Otello Sisi

참여 작품

Joan Lui
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
In a world ravaged by violence, and other serious social problems, Joan - a character that alludes to Christ (which represents the return to Earth) arrives to Italy by train and preaching for the salvation of mankind, condemning the hypocrisy and hedonism.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno
Makeup Department Head
During the reign of King Alboin, the peasant Bertoldo, sly and smart, manages to always get away with pranks and pleasantires with great mastery, and, even if his clumsy wife Marcolfa and their foolish son Bertoldino always put him in trouble, his shrewdness and acumen save him from any unfortunate situation...
My Friends Act II
Makeup Department Head
The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.
The Marquis of Grillo
Makeup Artist
The marquess of Grillo is a good-natured, clever and women-loving man who is always inventing stories and cracking all types of jokes. The film tells the story of his life.
Passion of Love
Makeup Artist
In the 1860's, Giorgio (Giraudeau), a young Italian soldier is sent to a remote post, far away from his lover, Clara (Antonelli). He is lodged in the house of the colonel (Girotti). He becames friends with the colonel and the local doctor (Trintignant). Among the inhabitants of the house, there is a strange young woman - Fosca (d'Obici) who is both unattractive and mad. However, she has a passion that Giorgio will have to cope with.
Hotel Room
Makeup Department Head
A couple of young movie makers have secretly filmed for over a year what was going on in a hotel room, trying to realize a "live act" of common people living their life. They get in touch with old and money-tight producer Mengaroni to edit their movie, but while they contact the accidental actors for gathering authorization, he starts to manipulate their work.
In the Pope's Eye
Makeup Department Head
The Pope is disturbed by the fact that today's youth are not as spiritually inclined as they should be, and so he decides to set up a Vatican television station and entice them back into the religion of their ancestors. In order to particularly grab the wandering flock, a priest invites the comedians from "The Other Sunday," an actual comedy program on Italian television, to perform on this new channel.
Makeup Artist
Fontamara is a village in the Marsica, forgotten by all but God and its inhabitants are called 'cafoni' (boors). Berardo Viola wants to marry Elvira but only after gaining enough money to buy some land and in order to reach his aim he has the idea of going to a great city. When Maria Grazia is raped by the fascists, Berardo and Antonio decide to leave Fontamara and go to Rome. Here they are swindled by a lawyer and afterwards they are invited by an antifascist to a restaurant where they are arrested by the police because of some subversive papers they had.
Hurricane Rosie
Makeup Department Head
Raoul has best chances to become next boxing champion in light-heavy weight. For a bet he tries to beat through a door with his bare fist. He wins the bet, but his hand is broken, his career ruined. He starts working on a fair; there he meets Hurricane Rosy the first time. When he sees her the next time, she's star of Mike Fernando's women wrestling show. They passionately fall in love, but their their love must survive her rising fame and his violent jealousy
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Makeup Artist
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
살롱 키티
Makeup Artist
독일 나치 정부의 친위대장, 발렌버그(헬무트 버거 분)는 지나친 충성심으로 여성당원을 선발하여 여러가지 훈련을 시킨다. 그룹 섹스 등 온갖 훈련을 통해 선발된 여자들은 살롱 키티에서 창녀로 일하게 된다. 또한 이들은 살롱에 드나드는 인물들의 성향을 감시 발렌버그에게 보고하고 발렌버그는 각 방마다 도청장치를 설치, 모든 이들을 감시한다. 아름다운 마가리타(테레사 앤 사보이 분)는 반 나치주의자인 한스(베킴 페미우 분)라는 남자를 사랑하게 되고 이를 도청한 발렌버그에 의해 한스는 처형을 당한다. 자신들의 일거수 일투족을 파악하고 있는 발렌버그에게 의심을 품기 시작한 살롱 마담 키티(잉그리드 썰린 분)와 마가리타는 발렌버그의 도청 사실을 눈치채고 평소 마가리타에게 흑심을 품고있던 발렌버그를 유인, 비밀 정보를 누설하도록 만든다. 결국 마가리타의 밀고로 발렌버그는 벗은 채 사살당하고 만다.
