The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946)
장르 : 애니메이션, 코미디, 가족
상영시간 : 8분
연출 : Robert Clampett
While reading his favorite comic book, Daffy accidentally knocks himself unconscious and dreams he's Duck Twacy, famous detective, trying to solve the case of the missing piggy banks. Taking a streetcar (conducted by Porky Pig, in a non-speaking cameo role) to the gangsters' hideout, he meets up with such grotesque criminals as Pickle Puss, Eighty-Eight Teeth and Neon Noodle.
Bugs Bunny is hunted by Hiawatha, a stereotyped Native American who fills roughly the same role as Elmer Fudd in other Bugs Bunny cartoons of this era.
천재 공학도 테디가 개발한 힐링로봇 베이맥스. 테디의 동생이자 로봇 전문가인 히로는 도시가 파괴될 위기에 처하자 베이맥스를 슈퍼히어로로 업그레이드 하는데... 과연 이들은 도시의 위험을 막아낼 수 있을까?
A lazy and fat cat, named Dodsworth, is ordered by his mistress to catch mice that have invaded her home and are terrorizing her. Dodsworth doesn't want to condescend to personal physical effort to catch the mice, so dons a professor's hat and dupes a kitten into doing the job for him, on the pretext that he's a teacher who is giving the kitten a valuable learning experience.
A young rabbit is rescued from disaster by the snowman he makes with his mother.
In a colour musical, a monster comes from an old Hollywood movie and attacks a small town by transforming its inhabitants into zombies. To save the world, a couple and a scientist are going to have to change the kind of the movie.
After their adventures in Aquí llega Condemor (el Pecador de la Pradera) (1996), Condemor and Lucas take a ship to Europe, but it sinks, and they save themselves from being drowned by climbing on a coffin. Floating on it, they arrive on the shore, where a group of spooky, ghostly characters mistake Condemor for Count Dracula, whose arrival they have been expecting for 200 years.
MGM's all-star feature Dinner at Eight is parodied in this comic short, in which a cast of unidentified look-alike actors impersonate Lionel Barrymore, Marie Dressler, 'Jean Harlow' , et al.
Hunky and Spunky are settling in for a nap, but a horse fly sees them and sees dinner. After battling the fly for a while, the youngster enlists dad's help. But the fly is merely stunned, and rallies a new attack, this time with friends. Father eventually kills the lot of them.
Tweety Bird is washing in a bird bath in a city park when Sylvester Cat interrupts him. Sylvester chases Tweety, and Tweety takes refuge near a feisty nanny and her toddler. Sylvester dresses as the toddler to try to grab Tweety but is stopped and spanked. Tweety flies to a building ledge, and Sylvester unsuccessfully uses chewing gum to try to reach him. Next, Sylvester angers a bulldog, who chases him away.
An elderly mouse tells the bedtime story of Little Red Riding Hood to her grandson, who visualizes the tale in cat-and-mouse terms, with himself as Red and Sylvester as the Big Bad Wolf.
Salesman Daffy Duck comes upon a farm, the site of Foghorn Leghorn's ongoing feud with the barnyard dog, and proceeds to sell Foghorn and the dog contraptions to continue their violent, mutual heckling.
Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico, runs to the rescue of his two drunken rodent friends, Pablo and Fernando, who keep wandering into the hungry clutches of an alley cat.
A pair of not-too-bright Mexican cats, one shorter-tempered than the other, decide to chase Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.
Porky goes after a rogue rabbit who manages to frustrate him at each turn. He is unsuccessful and the rabbit comes to visit him just to make recovery tougher for him.
On a dark and stormy night, the Two Curious Puppies wander into an old dark house, and fall victim to the tricks of a mischievous magician's rabbit.
Daffy Duck is a Wild West outlaw named "The Masked Avenger", righter of wrongs and doer of heroic deeds. Porky Pig is his sidekick. Together, they seek to arrest Nasty Canasta, a villain whose crimes include gag-stealing and square dancing in a round house.
A cosmic mix-up results in a Martian baby being delivered to Earth, while an Earth baby is sent to Mars. Joseph Wilbur and his wife try to raise the green-skinned, ingenious Martian tyke as if he were an Earthling. But the kid builds his own spaceship and flies away, and Wilbur must find him and bring him back, or he'll never be able to make an exchange with the Martian parents for his own boy.
인간이 되고 싶어하는 만화 세계의 섹시걸 홀리(킴 베이싱어)는 교통 사고를 당해 만화 세계로 건너온 해리스(브래드 피트)에게 접근한다. 하지만 해리스가 전혀 관심을 보이지 않자 그녀는 쿨 월드의 만화 작가 잭(가브리엘 번)에게 접근한다. 잭은 홀리의 섹시함에 반해 사랑을 나눈다. 잭과 사랑을 나눈 후 인간이 된 홀리는 여러 남자들한테 교태를 부리던 중 만화세계로 돌아가려고 하는 자신의 모습을 발견하고 당황한다. 홀리는 빌딩 옥상에서 만화세계 주인공이 인간세계를 드나들 수 있는 유일한 기구인 스파이크가 빛나고 있는 것을 발견하고 옥상 위로 올라간다. 한편 해리스는 인간이 된 홀리를 만화세계로 잡아오기 위해 인간 세계로 내려온다. 해리스는 홀리를 잡기 위해 옥상에서 줄다리기를 하다가 그만 홀리의 잔꾀에 속아 밑으로 떨어진다.
Max is hitting puberty, and foxy Ofelia from class has touched his heart. He now plans to spend Christmas break with her or, at the very least, New Year's Eve. Watching her little boy grow up, his mother Agnete doesn't know what leg to stand on. Trying to give Max the best Christmas possible, she makes a mess of things, as usual. With his friends, Hassan and Ester, Max eventually tamps down the chaos and throws a super New Year's Eve bash. Everyone is there, and Ester seizes the moment to hook up with Max ahead of Ofelia.
An all-singing, all-dancing, star-spangled musical leap around the biblical story of the Nativity, set in 1972. With a comic twist, this familiar story is brought to life through the eyes of the innkeeper. Despairing after a bad year, he contemplates suicide but his attempt is stalled by a voice from above who points out that King Herod is coming to town.