John Carson

John Carson

출생 : 1927-02-28, Colombo, Ceylon. [now Sri Lanka]

사망 : 2016-11-05


John Carson was an English actor known for his appearances in film and television. Not to be confused with the American TV entertainer John "Johnny" Carson.

프로필 사진

John Carson
John Carson
John Carson

참여 작품

Hammer Horror: The Warner Bros. Years
The untold story of Hammer at Warner Bros, and the relationship that produced some of the British company's finest films.
Amicus Vault of Horrors
A definitive documentary charting the rise and fall of Amicus film productions.
둠스데이: 지구 최후의 날
George Dutton
지구에는 치명적인 바이러스로 인해 버려진 땅이 있다. 전세계의 생존을 위협하는 치명적인 바이러스가 발생했다. 온몸에 상처와 출혈을 일으키고 결국엔 장기까지 녹여버리는 이 살인적인 바이러스는 발견된 지 며칠 만에 지구의 수많은 사람들을 감염시켰다. 정부는 이 곳을 “위험지역”으로 선포함과 동시에 바이러스의 확산을 막고자 이 곳과 연결된 모든 도로와 다리, 철도를 봉쇄하고 통행 금지를 목적으로 아무도 침입할 수 없는 철강의 성벽을 세워 격리지역으로 만들었다. 그렇게 이 곳은 지구상에서 버려진 땅, 사람들 기억 속에서 잊혀진 땅이 되었다. 그리고 25년 후… 지구 최후의 날이 다가오고 있다! 런던에서는 치명적인 바이러스가 다시 발생하고 안전국의 국장 빌 넬슨은 위성을 통해 모두가 죽었을 거라 믿었던 격리지역에 생존자가 살아있음을 알게 된다. 생존자가 살아 있다는 것은 바이러스의 치료제가 있다는 것이라고 믿은 빌 넬슨 국장은 이든 소령과 함께 최강의 멤버들로 구성된 부대를 25년간 봉쇄된 격리지역으로 보낸다. 외부와 완전히 차단된 격리지역에서 여전사 이든과 최강의 멤버들은 바이러스가 인류를 지구 최후의 날로 몰아가기 전에 치료제를 찾을 수 있을까? 과연 이든과 최강의 멤버들은 살아 돌아 올 수 있을까?
꿈꾸는 아프리카
Pembroke Headmaster
아름답고 호기심 강한 쿠키 겔만(킴 베이싱어)는 뜻밖의 교통사고를 경험하면서 삶의 의미를 다시 생각하게 되고, 결국 편하지만 단조로운 생활을 보내던 이탈리아에서의 삶에서 탈출할 것을 결심한다. 아프리카에서 새로운 삶을 찾고자 하는 그녀의 여정에는 엠마뉴엘과 막 결혼한 파올로(뱅상 페레)가 동참한다. 하지만 케냐의 넓은 대지를 보며 자유와 자연의 신비로움에 경의를 표하던 그녀는 곧 아프리카의 현실이 동화 속의 이야기와는 엄연히 다른 것임을 깨닫는다.
Black Velvet Band
Col. Rowan
Period drama Black Velvet Band takes us back to Victorian times when a gang of petty crooks find themselves sentenced to transportation to Australia, their ship, however, docks in South Africa and the gang manage to make their escape. The film starred Nick Berry, Chris McHallem and Todd Carty, who had all previously appeared in EastEnders together. The initial idea came from McHallem, whilst Nick Berry, thanks to being the darling of ITV at the time because of his hit show Heartbeat, had the clout to get it made.
Mandela and de Klerk
Willem de Klerk
Sidney Poitier and Michael Caine both received Emmy nominations for their performances in this made-for-TV movie. The plot follows Nelson Mandela's 27-year struggle to end apartheid.
The World of Hammer: Dracula and the Undead
Dr. Marcus
Explore Hammer's greatest legacy with clips from such classic films as The Horror of Dracula, Brides of Dracula, Dracula - Prince of Darkness, Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires, Scars of Dracula, Kiss of the Vampire and more.
The Sheltering Desert
In 1935 two German geologists, Henno Martin and Hermann Korn, leave Nazi Germany for South-West Africa (Namibia) to conduct field research. At the outbreak of the Second World War, many male Germans living in South-West Africa are interned in local camps. As pacifists the two German scientists refuse to be arrested and flee into the Namib Desert. They live for over two years in the vastness of the desert like ancient bushmen under indescribable circumstances, facing the challenge to survive and, at the same time, the threat to be detected. On the radio they follow the war events in Europe. Their adventure comes to an end when Hermann Korn starts suffering seriously from malnutrition.
The Last Hero
Fred Zimmerman
The story of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, his adventurous life and trials in the jungles of Africa.
The Mountain and the Molehill
It is May 1944, two weeks before D-day. Britain stands poised for the long-awaited invasion of France - thousands of troops wait anxiously for the orders to come for embarkation. MI5 is horrified to discover the top-secret codewords for the invasion suddenly appearing as clues in the Daily Telegraph crossword. Two agents are immediately dispatched to confront the culprit, the headmaster of a boys' school in southern England.
Engineer Councillor
An astronaut, known only as The Survivor, returns from space only to find Earth a desolate, post-nuclear wasteland. Spending the next ten years searching for others, he finds rumors and signs of a hidden underground city. He finds a woman who claims to know where the city is, but she is kidnapped before she can tell him. Desperate to locate this hidden remnant of humanity, he begins his pursuit of her captors.
