인공 지능 도시 ‘에코반’을 건설하고, 방사능에 노출된 난민들을 받아들이지 않는다. 에코반에서 버려진 난민들은 ‘마르’라는 지역에 터전을 마련한다. 에코반이 건설된 지 100년 후, 오염된 대기가 점차 맑아지자 ‘마르’의 오염된 대기를 에너지원으로 삼았던 ‘에코반’은 도시의 특성상 오염물질이 계속 필요하게 되고, 급기야 에너지 확보를 위해 마르 전역을 불태워 도시의 생명을 이어가려는 음모를 계획한다.
Red Shift
Three men at three different times in history come to Mow Top hill in search of sanctuary from their troubles. A Roman soldier, a medieval rebel and a 1970s young man. Somehow they seem linked through an energy within the hill and an axe. Is history doomed to repeat itself or can loving another person free them?
프롬 디 애쉬즈
Capturing Americans in communities across the country as they wrestle with the legacy of the coal industry and what its future should be under the Trump Administration. From Appalachia to the West’s Powder River Basin, the film goes beyond the rhetoric of the “war on coal” to present compelling and often heartbreaking stories about what’s at stake for our economy, health, and climate.
Teenage girl Lys is discovered inside the reactor of the newly build TERRA Power Plant and finds she is developing special powers that connect her to the energy of all living things.
On a Road
A young man is sitting in boredom on the side of an endless road. After a while, he decides to go after something with a lot of determination. Is he going to get what he wants?
Billions in Change
The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions they have made to change the lives of billions of people, and the unconventional billionaire spearheading the project.
A Century of Energy
Manoel de Oliveira's final work revisits one of his earliest films and celebrates a century of industrialization in Portugal.
Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point
In this award-winning, feature length, two-hour broadcast-quality Documentary you will learn about the latest developments in the field of Free and Zero Point Energy from Tesla to Dennis Lee. Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression. See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals.
America is addicted to oil. President George Bush said so… and now that phrase is echoed everywhere. But are we really “addicted”? Our daily lives are dripping in oil. It’s in virtually everything we use and fuels everything we do. To be sure, it is something to worry about. Are we going to run out? Aren’t we fighting wars for oil? But, if we do slow the flow, how will that change the way we live? When it comes to what we’re told about oil, there’s rhetoric and then there’s reality. Who can we believe? The media? Politicians? Environmental activists? You’d be surprised. For nearly ten years, journalist turned media analyst MARK MATHIS has studied our use of oil. And what he found shocked him so thoroughly that he made a movie about the misinformation, distortions and even outright lies about oil. We do have an “oil problem” in America (and the world), but it’s not what you’ve been told. So, it’s time to Fill Up on Truth… for a change.
Every day our changing climate pushes us closer to an environmental catastrophe, but for most the problem is easy to ignore. David Hallquist, a Vermont utility executive, has made it his mission to take on one of the largest contributors of this global crisis-our electric grid. But when his son Derek tries to tell his father's story, the film is soon derailed by a staggering family secret, one that forces Derek and David to turn their attention toward a much more personal struggle, one that can no longer be ignored. - Written by Aaron Woolf
Revolution Green: A True Story...
Revolution Green takes an uncompromised and revealing look at the energy crossroads America faces today through the lens of independent cinema, with the focus being on the individual choices we make.
AUN: The Beginning and the End of All Things
When looking for alternative energy sources, the Japanese scientist Sekai tragically dies. Twenty years later the Brazilian mathematician Euclides continues his research. The lack of an essential component won't allow a breakthrough. Only AUN, Sekai's son, seems to hold the key to protect mankind from self-destruction. In the aftermath of the nuclear tragedy in Fukushima the film appears like a prophecy. AUN's dream-like images, complemented by music from Christian Fennesz and Ryuichi Sakamoto, lead into a fantastic and exciting world, full of brightness and darkness of life.
Atomic Africa: Clean Energy's Dirty Secrets
Africa's development is being held back by poor infrastructure and undersized power plants. Countries like Uganda can only produce only 1/4 of the energy needed, leading to daily power cuts with disastrous economic impacts. It's a golden opportunity for nuclear giants who lobby aggressively for more power plants in Africa. But how safe are these new reactors? And what do they mean for the locals?
Th (Part 11:  Dr. Helen Caldicott)
Dr. Helen Caldicott is the most prominent anti-nuclear activist in the world. She's been featured on CNN, 60 Minutes, CBC and Democracy Now. In the 80s, Helen Caldicott campaigned against nuclear weapons testing in the pacific (still responsible today for the majority of tritium we're exposed to), and against the notion of a winnable nuclear war. She was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. She has always made inaccurate statements regarding civilian nuclear power. But, since the Fukushima-Diachii radiation release has caused (and is projected to cause) zero fatalities... ...her tone has changed when speaking to supporters. This has not been acknowledged by prime-time media, as they continue to use her as a source. Any person or media outlet should check Caldicott's history of statements (on any subject) against a domain expert before using her as a source.
The Great Search: Man's Need for Power and Energy
Created by Walt Disney Educational and distributed to Schools. Last short released during Roy Disney's lifetime
Power to Change
Is it possible for the entire world to switch to decentralized and renewable energy sources by 2030? In this inspiring documentary, we meet with German politicians, scientists, farmers, social workers, activists and visionaries who say yes, and who all push forward for a global change in climate by changing the local power supply sources to renewable energy. Director Carl-A. Fechner is not ready to give up on our planet just yet, and POWER TO CHANGE is a welcome antidote to the pessimism that defines our era's visions of the future.