Ady Berber

Ady Berber

출생 : 1913-02-04, Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]

사망 : 1966-01-03

프로필 사진

Ady Berber

참여 작품

Strangler of the Tower
The Strangler
Five people have stolen a priceless, legendary emerald from a religious temple. One of them is slain by an unknown killer.
The Murderer with the Silk Scarf
Kriminalinspektor Stenzel
The Murderer with the Silk Scarf
Un milliard dans un billard
Tausend Takte Übermut
German music film set in a seaside hotel.
Hotel der toten Gäste
Hoteldiener Teddy
Tim Frazer Hunts the Mysterious Mr. X
Lode van Dijk
British detective Tim Frazer hunts a myserious murderer who kills smugglers in the city of Antwerpen.
Frühstück mit dem Tod
Ernie, Leibwächter von Adama
Unsere tollen Tanten in der Südsee
Medizinmann Wudu-Budu
The five guys of the band "Sunny Boys" go to Polynesia, where they are forced by external circumstances to throw themselves back into women clothes.
Im singenden Rössel am Königssee
Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard
The spirit of the evil Dr. Mabuse takes over the body of a famous professor. The professor/Dr. Mabuse then begins a new crime wave that terrorizes the city.
The Indian Scarf
When a wealthy man dies, his avaricious relatives look forward to inheriting all his money. However, he leaves a provision in his will that they all must spend a week together in his castle before they will be able to inherit anything. At the castle (which is cut off from the outside world), the relatives soon begin to be killed off one by one, each strangled with an Indian scarf.
Nylon Noose
A company's stockholders hold their meeting at a lonely mansion. A mad doctor conducting experiments in the mansion starts to strangle them one at a time with a nylon noose. The survivors must figure out a way to stop him.
The Black Cobra
After a truck carrying a cargo of narcotics is held up by rival smugglers, the driver sets out to prove his innocence.
The Gypsy Baron
Ein Schatzgräber
The young Sandor comes to Timisoara and immediately takes on the pig farmer Zsupan to help the gypsy girl Saffi. As a result, he has bad cards when he spontaneously falls in love with Zsupan's daughter Arsena. In the castle of the Barinkays, which fell in Ungande, Sandor meets a group of gypsies. The old Czipra realizes that Sandor is the son of the Barinkays. Sandor is looking for the family treasure and has to choose between Arsena and Saffi.
The Door with Seven Locks
A rich man bequeaths seven keys to seven of his friends, but only one will unlock the door to untold wealth.
Schlagerrevue 1962
The Secret Ways
Vienna, 1956. After Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, soldier-of-fortune Michael Reynolds is hired to help a threatened Hungarian scientist escape from Budapest.
Dead Eyes of London
"Blind Jack" Farrell
A disfigured killer with glazed-over white eyes is doing the dirty work so that an insurance agent-doctor can get the victims' insurance money.
Das Dorf ohne Moral
Tiger-Hai', Chef des "Tabarin"
더 리턴 오브 닥터 마부제
Alberto Sandro
The supposedly dead and buried Mabuse returns to his criminal activities, as his longtime foe Police Inspector Lohmann, a dauntless girl reporter, and an American - who may be an FBI agent, or maybe a Chicago mobster - investigate a series of gruesome murders connected to a maximum security prison and involving a minister who has written a book called "The Anatomy Of The Devil".