An African Dream
Harry Endicott
An Englishwoman travels to South Africa in 1906.
Doctor Who: Snakedance
Tegan falls once more under the influence of the Mara and directs the TARDIS to the planet Manussa. There, the Federator's son Lon and his mother Tanha are preparing for a ceremony to celebrate the banishment of the Mara five hundred years earlier. The Mara takes control of Lon and uses him and Tegan to obtain from Ambril, the Director of Historical Research, the 'Great Crystal' - the large blue stone that originally brought it into being by focusing energy from the minds of the planet's one-time inhabitants. The Mara now plans to use the crystal during the ceremony to bring about its return to corporeal existence.
City of Blood
Prime Minister
A medical examiner investigating a series of prostitute murders discovers that the culprit is an ancient tribal witch doctor come back to life.
Guardian of the Abyss
Charles Randolph
A scrying glass puts an antiques exporter in the path of a woman fleeing from devil worshipers and the evil hypnotist who leads them. Originally an episode of British horror anthology TV series, Hammer House of Horror, that later received a feature release in the United States.
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Two American girls go on a vacation to England and mysterious things begin happening when one of them falls to her death from atop a monument.
Tom Carter
Glen, a complete stranger, appears at the door of Elizabeth Carter, a middle-aged woman, and claims to be the illegitimate son she gave away at birth.
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
Dr. Marcus
When several young girls are found dead, left hideously aged and void of blood, Dr Marcus suspects vampirism. He enlists the help of the Vampire Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Kronos has dedicated his life to destroying the evil pestilence. Once a victim of its diabolical depravity, he knows the vampire's strengths and weaknesses as well as the extreme dangers attached to confronting the potent forces of darkness.
Ray Burns
With the exception of the poor central heating system, Ray and Penny Burns' newly-purchased country house seems ideal. While repairing the pipes, a handyman digs up the cellar and uncovers the body of the home's previous owner who was murdered twenty years earlier. A séance held in the home reveals something very disturbing.
The Man in a Looking Glass
A robbery is prevented by an undercover art dealer pretending to be a criminal. Edited from TV series, The Baron.
Male Bait
Apparently a British answer to the Boys in the Band
Paper Roses
Facing retirement, elderly journalist Clarence Hubbard reflects on the pointlessness of a life wasted writing banal tabloid human interest, animal, and crime stories. Rather than go quietly to tend roses in a garden, Hubbard begins a series of violent actions not unlike those described in tabloids, and this is heightened by inter cutting tabloid headlines between scenes. Throughout, there are occasional shots of a television critic who watches this very play as it unfolds, and he writes a negative review filled with cleverly phrased but bitter invective.
This Body Is Mine
Allen Meredith
Allen Meredith is a brilliant scientist but too mild-mannered to make an impact or fight for the money he needs. He has invented a process to exchange minds between bodies. His ambitious wife Ann persuades him to invite his boss, the domineering Jack Gregory, to their house for dinner. Once there, they drug him and Allen swaps bodies with Jack, then goes back to work to transfer millions into his account. But meanwhile Ann is finding the combination of Jack's masculine personality in Allen's body rather attractive and they begin making their own plans.
The Lie
Ellis Anderson
Ingmar Bergman play looking at the cool and brittle relationship between a successful architect (Frank Finlay) and his academic wife (Gemma Jones). Commissioned by the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation on behalf of European members participating in ‘The Largest Theatre in the World’. This, the Radio Times explained, was ‘a project which enabled a play to be broadcast simultaneously in several languages across Europe.’ This UK Play For Today version was directed by Alan Bridges, whilst an American version was put out on CBS, directed by Alex Segal
