
Chikara: Maximum Overdraft (2007)

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상영시간 : 3시간 12분


Eddie Kingston’s resentment towards Hallowicked boils over! Daizee Haze wrestles Sara Del Rey in a "Best of 3 falls" match! Chuck Taylor presents an “Open Challenge Spectacular” as F.I.S.T. fights the Briscoe Brothers! Impossibly, Los Ice Creams win their third point.


Jamin Pugh
Jamin Pugh
Jay Briscoe
Mark Pugh
Mark Pugh
Mark Briscoe
Edward Jones
Edward Jones
Gran Akuma
Ron Grams
Ron Grams
Mike Quackenbush
Mike Quackenbush
John R. Rivera
John R. Rivera
Black Tiger
José Cordero
José Cordero
Lince Dorado
Chris Spradlin
Chris Spradlin
Chris Hero
Claudio Castagnoli
Claudio Castagnoli
Drake Wuertz
Drake Wuertz
Drake Younger
Dustin Howard
Dustin Howard
Chuck Taylor
William Hunter Johnston
William Hunter Johnston
James Cipperly
James Cipperly
Fire Ant
Drew Gulak
Drew Gulak
Soldier Ant
Daizee Haze
Daizee Haze
Sara Amato
Sara Amato
Sara Del Rey
Trevor Mann
Trevor Mann
Edward Moore
Edward Moore
Eddie Kingston
Shane Matthews
Shane Matthews
Shane Storm
Shane Storm
Ed McGuckin
Ed McGuckin
Michael Hopes
Michael Hopes
Tim Donst
