Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

출생 : 1893-12-26, Shaoshan village, Hunan Province, China

사망 : 1976-09-09


Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung (also known as Chairman Mao) was a Chinese communist revolutionary and founding father of the People's Republic of China. His Marxist–Leninist theories, military strategies, and political policies are collectively known as Maoism or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. A controversial figure, Mao is regarded as one of the most important individuals in modern world history, and is also known as a theorist, military strategist, poet and visionary.

프로필 사진

Mao Zedong

참여 작품

China: The Uighur Tragedy
Self - Politician (archive footage)
A relentless chronicle of the tragedy of the Uighurs, an ethnic minority of some eleven million people who live in the Xinjiang region of northwest China, speak a Turkic language and practice the Muslim religion. The Uighurs suffer brutal cultural and political oppression by Xin Jinping's tyrannical government: torture, disappearances, forced labor, re-education of children and adults, mass sterilizations, extensive surveillance and destruction of historical heritage.
Taiwan: A Digital Democracy in China's Shadow
Self (archive footage)
One Country, Two Systems? No Way! say the youth of Taiwan. But China under President Xi Jinping wants more than ever to bring the island of Taiwan back into the fold, just like Hong Kong. Can the burgeoning democracy on China’s doorstep, driven by digital technology, resist the Middle Kingdom’s advances? To China Taiwan is a breakaway province that must return to the fold. To its 24 million inhabitants it is a sovereign state with its own constitution and democratically elected leaders. Now that Hong Kong has been brought into line, Taiwan remains determined to stand up as a vibrant, young democracy. But it won't be easy. Since the Sunflower Movement in 2014 when the young came out to prevent an economic agreement with China, citizen groups have been fighting for the transparency of institutions.
백년의 기억
Self (archive footage)
남북의 영상자료와 전 세계 남북문제 관계자들의 인터뷰를 통해 한반도 백 년의 역사를 보여준다. 분단 역사의 흐름은 물론, 세계 속의 한반도가 가진 상징성을 생생하게 써 내려간다. 피에르 올리비에 프랑수아 감독은 영화에서 어느 특정 정치 성향이나 국가 형태를 옹호하지 않는다. 대신 다양한 기록물을 수집하고 당사자의 이야기에 귀 기울이며 이념적으로 다른 두 국가의 탄생과 역사를 전달한다. 지구상에 마지막으로 남은 냉전의 유산을 걷어내고 한반도의 평화와 통일을 이루려는 소망과 꿈을 말한다.
André Malraux: Writer, Politician, Adventurer
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Writer, journalist, explorer, filmmaker, communist militant, freedom fighter. Truths and lies. A plot twist. Politician. General De Gaulle's shadow. Overwhelmed by the weight of power. The numerous exploits of André Malraux (1901-1976).
The Man Who Defied Beijing
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
A portrait of Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), a witness of the Tiananmen Square massacre (1989), a dissident, a woodpecker who tirelessly pecked the putrid brain of the Communist regime for decades, demanding democracy loudly and fearlessly. Silenced, arrested, convicted, imprisoned, dead. Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2010, alive forever. These are his last words.
끝나지 않은 전쟁
Self (archive footage)
한반도의 지정학적 의미를 새롭게 조명하는 다큐멘터리. 영화는 배우 존 조의 내레이션을 바탕으로, ‘잊혀진 전쟁(Forgotten War)’이라는 신화에 맞서 한국전쟁 이후의 갈등과 세계의 흐름을 기록한다.
De Gaulle, the Last King of France
Self (archive footage)
Charles de Gaulle, the first president (1958-1969) of the Vth Republic, France’s current system of government, left his mark on the country . He was statesman of action and has been compared to a monarch. This film depicts the general’s personality through the great events of his presidential term, at a time when the world was undergoing considerable changes.
