Nell and Fred (1971)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 28분
연출 : Richard Todd
Two charming seniors consider the pros and cons of entering a "home". Do old-age institutions fit the needs of those they are designed to help?
Filmed in the Ontario countryside, this film shows that farm life is changing and that for some farmers the future looks bleak. What to do with farmers and farms that no longer measure up to the increased competition and costs is discussed in the film. The conclusion is that perhaps a new trade and a new location in town may be better for some, but that for those who make that move, there will be much to miss.
This short film was an experiment in using video recordings and closed circuit television to stimulate social action in a poor Montreal neighbourhood. A citizen's committee filmed people's concerns and then played back the tapes for the community. Upon recognizing their common problems, people began to talk about joint solutions. It proved an important and effective method of promoting social change.
Two charming seniors consider the pros and cons of entering a "home". Do old-age institutions fit the needs of those they are designed to help?
Zombies: are they real? Every culture creates its own version of a zombie. There have been diseases in history that have mimicked behavior of a zombie virus. The plausibility is there. You would never be up against one would be up against thousands or millions of zombies. How would you survive?
He's caped, cowled and the coolest superhero of them all, because underneath that Batsuit, Batman only has his human strength and intellect to rely on. That and the greatest arsenal of crime fighting weaponry ever devised. But just where does comic book science fiction end and scientific fact begin? What technologies are behind the gadgets in Batman's utility belt? And just how plausible is the Batmobile? Get ready for a real life trip to the Batcave as we reveal the secrets behind Batman Tech.
Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.
Three of the world's best kayakers take a two-month journey to the Scandinavian paddling meccas of Iceland and Norway. While they search inside the arctic circle for rapids and waterfalls that have never been run, they're also searching for the elusive moments when the stars align and everything goes perfectly, but sometimes... in the blink of an eye... things go horribly wrong. The inevitable externalities of their main goal is what they call 'the halo effect'.
"One Direction: This Is Us" is a captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis's really like to be One Direction.
This documentary treats film fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Jurassic Park, one of the 90's biggest hits and a milestone in special effects development. Narrated by James Earl Jones, it includes footage of the filming process, as well as interviews with director Steven Spielberg, and other members of the cast and crew, who give their insights into what it was like working together on this project and the efforts it took to bring the film to completion.
From the earliest versions of the script to the blockbuster debuts, explore the creation of the Star Wars Trilogy.
은 최초 공개되는 마이클 잭슨의 생전, 그를 가장 가까이에서 지켜보았던 이들의 인터뷰로 구성된 다큐멘터리로 그가 잭슨 파이브로 활동했을 때부터 세계적인 솔로 스타로 성장하기까지, 그리고 2009년 6월 그의 갑작스러운 사망에 이르기까지의 스토리를 공개한다. 앤드류 이스텔이 감독을 맡고 마이클 잭슨의 어릴 적부터 가까운 친구였던 데이비드 게스트가 제작을 맡은 에서는 마이클 잭슨의 어머니인 캐서린 잭슨이 고인의 죽음 이후 처음 허락한 인터뷰를 수록, 그녀의 입장에서 본 마이클 잭슨의 출생과 성장 이야기, 아버지 조와의 관계에 대한 이야기를 들려주고, 아들이 재판소에서 문제가 있었을 때 그를 지지했던 내용, 그리고 그 후의 인생에 대한 그녀의 생각과 이야기들을 들려준다. 마이클의 큰 누나 레비 잭슨과 형 티토의 인터뷰를 통해 잭슨가의 역사를 상세히 들어보고 그의 어린 시절과 어머니 캐서린과의 친밀한 관계, 2005년에 세상이 놀랐던 아동 성추행사건 재판기간에는 무슨 일이 있었는지 들려준다. 이 밖에도 데비 로우, 리사 마리 프레슬리와의 결혼 생활, 펩시 광고 촬영 중 발생한 화상사고, 성형수술, 진통제에 의존했던 마이클의 상황 등 그간 다루기 힘들었던 그의 루머와 불운했던 삶에 대한 이야기를 가감 없이 공개한다.
이소룡에 관한 다큐멘터리
Andres Serrano (born August 15, 1950 in New York City) is an American photographer and artist who has become notorious through his photos of corpses and his use of feces and bodily fluids in his work, notably his controversial work "Piss Christ", a red-tinged photograph of a crucifix submerged in a glass container of what was purported to be the artist's own urine. This documentary explores the work and soul of this acclaimed artist & how he creates his haunting and explicit images. It takes us deep into Amsterdam and reveals the backdrops Serrano uses for what is one of his most confronting and moving collection based on all aspects of sex.
A documentary about the making of season five of the acclaimed AMC series Breaking Bad.
The "unsinkable" floating palace set sail from Southampton on 10th April 1912 on her maiden voyage to New York. An iceberg ended this monumental journey 5 days later. Only 705 of the passengers and crew survived. This program features an exclusive look at the Sea City Museum Titanic Exhibit in Southampton, interviews from both survivors and the cast of the blockbuster film.
A look at the phenomenal success of novel, Fifty Shades of Grey.
같은 이름의 피터 M. 브 래케 (Peter M. Bracke)의 최종작에서 영감을 얻은이 장엄한 7 시간짜리 다큐멘터리 (Never Sleep Again : 엘름 스트리트 레거시 (Never Sleep Again : 엘름 스트리트 레거시)와 같은 팀)는 12 번째 금요일 13 번째 영화 제작에 뛰어 들어, 캐스트와 승무원의 새로운 인터뷰.
Documentary about the rise of Marvel Studios after their near-bankruptcy in the mid-1990s.
The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they were affected by the deaths of Gloria Foster and Aaliyah, and also delve into the making of the visual effects that takes up a lot of screen time. Written by Rhyl Donnelly
침팬치를 제작한 디즈니 네이쳐가 베어스로 돌아왔다. 곰 가족의 일년의 생활이 엄마곰 스카이가 그녀의 귀여운 두 아기곰 앰버와 스콧에게 인생에 필요한 중요한 교육을 하는 모습을 통해 보여진다. 장엄한 알래스카를 배경으로 겨울의 끝에서 시작된 그들의 여정은 겨울잠에서 깨어나 조금 춥고, 흥미롭지만 매우 위험하기도 한 바깥 세상을 만나면서 펼쳐진다. 사랑스러운 동물 가족이 지구에서 가장 광활한 야생에서 살아내기 위한 노력들이 놀라운 영상으로 담아졌다.