
Pick Up (2021)

A woman picks up her ex from the airport during the pandemic. Then their masks come off.

장르 : 드라마, 로맨스

상영시간 : 15분

연출 : Clare Cooney


A woman picks up her ex from the airport during the pandemic. Then their masks come off.


Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Chris Rickett
Chris Rickett


Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Clare Cooney
Paige Hochstatter
Paige Hochstatter
Jeff Altman
Jeff Altman
John Wong
John Wong
Sound Designer
Tony Scott-Green
Tony Scott-Green
Josh L. Gerson
Josh L. Gerson
Production Sound Mixer
Olivia Aquilina
Olivia Aquilina
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

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레지던트 이블: 라쿤시티
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