장진호 전투
Himself (archive footage)
한국 전쟁이 한창이던 1950년 11월. 매서운 추위와 중공군 대비 수적 열세에 맞서 북한의 장진호에서 치열한 전투를 치른 미군. 전쟁의 분수령이 된 장진호 전투를 조명한다.
All Eyes And Ears
Himself (archive footage)
Directed by Vanessa Hope
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
Self (archive footage)
The real reasons and orchestrators behind Hitler, to an incredible theory of the JFK assassination, all the way to 9/11 and the current age of the terrorist. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War 1 leading to present day.
Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words
Self (archive footage)
From 1971 to 1973, Richard Nixon secretly recorded his private conversations in the White House. This film chronicles the content of those tapes, which include Nixon's conversations on the war in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers leak, his Supreme Court appointments, and more--while also exposing shocking statements he made about women, people of color, Jews, and the media.
Our Nixon
Never before seen Super 8 home movies filmed by Richard Nixon's closest aides - and convicted Watergate conspirators - offer a surprising and intimate new look into his Presidency.
A Home Far Away
The extraordinary destiny of two people. After the Second World War, Lois is an actress in Broadway theatre, television and Hollywood films. Her husband, Edgar Snow, is world famous. A pioneer fascinated by China, he is the first journalist to film and interview Mao Tse-tung. Suspected by the American authorities of Communist sympathies, Ed and Lois are blacklisted. Together with their two small children, they go to Switzerland, mid-way between China and America, where they find a new home. A story of revolution, utopia, disillusionment, and hope.
Bokassa Ier, empereur de Françafrique
Self (archive footage)
Madame Mao
French documentary from 2013. Mao Zedong and his fourth wife Jiang Qing were married for 37 years, from 1939 until Mao's death in 1976. After his death, she was tried and imprisoned where, at the age of 77, she committed suicide. All the official portraits of her were removed after her death and she became a scapegoat of the things for which Mao was ultimately responsible.
마오의 라스트 댄서
Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
평발이라는 불리한 조건에도 더 멋진 도약과 턴을 위해 피나는 연습을 이어가던 춘신은 우연히 휴스턴 발레단장의 눈에 띄어 동양인 최초로 휴스턴 발레단에 초청된다. 동양인 답지 않은 파워풀하고 풍부한 연기력으로 미국 무대에서 주목 받기 시작한 춘신은 모두가 불가능하다고 고개를 저은 ‘돈키호테’를 단 3시간 만에 마스터하고 환상적인 무대를 선보이며 최고의 스타로 인정 받는다. 예술을 향한 열정을 자유롭게 분출할 수 있는 미국에서의 삶에 익숙해질 무렵 사랑스러운 엘리자베스와 사랑에 빠지게 된 춘신. 그러나 어느덧 미국에서의 약속했던 3개월이 지나고 고향으로 돌아가야 할 시간이 다가오는데… 발레를 통해 자유롭게 도약하고픈 춘신의 꿈은 펼쳐질 수 있을까?
Sputnik Mania
Self (archive footage)
Fifty years ago, at the height of the Cold War, the USSR launched Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the earth, bringing America to its knees in awe - then fear. Initially thrilling as a marvel of science, Sputnik was soon viewed by America a weapon of mass destruction.
The Cultural Revolution: Mao's Last Battle
This series presents the definitive history of the Cultural Revolution, its background, and aftermath, blending an incredible array of documentary footage with discussion by Chinese contemporaries, diplomats, and scholars, including Roxanne Witke, the only Westerner to interview Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing.
Self (archive footage)
