Straitjacket (2022)
장르 : 스릴러, 드라마, 범죄
상영시간 : 1시간 40분
연출 : Phillip Wiedenheft
After accidentally shooting a stranger in the woods, a drug-addled veteran is forced to confront the problems in his life as he attempts to flee town. He’s cashed-in too many favors already and is stalled at every turn as his life begins to violently intersect with Lola - a recently recovered addict who was in the woods that morning and knows what he did.
Jerry Powell is a gas-huffing thief with memory distrust syndrome. At the brink of insanity, Powell finds himself chased by a pulpy gang of criminals as he attempts to deliver a mysterious package for a money-launder.
Strong-arm John Carrel attempts to procure information regarding the whereabouts of his employer's daughter.
John Carrel (Mike Vogel) tracks Lilly Bannon down in Maplewood, Vermont.
A resourceful boy creatively uses poetry to survive when his mother, a disturbed avant garde painter, locks him in a puppet box and builds an art installation around his imprisonment.
This unique, neo-noir mystery follows Alex, an out-of-town journalist with a destroyed reputation, as she struggles to write an article on a paranoid shredder salesman. When the salesman appears uncooperative, Alex hires a private investigator to dig into his past in hopes of finding the story she so desperately needs. However, the salesman has an unexpected change of heart and offers to teach her about his business, while dragging her into the dangerous world of secrets and the machines that keep them safe.
Beneath the decay of a dying world lives the Mad Doctor Mindskull. Using the planet's power of creation he has created the ultimate Weapon. Can mankind find a way to stop this Evil before time runs out? The only answer lies within the Nova Seed.
In a little village at the end of the 1890's, a young woman offends all the 'right-thinking' villagers by allowing men in her house in the absence of her husband. When he is found dead, all of the suspicion is directed towards the liberal woman. She is judged more for her morality then for the crime she is accused of. Her culpability is still a subject of debate today.
After the murder of his girlfriend, a gang enforcer sets out to find out who perpetrated the killing.
After an enforcer is betrayed by his gang, he sets out to kill them.
Greed and hierarchy in the Caribbean reefs.
A journalist sets out to uncover the truth behind an incident, through the perspectives of different people, unraveling how they and their lives are intertwined with it.
호주, 골드스톤 지역의 경찰인 조쉬(Alex Russell)는 순찰 도중, 낮에 술을 마시고 운전 중이던 호주 원주민 스완(Aaron Pedersen)을 발견하고 경찰서로 연행한다. 스완에 대한 조사를 하던 중 그가 연방경찰이라는 사실을 알게 된 조쉬는 마을의 면장으로부터 채광 회사인 '퍼니스 크리크'가 공사 규모를 확장하려고 하니 협조해 달라는 부탁을 받게 되는데...
A woman on the verge of moving to New York has a meeting with the one person who might convince her to stay, her ex.
After being away for four years, Rok Osterberg returns to his home town to investigate the murder of his younger brother Maks. As Maks was involved in illegal business, nobody seems to care about his death. The only person willing to help is a family friend, Inspector Kramer. Back home, Osterberg must face people from his past.
A young woman lies dead in a house, strangled by her boyfriend in a fit of jealous rage. Full of steroids and remorse, he waits for the law to arrive. But the law is his father, a powerful and corrupt detective who races to the murder scene first so he can tamper with the evidence and thwart the police case. When the son literally gets away with murder, the dead woman's distraught brother Jeremy arranges his own justice.
방송국 PD로 일하는 마틴은 방송국 자료실에서 영상 자료를 찾던 중 우연히 정사장면이 녹화된 몰래 카메라를 보게 된다. 얼마 후 마틴은 방송국 사장 바탈리아로부터 그의 아내 이사벨을 소개받게 되는데, 그녀는 자신이 본 몰래 카메라 속의 여성이었던 것을 알게 되고 충격에 빠진다. 시간이 흐를수록 이사벨의 매력에서 벗어나지 못하고 그녀 주변을 맴돌게 되는 마틴. 이런 마틴의 집요한 접근에 결국 이사벨은 마틴과 부적절한 관계를 가지게 되고 이후 마틴은 자신의 집에서 시체로 발견되는데...
In 1940s Los Angeles, private investigator Nick Popodopolis, is hired by actress Dixie Ray, to find her blackmailer.
Antony, a stressed out, grown up, toy collector, has lost his youthful ways. Perhaps he lost his vigor through years of telemarketing, or it could be his constant struggle with the modern world. But maybe, just maybe it's because he finds himself in a loveless relationship with his lady of ten years, ROSE. Is it time for Antony to grow up and join the new age "sonic healing cult"? Or will he take the sage advice offered by his 7 year old nephew and find himself again?
지난 2년 간 고담시의 어둠 속에서 범법자들을 응징하며 배트맨으로 살아온 브루스 웨인. 알프레드와 제임스 고든 경위의 도움 아래 그는 도시의 부패한 공직자들과 고위 관료들 사이에서 복수의 화신으로 활약한다. 고담의 시장 선거를 앞두고 고담의 엘리트 집단을 목표로 잔악한 연쇄살인을 저지르는 수수께끼 킬러 리들러가 나타나자, 최고의 탐정 브루스 웨인이 수사에 나서고 남겨진 단서를 풀어가며 캣우먼, 펭귄, 카마인 팔코네, 리들러를 차례대로 만난다. 사이코 범인의 미스터리를 수사하면서 그 모든 증거가 자신을 향한 의도적인 메시지였음을 깨닫고, 리들러에게 농락 당한 배트맨은 광기에 사로잡힌다. 범인의 무자비한 계획을 막고 오랫동안 고담시를 썩게 만든 권력 부패의 고리를 끊어야 하지만, 부모님의 죽음에 얽힌 진실이 밝혀지자 복수와 정의 사이에서 갈등하는데...
An undercover cop goes into the big bad world (Ronapura), an place taken over by a don, where his safety may be compromised.