
Snoop Dogg's Buckwild Bus Tour (2004)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 음악

상영시간 : 1시간 30분


Come along for a wild ride as Snoop Dogg hosts a real-life sneak peek at his life on the road! From the on-stage performances to music video shoots, this video has it all - including exclusive Snoop music videos. Go on the bus, backstage and to the private after parties with Snoop Dogg, his crew and 10 sexy Buckwild girls. This is the part of the Roc the Mic tour you didn't see. It's hot. It's crazy. It's BUCKWILD!


Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg
Busta Rhymes
Busta Rhymes
André 3000
André 3000
Big Boi
Big Boi
Daz Dillinger
Daz Dillinger
Bishop Don Magic Juan
Bishop Don Magic Juan
Ken Francis
Ken Francis
Uncle Junebug
Uncle Junebug
Tha Twinz
Tha Twinz


비슷한 영화

다시 찾은 우리
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우먼 앤 머더러
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