5천년에 걸친 인류 역사에 있어서 가장 중요한 사건은 환경의 변화다. 옛 자연에서 새 자연으로, 즉 자연의 환경에서 테크놀로지의 환경으로 변한 것이다. 이것은 여러 제국들보다 중요하고, 세계 종교보다 강력하며, 대전투보다 결정적이고, 지구상의 온갖 격변보다 훨씬 충격적이다. 는 이러한 환경의 변화를 다루고 있다. 지구상의 조화를 꾀하는 방식이, 자연의 경우 다양한 차이의 미스터리를 통해서라면, 새 자연은 테크놀로지의 균질화를 통해서다. 는 이 단일한 사건의 반영이며, 여기서 우리의 주제는 미디어 그 자체다. 기술의 요람, 테크놀로지의 결정체. 미디어가 바로 우리 이야기이다. 인간은 테크놀로지를 도구로서 이용하는 게 아니라, 아예 삶의 한 방법으로서 테크놀로지를 통해 존재한다. 이제 테크놀로지는 인간에게 있어 산소와 같은 것이 되었고, 인간은 이제 테크놀로지 없이는 살 수가 없다. 테크놀로지의 욕망은 무한하기 때문에, 유한한 자연의 세계를 소모하고 있다. 결국 테크놀로지는 결국 ‘나코이카시’, 즉 전쟁으로서의 삶이다. 삶의 힘에 대한 허가된 공격인 것이다. 는 우리를 지구상 어디에도 없는 곳이자 동시에 어디에나 있는 곳으로 여행을 안내한다. 이미지 그 자체. 그것이 바로 우리의 로케이션 장소다. 여기서는 가상공간이 실제공간을 압도한다. 옛 신들이 폐위되고 새로운 빛의 만신전이 통합된 컴퓨터 회로에서 나타난다. 그것의 진실이 진짜 진실이 된다. 미래와 자연경관, 비극과 반짝이는 희망이 동시에 이미지와 음악의 디지털 파도 속에서 하나로 융합된다. 새로운 세계가 오고 있다. 새로운 세계가 여기 있다. 는 이에 대한 코멘트이다.
The Worlds of Mei Lanfang
The true story of Mei Lanfang, China's greatest opera star; a husband and father whose world-wide fame came from the portrayal of women. His fascinating life was the basis for the feature film Farewell My Concubine.
Human Remains
Self (archive footage)
Human Remains is a haunting documentary which illustrates the banality of evil by creating intimate portraits of five of the 20th century's most reviled dictators. The film unveils the personal lives of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco and Mao Tse Tung. We learn the private and mundane details of their everyday lives -- their favorite foods, films, habits and sexual preferences. There is no mention of their public lives or of their place in history. The intentional omission of the horrors for which these men were responsible hovers over the film.
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
Self (archive footage)
"Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945-1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage from several countries.
Ernesto Che Guevara - Uomo, Compagno, Amico
붉은 대기
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
크리스 마커는 시대의 목격자였을 뿐만 아니라 활발한 영화적 실천가였다. 가능한 모든 형식의 영화를 포함한 사진집, 전시 등 그의 광범위한 활동을 돌아보는 것은 마커의 개인적인 정치와 예술 성향뿐만 아니라 세계사를 짚어 보는 일이다. 프랑스를 넘어 세계 역사에 영향을 끼친 68 혁명을 다룬 붉은 대기는 그의 영화 중 가장 정치적이고 전투적인 영화로 당시 세상의 해결책처럼 등장한 ‘새로운 좌파’의 탄생을 사적 에세이 형태로 보여준다. 특정 이념은 과거에 남아 있지만 당시 폭발하기 시작한 세계를 기록한 다큐멘터리, 이미지의 힘은 사상보다 더 위대함을 보여주는 작품이다.
Mao by Mao
A film-détournement biography of Mao Tse-tung in which the life of the recently deceased Great Helmsman is told in his own words, using quotes culled from various Red Guard publications. The rise to power of the film's namesake appears as the inevitable outcome of a dialectical logical. Or so the voice-over might lead one to believe. If the usual practice of détourned films is for the soundtrack to undermine the image, here the reverse occasionally takes place. The images critique Mao's words. They show that which, even in the official visual record of the times, the narrative elides. The film is dedicated to Li Yhi Zhe, the nominal author of a famous Democracy Wall critique of the Maoist state.
The Society of the Spectacle
Self (archive footage)
Guy Debord's analysis of a consumer society.
Velikoye proshchaniye
March 9th, 1953. A gray, sad day. Clouds float low over the Kremlin towers. A city that unrecognizably grew, prettier and matured - this Moscow froze in solemn grief. The country escorts its father and leader, Joseph Stalin.
China Strikes Back
In 1936 and 1937 Harry Dunham shot "several hundred feet of film," being the first cameraman to penetrate into the Shensi region and obtain footage of the Communist forces in China. He smuggled his film out and placed it in the hands of Frontier Films. Leyda, Lerner, Meyers and Maddow (they had to use pseudonyms) spent four months preparing the film for publication. In that time, the Chinese situation altered to such an extent that Frontier had to change the scenario several times in order to keep up with events...the producers had to make a happy change in the theme of China Strikes Back. It was no longer a film showing the Chinese people moving toward unity. It became a pictorial history revealing the how and why behind a realized unity. (IMDb)