Plot of Fear
Makeup Artist
Plot of Fear tells the story of a decadent weekend party full of orgies and drugs on the outskirts of Milan. After two deaths occur Inspector Lomenzo interrogates one of the guests, a fashion model who becomes his informant, as well as his lover. Clery reveals that after a “wildlife orgy”one of the hosts tried to jokingly feed one of the prostitutes to a tiger but she got so frightened that she died of heart attack. In his attempt to find a connection between the victims, he investigates a cutting-edge security and surveillance firm whose director has secrets of his own to hide.
악령의 밤
Makeup Artist
젊은 나이에 교통 사고로 죽은 디미트리가 떠돌아 다니는 영혼이 됐는데 다시 태어나게 해준다는 악마의 약속을 믿고 그 노예가 된 뒤 샌프란시스코에 사는 젊은 주부인 제시카 배랫이 임신을 한 다음부터 악령이 들린 듯 괴상한 행동을 벌이면서 시작되는 이야기
Bread and Chocolate
Makeup Artist
An Italian immigrant tries to make a new life in Switzerland, taking on a series of increasingly menial jobs in order to do it. He attempts to fit into his new home and society but fails at every turn. Unable to go home again, will his tenacity and optimism be enough to live on?
Run, Run, Joe!
Makeup Artist
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
히틀러: 더 라스트 텐 데이즈
Makeup Artist
Hitler: The Last Ten Days takes us into the depths of der Furher’s Berlin bunker during his final days. Based on the book by Gerhard Boldt, it provides a bleak look at the goings-on within, and without.
Dirty Weekend
Makeup Artist
A man and his mistress have just taken off for a weekend romp when they're kidnapped by a trio of bank robbers. They wind up becoming media "stars" as police and reporters follow them. They all wind up at the beat-up shack of a cranky old codger, with the police surrounding them and the robbers threatening to kill everybody.
캔터베리 이야기
Makeup Artist
초서의 유명한 소설 를 노골적인 성적 표현을 담아 개작했다. 파졸리니는 이 영화에서 과격한 표현주의와 그 이상의 것까지 보여준다. 영국에서 촬영된 이 영화에서 파졸리니는 쵸서의 외설스러운 세계에 활기를 불어넣는다.
Without Family
Makeup Artist
Released from the orphanage at the age of thirty, a man dreams of finding his mother.
Cold Eyes of Fear
Makeup Artist
Against a backdrop of Swingin' 60s London a young playboy type "steals" a beautiful Italian girl from her elderly date and suggests she comes back to his place for some good times. "His place" being owned by his father, a rich and respected solicitor. Unfortunately a couple of criminals have plans of their own, one for money, the other for revenge, and the lovers end up prisoners in a tense siege situation
Between Miracles
Makeup Artist
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.
The Lickerish Quartet
Makeup Artist
A jaded, wealthy couple watch a blue movie in their castle home along with her adult son. The son is testy, so they go into town and watch a circus-like thrill ride. The daredevil woman in the show looks exactly like one of the women in the movie, so the man invites her to join them for a nightcap. Tensions among the family seem to rise. She stays overnight, and during her 24 hours in the castle, each of its three residents involves her in a fantasy. She, in turn, keeps asking, "Who has the gun?" Will there be violence before it's over?
베아트리체 첸치
Makeup Artist
베아트리체는 1577년 2월 6일, 교활하고 포악하기로 유명한 이탈리아의 귀족 프란체스코 첸치(Francesco Cenci)와 그의 첫 번째 부인 사이에서 태어났다. 그리고 그녀는 삶이 채 꽃피기도 전에 아버지를 살해한 희대의 살인자로 사형을 선고받고 1599년 9월 11일 짧은 마감했다. 당시 그녀의 가족으로는 오빠인 지오코모와 계모 루크레지아페트로니, 이복동생 베르나르도가 있었는데 어린 베르나도를 제외한 모든 가족이 살인죄로 체포되어 함께 처형됐다. 처형되기 전, 그들을 구하기 위한 노력이 많이 시도됐지만 교황 클레멘스 8세(Pope Clement Ⅷ)는 사면을 허락하지 않았다. 그래서 교황이 그들을 파멸시킬 목적에서 행했던 것이라는 소문도 있다. 프란체스코는 엄청난 부와 영향력을 소유하고 있었는데, 로마의 유테인 게토 끝에 위치한 그들의 저택 첸치성(Palazzo Cenci)말고도 첸치가는 로마 북쪽의 리에티에 가까운 작은 마을인 페트렐라살토에 성을 소유하고 있었다. 그들의 재산은 물론 첸치가 사람들이 사형당하면서 모두 몰수됐다.
