
COLLEGE WRESTLERS: Manifest Fantasies Volume 1 (1997)

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상영시간 : 45분

연출 : Matthew Moore


See what happens when three guys from the dorm get into a scuffle with three frat guys on the college wrestling team. Rather than get into a fist fight, they decide to settle their differences wrestling in the frat house basement. But when Troy's underwear gets ripped during the first match, they challenge each other to wrestling like the ancient Greeks -- in the nude. College Wrestlers features six athletically sculpted young men in three down-for-the-count regulation matches. You'll be able to feel the heat coming off the mat as they grapple for the pin.


Alec Powers
Alec Powers
Dorm Guy
Dan Donovan
Dan Donovan
Dorm Guy
Daniel Eden
Daniel Eden
Dorm Guy
Frat Guy
Jason Morgan
Jason Morgan
Frat Guy
Sean Everest
Sean Everest
Frat Guy


Randy King
Randy King
Jerry Styner
Jerry Styner
George Wilcox
George Wilcox
Camera Operator
Tom Bronze
Tom Bronze
Peter Siderius
Peter Siderius
Matthew Moore
Matthew Moore
Matthew Moore
Matthew Moore

비슷한 영화

Freshman Orientation
A bored college student sees a prime opportunity to score with a hot coed who has made the assumption that he is gay, and he decides to play along when she follows her sorority leader's assignment to seduce then cut loose a series of misfits and losers.
The Rachel Papers
Poised to attend Oxford University, 19-year-old Charles Highway decides it's high time to have a romantic encounter with an older woman. With the help of a computer program and several eccentric relatives, Highway sets his sights on seducing Rachel Noyce, a stunning American in her 20s. However, Highway has his work cut out for him. Noyce has a boyfriend, DeForest, and is not exactly receptive to Highway's advances — at first, anyway.
스미스는 절친 스텔라와 늘 붙어 다니지만 클럽에서 새롭게 만난 런던과 데이트를 즐긴다. 평온했던 그의 일상이 그날 밤 이후 모든 것은 뒤죽박죽이 돼버린다. 파티에서 환각제가 섞인 과자를 먹은 스미스는 빨간 머리 소녀가 처참하게 살해당하는 모습을 목격하는데, 그러나 진실을 파헤치려고 한 걸음 나아갈수록 사건은 점점 더 미궁 속으로 빠져든다. 그는 과연 진실을 밝혀낼 수 있을 것인가!
크루얼 월드: 죽음의 리얼리티쇼
Following his dismissal from a television reality show, a deranged young man lures a group of beautiful coeds to his abode by telling them they will be the stars of a new show he is creating. What the women do not know is that when they lose their slot on the show, they lose their lives as well.
A group of college students accidentally see a local redneck kill his wife. A deadly game of cat-and-mouse ensues, with the students trying to escape the area while the killer sets out to eliminate the witnesses who can tie him to the murder.
Pink Narcissus
An erotic poem set in the fantasies of a young male prostitute.
Getting Straight
Graduate student Harry Bailey was once one of the most visible undergraduate activists on campus, but now that he's back studying for his master's, he's trying to fly right. Trouble is, the campus is exploding with various student movements, and Harry's girlfriend, Jan, is caught up in most of them. As Harry gets closer to finishing his degree, he finds his iconoclastic attitude increasingly aligned with the students rather than the faculty.
The Accused
A prim psychology professor fights to hide a murder she committed in self-defense.
크리펜도프 종족
After squandering his grant money, despondent and recently widowed anthropologist James Krippendorf must produce hard evidence of the existence of a heretofore undiscovered New Guinea tribe. Grass skirts, makeup, and staged rituals transform his three troubled children into the Shelmikedmu, a primitive culture whose habits enthrall scholars. But when a spiteful rival threatens to blow the whistle on Krippendorf's ruse, he gets into the act as well.
헬 나이트
신입생들의 환영파티가 있던 밤. 학교 선배들은 신입생들에게 전통적인 통과의례로 마티를 비롯한 다른 신입생들에게 흉가에서 하룻밤 머물 것을 제안한다. 신입생들을 흉가로 데려간 뒤, 20년전의 전설을 이야기한다. "가쓰일가는 이 동네에서 유명한 유지였지만 기형적으로 태어난 살인마 자식들에게 살해당해 흉가가 됐다"는 이야기를 해주고 비상시를 위해 엽총을 주고 사라진다. 그저 단순히 전설로만 믿고 하룻밤을 보내던 중 친구들이 하나 둘씩 살해되자 장난이 아니란 사실을 알고 도망치려 한다. 그러나 문은 굳게 잠겨있고 엽총은 장난감 총이었다. 할 수 없이 한 신입생이 커텐을 이용해 흉가를 탈출, 경찰서에 찾아가 살인사건에 관한 얘길 해보지만 그의 말을 믿어 주지 않는다. 그러자 그는 엽총을 훔쳐 다시 흉가에 오게되고 집정원에서 살인마와 싸워 한명을 처치하게 된다. 그러나 방심하는 사이 또다른 형제 살인마에게 죽게 되고, 마지막 남은 마티는 필사의 탈출을 감행하는데...
마지막 시험
시험이 끝난 학생들은 모두 떠나버리고 몇명만 남아 공부 중인 텅빈 캠퍼스. 어느날 밤 찬 공기를 가르고 끔찍한 비명 소리가 들려온다. 신고식을 하던 신입회원 게리가 살해된 것이다. 그러나 이것은 잔혹한 연쇄살인의 시초로 게리의 여자 친구, 남학생 클럽의 리더인 마크와 그의 동료, 리자, 래디쉬가 차례로 살해된다. 결국 여주인공 코트니만이 혼자 남게 되는데.
