
The Light (1919)

To the Light! This is the toast the lovers drink. But in their hearts they know they are drinking to darkness and sin.

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : J. Gordon Edwards


Theda Bara does her usual vamp turn in this picture, but this time she's a vamp who turns out to have a heart of gold. Her character, Blanchette DuMonde, is known as "the wickedest woman in Paris," and because of this sordid reputation, she is not allowed to serve as a nurse during World War I. So she becomes an Apache dancer instead.


Theda Bara
Theda Bara
Blanchette Dumond, aka Madame Lefresne
Eugene Ormonde
Eugene Ormonde
Robert Walker
Robert Walker
Etienne Desechette
Georges Renavent
Georges Renavent
Florence Martin
Florence Martin


J. Gordon Edwards
J. Gordon Edwards
Luther Reed
Luther Reed
Brett Page
Brett Page
Adrian Johnson
Adrian Johnson
Scenario Writer
Charles Kenyon
Charles Kenyon
Scenario Writer

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Vu générale de l'Exposition prise du Trocadéro
The 1900 Paris World's Fair as seen from Trocadéro.
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