Peter Voss, der Held des Tages
Leslie aus Texas
서기 26년, 로마 제국 시대 유다 벤허(찰톤 헤스톤)는 예루살렘의 제일 가는 유태 귀족이다. 어느 날 로마의 지배하에 있던 이스라엘에 새로운 총독이 부임해오고, 그를 보좌하는 주둔 사령관으로 벤허의 옛 친구인 멧살라(스티븐 보이드)가 임명된다. 그러나, 어린 시절과는 달리 로마와 이스라엘이라는 적대적인 상황에 의해 둘 사이의 우정에 금이 가게 되고, 신임 총독의 부임 축하 행진 중 벤허의 여동생 티자(캐시 오도넬)의 실수로 총독이 부상을 당하는 사건이 발생한다. 멧살라는 유다의 계획적인 범행으로 몰아 벤허 가족을 잡아들이고, 벤허는 모든 것을 잃은 채 노예로 팔려가게 되는데...
Tausend Sterne leuchten
Almenrausch und Edelweiß
롤라 몽테스
프랑수아 트뤼포가 ‘진정한 작가’로 평가했던 거장 막스 오퓔스의 마지막 영화. 시네마 스코프와 풍부한 색감의 테크니컬러 등 당시로서는 매우 혁신적인 스타일을 선보인, 영화사적으로 상당히 주요한 작품이다. 19세기 사교계를 풍미했던 롤라가 서커스단의 주인공으로 등장해 플래시 백을 통해 자신의 과거를 들려주는 형식의 이 영화는 당시 제작사의 횡포로 다양한 버전의 판본이 존재하면서 정당한 평가를 받지 못했다.
나의 청춘 마리안느
호반에 위치한 기숙학교에 뱅상이 전학 온다. 친구들의 장난으로 고성에 갇힌 뱅상은 소녀 마리안느를 만나고, 둘은 사랑에 빠진다. 마리안느는 노인과의 강요된 결혼으로 갇힌 자기를 구해 달라고 호소한다. 피터 드 멘델슨의 동명소설을 각색한 작품으로, 안개 낀 성과 호수를 배경으로 젊은 날의 순수한 사랑과 방황을 극도로 절제되고 아름다운 화면을 통해 표현하였다.
Circus of Love
Carnival Story
An American carnival in Germany sets the scene for sin, sex and melodrama.
Die fünf Karnickel
Die Nacht ohne Moral
Einmal keine Sorgen haben
Wachmann Nestroy
Knall und Fall als Hochstapler
Bademeister im Sanatorium
Two drifters land a part in a movie, and are later mistaken for millionaires.
Saison in Salzburg
Sepp, Gärtner
The actors Heinz Doll, Hans Stiegler and Werner Mack have failed to look after the end of the last season in time for a new commitment and are now unemployed. Since they are just right that the Salzburg mountain hotel "Zum Blaue Enzian" staff looking for.
Der Herr Kanzleirat
Operetta (German: Operette) is a 1940 musical film directed by Willi Forst and starring Forst, Maria Holst and Dora Komar. The film was made by Wien-Film, a Vienna-based company set up after Austria had been incorporated into Greater Germany following the 1938 Anschluss. It is the first film in director Willi Forst's "Viennese Trilogy" followed by Vienna Blood (1942) and Viennese Girls (1945). The film portrays the life of Franz Jauner (1832–1900), a leading musical figure in the city. It is both an operetta film and a Wiener Film.
The Hungarian noble Nikki von Kormendy is traveling incognito as a blind passenger on the Danube ferry "Fortuna". Captain Korngiebel keeps him busy with various tasks. When the young singer Anny Hofer comes on board, both men fall in love with her and compete for her affactions. Out of sheer jealousy, Korngiebel lets his ship run aground and now fears for his captain's license. But Kormendy generously acquires the boat and leases it to Peter and Anny ... with the sole condition that the ship bear his name from this date forward.
Ich bin Sebastian Ott
Meinhardt, Ganove
After a shady collector of paintings has been murdered, adept Dr. Sebastian Ott discovers a big organised fraud with fake paintings. His twin brother Ludwig is responsible for it, kidnaps him and locks him away in his house. He uses Otts ID and 'replaces' him...
Burg Theatre
In this convoluted melodrama, an elderly thespian falls for a rising young starlet. He admits his love for her and then announces that he will retire. The young woman pretends she loves him too, but her real motive is to give her struggling lover, also an aspiring actor, a break.