Oh, Grandmother's Dead
Makeup Artist
Relatives brawl over the estate of a deceased grandmother who owned an insecticide factory.They stop at nothing, including bumping each other off.
Appointment in Beirut
Makeup Artist
When an international casino crime ring is planning a big score at a fixed roulette game, the casino police enlists the help of Jeff Miller, an alcoholic croupier, to nab the bad guys. Jeff is attracted to Laura, a singer at the casino, but she prefers the company of the leader of the thieving casino ring.
I Protect Myself Against My Enemies
Makeup Artist
A major of the dissolved southern army gives a dollar to a young cowboy, Alan Burton, telling him that there are two other similar dollars with different figures on them; the three numbers combined show the spot where the Confederate's treasure is hidden. A number of people get involved including a gang leader and Alan's sidekick, Hondo.
Italian Secret Service
Makeup Artist
A war hero turned unemployed is hired by a British man whose life he saved during the war, for a secret mission: to kill a neo-nazi.
Catch As Catch Can
Makeup Artist
Bob is a successful actor, but his career gets doomed by a strange phenomenon: the animal kingdom is taking on him!
Pleasant Nights
Makeup Artist
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
The Queens
Makeup Artist
Four unrelated short comedies by four different directors. "Queen Sabina"chronicles the sexual misadventures of a teenage girl on the road home. "Queen Armenia" centers on a self-serving opportunistic gypsy babysitter who uses her employer's kids for her own gain. The third episode, "Queen Elena" centers on a husband who learns a lesson about the perils of infidelity after he succumbs to the wiles of the seductive wife next door. The last vignette, "Queen Marta" centers on a wealthy woman who, when drunk, uses her butler as an outlet for her lust.
For Love and Gold
Makeup Artist
A group of rogues steal a scroll granting its bearer the property of the land of Aurocastro in Apulia, a province in the south of Italy. They elect a shaggy knight, Brancaleone from Norcia, as their leader, and decide to get possession of this supposedly wealthy land. Many adventures will occurr during the journey.
A Maiden for the Prince
Makeup Artist
Young Prince Vincenzo Gonzaga, rejects his first wife Margherita Farnese, obtaining the annulment of the union and, at the same time, raising strong doubts about her virginity
Snow Job
Makeup Artist
Lucio sees his holiday on the Italian Alps interrupted when he is suddenly and unwillingly involved in an International plot involving fake dollar bills.
One Million Dollars
Makeup Artist
Don Giuliano Niccolini Borges, Roman prince and member of the Pontifical Noble Guard, is very much attracted to Jane, an English girl he has met that is accompanying him on a pleasure trip to Switzerland. He has some plans for hanky-panky on their various stops along the route, but Jane has other plans as she is only with him because his car has a special-identification license plate and can go through customs without inspection. The car clears customs as does the stolen million dollars she is smuggling. Sandro, her former boyfriend is following and plans to hi-jack the loot, leaving Jane empty handed.
Il gaucho
Makeup Artist
An italian film producer travels to Argentina with part of the crew to a Film Festival contest.
Hercules Against the Mongols
Makeup Artist
Though Genghis Khan eventually sought peace with the West, his death in 1227 AD puts into power his three war-like sons: Sayan, Susdal, and Kin Khan. These sons quickly overrun the city of Tuleda and take prisoner Princess Bianca, though young Prince Alessio escapes. Hercules comes to the rescue of Bianca, winning her freedom in a tournament in exchange for becoming a slave himself. Forces from the West soon come to re-take Tuleda and Hercules -- freed from his bonds -- helps to dispatch Genghis Khan's three sons while again saving Bianca and reuniting her with her young brother.
The Monsters
Makeup Artist
The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes.