
Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story (2007)

He was just another movie director...until he found himself a gimmick.

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 22분

연출 : Jeffrey Schwarz


Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.


Forrest J. Ackerman
Forrest J. Ackerman
John Badham
John Badham
Diane Baker
Diane Baker
Sidney D. Balkin
Sidney D. Balkin
Steve Bickel
Steve Bickel
John Waters
John Waters
Stuart Gordon
Stuart Gordon
William Castle
William Castle
Terry Castle
Terry Castle
Budd Boetticher
Budd Boetticher
Joe Dante
Joe Dante
Roger Corman
Roger Corman
Anne Helm
Anne Helm
John Landis
John Landis
Marcel Marceau
Marcel Marceau
Fred Olen Ray
Fred Olen Ray
Donald F. Glut
Donald F. Glut
Bob Burns
Bob Burns
Leonard Maltin
Leonard Maltin
Jeannot Szwarc
Jeannot Szwarc
Jacqueline Scott
Jacqueline Scott
Michael Schlesinger
Michael Schlesinger


Jeffrey Schwarz
Jeffrey Schwarz
Jeffrey Schwarz
Jeffrey Schwarz
Jeffrey Schwarz
Jeffrey Schwarz
Philip Harrison
Philip Harrison
Jack Mulligan
Jack Mulligan
Associate Producer
Taryn Teigue
Taryn Teigue
Associate Producer
Amanda Carroll
Amanda Carroll
Makeup Artist

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페인 앤 글로리
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