로저 무어의 이중생활
Executive Harold Pelham suffers a serious accident after which he faces the shadow of death. When, against all odds, he miraculously recovers, he discovers that his life does not belong to him anymore.
드라큐라의 환생
Jonathon Secker
1968년 크리스토퍼 리 주연 드라큐라 3탄인 '드라큐라의 부활(Dracula Has Risen from the Grave)' 의 속편격인 작품. 세 명의 중년 부르주아 신사들이 지루한 시간을 보내던 중 코틀리라는 자를 만나 위험한 제의에 동참하게 된다. 그 제의란, 자신의 죽은 마스터를 소생시키는데 성공한다면, 엄청난 권력을 주겠다는 것. 코틀리의 말에 이끌려, 그가 하라는대로 부활의식에 필요한 것들을 산 후, 코틀리의 마스터를 소생시키는데 성공하지만, 알고보니 그 마스터란 드라큘라였던 것이다. 이에 놀란 신사들은 코틀리를 죽이는데, 부활한 드라큫라가 코틀리의 몸에 잠입해 다시 중년 신사들을 차례로 죽이기 시작한다.
좀비의 역병
Squire Clive Hamilton
저명한 과학자인 제임스 포브스 경은 그의 수제자였던 콘월의 의사 피터 톰슨한테서 마을에 퍼지고 있는 이상한 전염병에 대한 편지를 받는다. 딸 실비아와 함께 톰슨을 방문한 제임스 경은 그 병이 단순한 전염병이 아니라 부두교 흑마술과 관련이 있음을 알게되는데...
The Night Caller
The Major
The inhabitants of Ganymede need to find mates from another world or they will become extinct. They soon discover a suitable breeding stock amongst the females of planet Earth.
Act of Murder
Tim Ford
A dangerous psychological game plays out between a man and the husband of the lover who spurned him.
Master Spy
Richard Colman
Boris Turganev (Murray) is a Russian scientist who has absconded from a Communist prison in an attempt to achieve a better life working for the British. As Boris struggles to make his superiors believe he is there to work and not to spy for the Russians, an office romance blossoms that could put his mission in jeopardy.
Trevor Bayliss
A fastidious insurance assessor investigates a potential case of insurance fraud.
Accidental Death
A man is confronted by a man in his house who declares that he is here to kill him, because he collaborated with the Nazis and caused the death of the intruder's fiancée.
The Set Up
Arthur Payne, recently out of prison, meets a stranger, Theo Gaunt, on a train and explains his situation. A few days later another stranger makes a curious proposition. Arthur should participate in a fake robbery and remove some imitation jewellery from the stranger's own safe.
Guns of Darkness
First Officer
Committed pacifist Tom Jordan's decision to help former President Rivera escape a military coup is a simple act of mercy that takes him and his wife to the edge of despair. It turns them into outlaws and fugitives, hunted by a vicious regime; yet it could also bring them together in a way they have never been before.
Seven Keys
Alan Dobie plays a convict who is bequeathed a set of seven keys by a fellow prisoner. After discovering that the deceased was an embezzler who stole £20,000 that was never recovered; he sets out to find the cash after finishing the last three months of his sentence. However he must first solve the mystery of which locks the keys fit, and run the gauntlet of the police and a number of gangsters who are after him and the money.
The Lady is a Square
Reporter (uncredited)
Neagle stars a Frances Baring, a socialite widow attempting to keep her late husband's symphony orchestra going. Reluctantly she enlists the help of a young pop singer (Frankie Vaughan) who has fallen for Baring's daughter Joanna, played by a young Janette Scott.
Quentin Durward
Duke of Orleans
During the 15th century reign of France's King Louis XI, a young Scottish man is sent by his English Lord to woo a French lady on his behalf. The plan goes awry when the young man falls in love with her. Based on the classic novel by Sir Walter Scott.
Tenth of a Second
"Tenth of a Second" is the account of one man's desperate attempt to fight the oppressive apartheid regime of South Africa. This political thriller centres around Michael Wilder (James Whyle), a schoolteacher and political activist, with a failing marriage. Wilder is a member of the "Organisation" which is involved in subversive activities against the state. One day, Raymond (Nicky Rebelo), a fellow member, visits Wilder and leaves him with a suitcase containing a bomb. Wilder is expected to place in a busy shopping centre. But things do not go according to plan and the consequences of his actions result in devastating effects for Wilder and his grip on reality.