Italian silent film
Italian silent serial
Edith Laurin
1914년 프랑스 남부 프로방스, 주민들은 독일과의 전쟁 선포를 환영한다. 그중 질투심 많고 폭력적인 성향인 프랑수아 로린은 에디트와 결혼하지만, 그녀가 시인 장 디아즈와 불륜 관계라고 의심해 그녀를 로렌 주로 보낸다. 하지만 그녀는 그곳에서 독일군에게 강간당한다.
제1차 세계대전을 배경으로 한 비극적 드라마이자 몇몇 평론가는 반전 영화라고 평하기도 한다. 감독인 아벨 강스는 1920년대 프랑스 인상주의 영화 감독들 중 가장 중요한 인물이자 플래시백 등 무성영화의 전형적인 연출 스타일을 만들었다.
Marie-Louise Dupin et Marise Sorr (as Marise Dauvray)
The film based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Duma, is concerned with fraternal royal strife at the court of Henri III. Tragically caught between the millstones of history are the gallant Count de Bussy and the woman he adores, la Dame de Monsoreau.
Grandmother Hall, aged fast falling in health, is greatly comforted by her only two grandchildren, daughters of her own daughter long since past before. She has made a will in which she stipulates that Lawrence, her son, shall inherit her wealth providing he assumes the care of her grandchildren, and who are, of course, his nieces. She dies. Lawrence claims the estate and orders his nieces to get out and earn their own way. A second will is found, properly filed and recorded. It is read and they learn that it is a repudiation of the first will, should Lawrence fail to live up to the terms therein. Lawrence tries to break the will but fails and the estate is ordered delivered to the girls. The granddaughters kind-heartedly offer Lawrence a home with them.
Nick Carter, the famous detective, is ordered to prosecute the gang of Zigomar. Carter gets into various thorny situations but manages to escape every time, helped by Olga, a former girlfriend of Zigomar. Carter finally manages to trap Zigomar and Zigomar is arrested. However, Zigomar avoids going to court by apparently poisoning himself.