
Palais de Monaco - Les secrets de construction (2020)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Fabrice Buysschaert




Fabrice Buysschaert
Fabrice Buysschaert

비슷한 영화

머더 미스터리
결혼하고 처음으로 떠난 유럽 여행. 뉴욕 경찰 닉과 미용사인 그의 아내 오드리는 황당한 누명을 쓴다. 요트 안에서 억만장자를 살해했다니? 이대로는 억울해서 못 살아!
패션계 ‘악마’라 불리는 CEO이자 상위 1% 억만장자 ‘리차드 맥크리디’. 그리스 섬을 통째로 빌린 ‘리차드’의 초호화 생일 파티가 열린다. 럭셔리 파티를 위해 가족과 직원들은 모이게 되고, 그의 자서전 작가 ‘닉’도 참석한다. ‘닉’은 오랜 시간 그를 지켜봐 온 주변 사람들을 인터뷰하기 시작하고, 전 세계가 동경하는 화려한 성공 뒤에 그의 ‘진짜’ 모습이 드러나기 시작하는데… 10월, 리얼 FLEX 코미디가 시작된다!
그레이스 오브 모나코
할리우드의 여신에서 모나코의 왕비로! 아름답고 우아한 이미지로 전 세계인의 사랑을 받던 '할리우드의 여신' 그레이스 켈리는 모나코의 레니에 3세와 세기의 결혼식을 올리면서 할리우드를 떠난다. 하지만 답답한 왕실 생활에 서서히 지쳐가던 그녀는 히치콕 감독의 영화계 복귀 제안에 마음이 흔들리고, 모나코를 합병시키고 싶었던 프랑스는 할리우드 복귀를 고민하는 그녀를 이용해 모나코 왕실을 위기에 빠트리는데… 모나코의 운명을 바꾼 그녀 생애 가장 위대한 순간이 펼쳐진다!
보리 vs 매켄로
최고의 권위를 자랑하는 윔블던 대회. 포커페이스로 완벽한 승리를 이끄는 테니스의 제왕과 동물적인 감각으로 경기를 지배하는 코트 위의 악동이 라이벌로 만났다. 세계 최초 윔블던 5연패 달성에 도전하는 ‘보리’와 새로운 기록을 꿈꾸는 ‘매켄로’의 박빙승부! 전세계를 뜨겁게 달군 격렬한 빅매치가 시작된다!
The One Man Band
Evan Evans, the director of a ballet troupe, is rehearsing his next show in Monaco, in preparation for a worldwide tour. When one member of his troupe leaves to get married, Evans imposes a regime of strict discipline on his remaining dancers. The latter get their revenge by presenting Evans’ nephew Philippe, the only male member of the group, with a baby and a note claiming he is the father…
레 투셰
Everyone in the village of Bouzolles knows the Tuche family, who live by the philosophy "Man is not made to work." Despite their lack of money, they strive to be happy... that is, until their hand-to-mouth existence is turned on its head. After winning the lottery, the Tuches get rich beyond their wildest dreams and move to Monaco. And while attempting to fit in in their swanky new homeland, they struggle to stay true to the same principles by which they've always lived.
모나코 여인
최고의 변호사 베르트랑은 남편살해혐의로 재판 중인 갑부 노부인을 변호하러 모나코에 오고, 의뢰인이 붙여준 보디가드 크리스토프로 인해 24시간 안전하게 보호받는다. 그러나 베르트랑은 금발의 백치미녀 오드리에게 마음을 빼앗기고 그녀는 그의 지위와 명성을 알고 더욱 그를 성적 매력으로 옭아 맨다. 마침내 그는 보디가드에게 도움을 요청하지만 이제 오드리는 크리스토프도 유혹하기에 이르는데…
The workaholic head of the compliance section of a New York bank flies to Monaco to investigate unusual deposits from an offshore bank and meets a down-on-his-luck international film star who has become embroiled in criminal activities.
Matthew has everything a young man could want: a large apartment in Monaco, which he shares with his best friend Sebastian, affluence and all the women he wants end up in his bed. When Emma young seasonal worker with a strong character, has no other choice but to live with him, disputes are in the air and their incompatibility is undoubtedly. Between battle of the sexes and life lessons, Emma and Matthew will share their conceptions of desire and the male / female relationship ... and gradually, disagreements will take less and less importance ...
Bauhaus 100
In 1919 an art school opened in Germany that would change the world forever. It was called the Bauhaus. A century later, its radical thinking still shapes our lives today. Bauhaus 100 is the story of Walter Gropius, architect and founder of the Bauhaus, and the teachers and students he gathered to form this influential school. Traumatised by his experiences during the Great War, and determined that technology should never again be used for destruction, Gropius decided to reinvent the way art and design were taught. At the Bauhaus, all the disciplines would come together to create the buildings of the future, and define a new way of living in the modern world.
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the Movie Palace
Celebrating the splendor and grandeur of the great cinemas of the United States, built when movies were the acme of entertainment and the stories were larger than life, as were the venues designed to show them. The film also tracks the eventual decline of the palaces, through to today’s current preservation efforts. A tribute to America’s great art form and the great monuments created for audiences to enjoy them in.
The Whisper of Ziggurat: Untold Secrets of Elamite Civilization
5000 years ago the ancient Elamites established a glorious civilization that lasted about three millennia. They created marvelous works in architecture and craftsmanship. These works of art depict the lifestyle, thoughts, and beliefs of the Elamites.
Monaco, le Grand Prix à tout prix
Echo Of The Past: The Terrence Tower
A historical documentary documenting the rise, function, and abandonment of a 17 story building that once housed The Rochester Psychiatric Center. This film tells the story of the building through historical footage, interviews of former staff and patients who recount their memories of the behemoth facility while also exploring the abandoned building as it is today.
Reimagining A Buffalo Landmark
The Richardson Olmsted Campus, a former psychiatric center and National Historic Landmark, is seeing new life as it undergoes restoration and adaptation to a modern use.
Restoring a Masterpiece: The Renovation of Eastman Theatre
Take a look behind the curtain to see the vast history and recent renovation of one of Rochester, New York's most famous landmarks. Architects, theater personnel, historians, community leaders, and citizens provide in depth insight from start to finish in one of the most extensive renovations the city has ever seen.
Architecture of Infinity
How can structures, which take up defined, rigid portions of space, make us feel transcendence? How can chapels turn into places of introspection? How can walls grant boundless freedom? Driven by intense childhood impressions, director Christoph Schaub visits extraordinary churches, both ancient and futuristic, and discovers works of art that take him up to the skies and all the way down to the bottom of the ocean. With the help of architects Peter Zumthor, Peter Märkli, and Álvaro Siza Vieira, artists James Turrell and Cristina Iglesias, and drummer Sergé “Jojo” Mayer, he tries to make sense of the world and decipher our spiritual experiences using the seemingly abstract concepts of light, time, rhythm, sound, and shape. The superb cinematography turns this contemplative search into a multi-sensory experience.
GOFF explores the life of architect Bruce Goff, one of the most innovative yet forgotten American architects of the 20th century, and the path that lead to the destruction and restoration of his memory and dwellings.
Khéops, mystérieuses découvertes
Operation: Jane Walk
The war zone of a dystopian multiplayer shooting game is used to embark some urban explorers on a winter walk, avoiding the combats whenever possible, as peaceful observers, inhabitants of a digital world, which is a detailed replica of Midtown Manhattan.