
Turn Right (2021)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 10분

연출 : Thomas Vigoureux, Luc Mazières


It’s been a good couple of days for Victor Campillo fans! Between this new Ace vid and the Marseille edit we posted yesterday it feels like he’s put out two parts worth of footage. Apparently all the shit he got at La Plaine was filmed in a week too – pretty mad considering the state of some of those marathon lines… Something should also be said about how shocking Ibu’s spring is in this thing. Like by now we’re kind of used to seeing him dwarf spots, but look closely at how little he had to prepare / bend down for that blunt by République?! He made that thing look like a curb. Loved Noah‘s footage too. You can tell more and more care is going into picking what tricks are getting done where (the nollie 180 to sw feeble into the bank was extra satisfying) and he’s got that kind of natural board control that makes everything look super fun and playful (sort of like this guy).


Noah Mahieu
Noah Mahieu
Ibu Sanyang
Ibu Sanyang
Remy Taveira
Remy Taveira
Luis Aponte
Luis Aponte
Lucien Genand
Lucien Genand
Lilian Faure-Vincent
Lilian Faure-Vincent
Edouard Depaz
Edouard Depaz
Amélien Foures
Amélien Foures
Jérôme Sossou
Jérôme Sossou
Adrien Chabiron
Adrien Chabiron
PJ Chapuis
PJ Chapuis
Charlie Birch
Charlie Birch
Tom Belot
Tom Belot
Samuel Norgen
Samuel Norgen
Alex Richard
Alex Richard
Adrian Fuentes
Adrian Fuentes
Paul Austin
Paul Austin
Santiago Sasson
Santiago Sasson
Harry Lintell
Harry Lintell
Joseph Biais
Joseph Biais
Patrick Franklin
Patrick Franklin
Cambryan Sedlick
Cambryan Sedlick
Tolya Titaev
Tolya Titaev
Andrea Dupre
Andrea Dupre
Victor Campillo
Victor Campillo


Thomas Vigoureux
Thomas Vigoureux
Luc Mazières
Luc Mazières
Luc Mazières
Luc Mazières
Thomas Vigoureux
Thomas Vigoureux
Ben Chadourne
Ben Chadourne
Camera Operator
James Cruickshank
James Cruickshank
Camera Operator
Pasha Kryukov
Pasha Kryukov
Camera Operator
Romain Batard
Romain Batard
Camera Operator
Max Geronzi
Max Geronzi
Camera Operator
PJ Chapuis
PJ Chapuis
Camera Operator
Nico Cook
Nico Cook
Camera Operator
Oliver Birch
Oliver Birch
Camera Operator
Sean Lomax
Sean Lomax
Camera Operator
Richard Hughes
Richard Hughes
Camera Operator
Richard Hughes
Richard Hughes
Camera Operator
Makke Bengtsson
Makke Bengtsson
Camera Operator

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