
Vespertilio Spillover (2020)

장르 : 애니메이션, 역사

상영시간 : 4분

연출 : Sara Ferro, Chris Weil


Vespertilio Spillover is a moving images materializing from a woodcut depicting cat-bats in a rare book written by the German scientist Athanasius Kircher (*1602 / +1680) illustrating China in comparison with the actual context of the Covid-19 insurgence, including the spillover infection phenomenon and its potential causes. THIS FILM IS DEDICATED TO ALL VICTIMS - R.I.P.



Sara Ferro
Sara Ferro
Chris Weil
Chris Weil

비슷한 영화

라스트 앤 퍼스트 맨
다급한 목소리로 말하는 여성의 사실적인 내레이션과 절묘한 기악곡의 선율이 이어지는 가운데, 놀라운 흑백 화면 속에서 거대한 건축 구조물이 등장한다. 목소리의 주인공은 20억년 후에서 온 여성으로, 앞으로 다가올 인류 사망과 멸종을 경고하고, 그런 종말을 피하기 위해 우리가 할 수 있는 일이 무엇인지 경고한다.
The goddess Diana and her two attendants traverse the rugged terrain of Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in pursuit of the elusive wolf. An Engraver (Matthew Barney) furtively documents their actions in copper engravings and provokes a series of confrontations. The characters communicate through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey.
The Shining: Forwards and Backwards
An experimental film comprised of Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING played forwards and backwards at the same time on the same screen, creating bizarre juxtapositions and startling synchronicities
Between the hotel and city hall
The hotel overlooks the city hall. The city hotel returns the glance. Glances bounce off each other, become directions and points headed towards, together, and outwards all just one frame apart in between the hotel and city hall.
Kill Your TV: Jim Moir’s Weird World of Video Art
Jim Moir (aka Vic Reeves) explores Video Art, revealing how different generations ‘hacked’ the tools of television to pioneer new ways of creating art that can be beautiful, bewildering and wildly experimental.
TEMPORALLY tells the story of an Italian thunderstorm through the eyes of a Japanese painter. The lightning itself fusions with its environment and creates a hypnotic point of view. The sound in the video was recorded on the occasion of the exceptionally high water alert in Venice, Italy. The alarm is composed of two parts. The first was the sirene in use under bombardments during WW2, whereas the second is designed by the University of Venice and should be heard during all the sleep phases, yet not causing any panic. The images themselves were shot during multiple thunderstorms in the mountains between Lake Lugano and Lake Como. So, an interplay of salt and sweet water. Furthermore, the title TEMPORALLY is a combination of the Italian word for storm "temporale", and the word for atmospheric weather "tempo" which in English means rhythm and rally, thus a race of lightning, in the end, following in a recovery.
Synecdoche Turin
It’s often a sense of shakiness which emerges in seeking affordable rent. Furthermore, leasing a real estate in the time of Covid it’s an enough though enterprise due to the different restrictions in moving freely and without any fear even visiting the venue, still not to mention the angst before the future that a change in life like a relocation involves so that everything starts spinning around. Such a pretty much postmodern sensation should have had Hazel in the Synecdoche, New York by Charlie Kaufman when she rents a burning house, which becomes quite her home yet with this persisting sense of precarity still not precluding to keep going. The experience is now translocated in another city, Turin. It still remains a burning house in a burning city, however it becomes home to someone.
In the nearby future, the Gulf stream may certainly collapse in itself as the percentage of saltwater and sweet water in the oceans is changing dramatically. More and more glaciers are melting worldwide introducing an enormous amount of sweet water into the seas which causes a disbalance of the ocean water streams. There will be not only a rise of the sea levels which may flood coast by cities but also the "power engine" of the Gulf stream which is the "heating system" for Northern Europe is losing its force and energy. Therefore parts of the earth might become very cold and at the same point other parts too hot to live on. So the equilibrium of the earth's temperature is going to be mad. Is there any escape? Maybe leaving mother earth to explore the deep space of our universe? There will be neither sounds nor noises, only freezing silence as there is no echo, no resonance in space. 12x12 Moving Images = 144 moments of cold space
An Experiment in Color
A man watches a video as his face, clothes and surroundings are illuminated by a litany of colors.
H(o)me(o)pa®t(h)y is a home entertainment healing system based on Homoeopathic medicine which one can at least to a certain extent autonomously manage as first aid tool, if you are skilled enough. As an allusion to David Cronenberg's Videodrome where the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn is desperate for new programming to attract viewers by establishing a new TV show dedicated to torture and punishment, H(o)me(o)pa®t(h)y instead is based on joy and healing. But will there be an overdose of globules? Insert 1 globules and start your solo home party! Cure yourself on so many occasions and relive a full relief. Your own H(o)me(o)pa®t(h)y kit is now available. Don't worry, be homoeopathic!
9/11 Simulation in Roblox Environment
CGI collage short film originally premiered as part of the 'Extinction Renaissance' exhibition at the Loyal Gallery in Stockholm.
Swim Little Fish Swim
Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, "Swim Little Fish Swim" is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.
Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman
The video opens with a barrage of explosive imagery along with an audio track of a siren taken from the 1970s TV show Wonder Woman. The following scenes are fast paced repeated shots from Wonder Woman, with several scenes following of actress Lynda Carter as the main character Diana Prince, performing her transformative spin from secretarial role into superhero role. […] The representation of repeated transformations expose the illusion of fixed female identities in media and attempts to show the emergence of a new woman through use of technology. […] The video ends with a scene of repeating explosions that precedes a blue background with white text that scrolls upwards, delivering a transcription of lyrics to the song ‘Wonder Woman Disco'.
Electric Angel
A typical experimental film, in which a variety of audiovisual techniques are used to create the sense of polymorphic eroticism as developed by European and Mediterranean cinematography of the 20th century. Combining the methods of “animation” and “live action”, this intricate work embodies the idea of an “ars combinatoria”. The structure is loose, with neither a central axis nor a point where everything converges, contributing greatly to the open-ended character of the film, where rhythm is the key element.
The Fourth Dimension
Shows a couple (Adam and Eve) and various objects, simultaneously, in time, space and movement.
Good Morning, Mr. Orwell
In his book "1984", George Orwell saw the television of the future as a control instrument in the hands of Big Brother. Right at the start of the much-anticipated Orwellian year, Paik and Co. were keen to demonstrate satellite TV's ability to serve positive ends-- Namely, the intercontinental exchange of culture, combining both highbrow and entertainment elements. A live broadcast shared between WNET TV in New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris, linked up with broadcasters in Germany and South Korea, reached a worldwide audience of over 10 or even 25 million (including the later repeat transmissions).
Guadalcanal Requiem
One of Paik’s most overtly political and poignant statements, Guadalcanal Requiem is a performance/documentary collage that confronts history, time, cultural memory and mythology on the site of one of World War II’s most devastating battles.