
Home from School: The Children of Carlisle (2021)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 0분

연출 : Geoff O'Gara


“Kill the Indian to save the man” was the catchphrase of The Carlisle Indian Industrial School, a boarding school opened in Pennsylvania in 1879. It became a grim epitaph for numerous native children who died there. In 2017, a delegation from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming attempts to retrieve the remains of three Northern Arapaho children buried far from home in the school cemetery, on a journey to recast the troubled legacy of Indian boarding schools, and heal historic wounds. This documentary film is produced by The Content Lab LLC, with support from The Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, The Wyoming Humanities Council, and Wyoming PBS.


Yufna Soldier Wolf
Yufna Soldier Wolf


Geoff O'Gara
Geoff O'Gara
Sophie Barksdale
Sophie Barksdale
Jordan Dresser
Jordan Dresser
Associate Producer
Nathan Schucker
Nathan Schucker
Director of Photography
Virginia Moore
Virginia Moore
Nathan Schucker
Nathan Schucker
Kyle Nicholoff
Kyle Nicholoff

비슷한 영화

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Among the Forest
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인사이드 잡
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시간의 바퀴
2002년 인도와 호주에서 달라이 라마가 행한 평화와 관용의 불교 의식을 담은 다큐멘터리 영화이다. 이 ‘칼라차크라’(時輪) 의식은 끊임없이 변하는 창조와 소멸의 영원한 회전을 의미한다고 한다. 헤어조크는 달라이 라마와의 인터뷰 후 해발 5천 미터에 위치한 카일라시 산으로 떠나 순례자들의 오체투지 행렬, 승려들 간의 토론, 모래 만다라 의식을 보여준다. (한국영상자료원)
포르노의 막이 내린 후에
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