Sorority House Massacre
College student Beth and her sorority sisters are stalked by an escaped psychopathic killer who shares a strange telepathic link with her.
WWE: The History Of The Intercontinental Championship
It's a WWE Championship with a rich and storied history and the biggest names in sports entertainment have worn its gold on the road to immortality. The Intercontinental Championship traced its history back to the 1970's, and has been held by current and future Hall of Fame superstars, including The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Ultimate Warrior, Bret "Hit Man" Hart, Mr. Perfect, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and so many more. Throughout the summer, fans will vote for their favorite Intercontinental Championship matches from each decade, with the top vote-getters being collected in this 3-DVD set.
WWE: Jeff Hardy - My Life, My Rules
He's co-headlined a bestselling DVD with his brother Matt, but now the hugely popular Jeff Hardy breaks out with his first-ever solo DVD set, filled with new interviews, unique insights, and great matches. With his arm sleeves, facial war paint, and acrobatic, high-risk moves, Jeff Hardy has become one of the most popular stars in recent WWE history. This DVD set will trace his ascension as a singles superstar with a backstage look the enigmatic one, including comments from friends and rivals, such as John Cena, Triple H, Matt Hardy, and more. Also included are never-before-seen interviews with Jeff himself, as he opens up with some revealing facts about his life in and out of the ring, including his controversial suspension around WrestleMania XXIV, his rise to three World Championship reigns, his rivalries with Triple H, Edge, CM Punk, as well as in deeply personal battles with his brother Matt.
Santo Faces Death
A group of international criminals steal a large emerald from a heavily guarded Colombian mine and they plan to sell it on the black market. Unfortunately, the evil Dr. Igor is also manipulating other criminals, as well as the ones who stole the emerald, for his own benefit. Santo, a Mexican wrestler/Interpol agent works with the Colombian authorities in an attempt to recover the emerald and to stop Dr. Igor and his subordinates, as well.
공포의 수학 열차
의대생들은 졸업 기념으로 증기 기관차 여행을 한다. 덜컹거리는 열차 속에서 기상천외의 가면을 쓰고 괴성을 지르며 쌓였던 스트레스를 풀고 오랜만의 해방감에 들떠있는 이들에게 예기치 못한 끔찍하 살인 사건이 발생한다. 알라나와 그룹 일행은 속수무책으로 죽어가는 동료들의 죽음에 경악하고 마술사의 기이한 행적과 감쪽같은 변장술로 그를 의심하지만 뚜렷한 단서를 잡지못한다. 호기심과 공포에 휩싸인 알라니는 사건을 규명하러 나서고 급기야는 알라나 마저도 잔인한 죽음 앞에 서는데...
A book-smart teenager joins his school's wrestling team as a way to reunite his surviving family members, who split apart after the death of his father, a college wrestling legend, 10 years ago.
A Matter of Size
Four overweight friends from the Israeli city of Ramle are fed up of dieting and the dieting club they belong to. When Herzl (155 kilos), the main protagonist, loses his job as a cook and starts working as a dishwasher in a Japanese restaurant in Ramle he discovers the world of Sumo where large people such as himself are honored and appreciated. Through Kitano (60 kilos), the restaurant owner, a former Sumo coach in Japan (who is supposedly hiding from the Yakuza in Israel), he falls in love with a sport involving "two fatsos in diapers and girly hairdos". Herzl wants Kitano to be their coach but Kitano is reluctant - they first have to earn their spurs. "A MATTER OF SIZE" is a comedy about a ‘coming out’ of a different kind - overweight people learning to accept themselves.
WWE: The Rise + Fall of ECW
The Rise + Fall of ECW is a 2004 direct-to-video documentary produced by World Wrestling Entertainment. It chronicles the history of Philadelphia-based professional wrestling promotion Extreme Championship Wrestling.
키다리 아저씨
저비스 펜들턴 3세(Jervis Pendleton III: 프레드 아스테어 분)는 뉴욕에 살고 있는 백만장자이다. 하지만 그는 옛 화가들의 그림 수집이 취미였던 조상들과는 달리 근대 미술에 관심을 갖는가 하면 재즈를 즐기는 자유주의자다. 어느 날, 저비스는 국무성의 명령으로 중요한 국가적 경제문제를 해결하기 위해 파리로 가게 된다. 여행길에 우연히 고아원에 들르게 된 저비스는 그 곳에서 아름답고 매력적인 18살 고아 소녀 줄리 앙드레(Julie Andre: 레슬리 카론 분)를 보게 된다. 저비스는 오랜 친구이자 미 대사로 있는 친구, 알렉스를 찾아가 줄리를 입양하겠다는 의사를 밝힌다. 하지만 알렉스는 18살 소녀를 입양했을 때 큰 물의를 일으킬 수 있다며 그의 의견에 반대한다. 결국 저비스는 익명으로 줄리를 돕겠다는 데 합의한다.