Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
출생 : 1740-06-02, Paris, France
사망 : 1814-12-02
Born a rich nobleman, Marquis being his title rather than his birth name, De Sade gradually became a decadent libertine among the French society of Louis XVI. A liberally educated iconoclast, he wrote prose and verse, and specialized in testing the limits of decency, breaking tabboos and shocking the aristocracy, often with sordid details drawn from real life. He was thought to have committed much of the perversions and debauchery he had written about. He was incarcerated in an asylum shortly before the French Revolution. After a decade of feverish creativity, he willingly gave up writing and lived his remaining years in uneventful calm
In this artistic rendering of De Sade's classic novel, Justine endures extreme torture and violation at the hands of the Marquis De Sade's disciples of pain in a number of perverse practices illustrating that virtue is no match for vice.
Three libertines, occupying high positions in the political, religious and social spheres, gather in a castle to enjoy the benefits of exacerbated power. For the good progress of their celebrations, they hire prostitutes and fuckers and kidnap young people to satisfy their most outrageous desires.In 120 days of pure debauchery, the limits of human imagination are gradually tested to the last consequences.
어머니의 장례식장에서 돌아오는 길에 후작의 초대를 받아 그의 성에 머물던 장 베를로트는 우연히 신성모독적인 의식과 난교 장면을 목격한다. 후작은 충격과 혐오감으로 성을 떠나려는 베를로트에게 그가 앓고 있는 공포를 치유하자고 권유하며 뮐로프 박사가 운영하는 정신병원으로 데려간다. 그 곳에서 그는 간호사 샤를로트를 만나고, 과거에 병원에서 일어났던 사건들을 알게 된다.
생 당쥬 부인은 유지니의 아버지로부터 유지니의 정서 교육을 부탁받고 자신의 집에서 이틀간 같이 지내게 된다. 타락하고 퇴폐적인 미르블과 누나인 생 당쥬 부인은 순진한 유지니를 유혹하기로 공모한다. 그들은 미르블의 친구인 돌만세 후작까지 불러들인다. 돌만세 후작과 유지니와 동시에 즐길 생각에 들떠 있던 당쥬 부인은 돌만세 후작과 함께 유지니에게 성의 세계에 대해 교육을 시킨다. 서서히 성에 눈을 뜨게 된 유지니는 미르블과의 관계를 맺으면서 쾌락을 맛보게 된다.
Another de Sade hommage by Jess Franco. It was original credited as "Helter Skelter Part One: Pleasure and Pain" but were never followed by a sequel.
In 1956, the rich French publisher of the works of the Marquis de Sade, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, was summoned to court for violating good morals and publishing pornography. Sade was born in 1755 and already in 1778 he was sentenced to a years-long prison, which was renewed by himself because of the writing of "scandalous" texts. This saved his life after the French revolution, but he soon came into conflict with Robespierre.
A small, empty boudoir slowly becomes populated by a series of young women, their still and open expressions gradually engulfing the screen, as a nun narrates an account of religious rapture. Belgian filmmaker Olivier Smolders continues a brilliant exploration of religious ecstasy, figured in and epitomized by the erotic, death-defying gaze of the camera lens, in this sublime black-and-white treatment set to excerpts from the theological writings of Saint Teresa of Avila. - Robert Avila
Some footage and shots of expressionless actresses seen in Ravissements are repurposed in La philosophie dans le boudoir / Philosophy in the Boudoir (1991), wherein Smolders takes extracts from the Marquis De Sade’s nutbar text and applies them to scenes of a man in a prison cell, and single or groups of women often standing with the same blank expressions as the man. Perhaps to characterize De Sade’s libertine philosophy and rude text as words and ideas worthy of anyone, Smolders alternates his actors, with several men portraying (presumably) the incarcerated De Sade. -
Original Story
A young widow becomes an SM call girl to pay off the debts accumulated by her yakuza husband. She's a depressed woman, merely going through the motions of existence, subjected to every cruel whim concocted by her clients. She's dedicated to the misery - even finding comfort in it - stumbling through life like a zombie.
A decadent count in 1920′s Japan becomes obsessed with the life and works of the Marquis de Sade. He creates a theatre to show plays adapted from the notorious writer’s novels and recruits thieves, prostitutes and low lives to act out his fantasies on stage for the delectation of his rich, jaded friends. In search of new sensations the nobleman orders one of the actors, on pain of death, to make love to the nobleman’s wife while he watches. Unfortunately, this incursion of real life into his fantasy world will have dire consequences for the count and his divinely decadent coterie.
가톨릭 여학교의 두 학생은 가장 친한 친구입니다. 한 명은 수줍음이 많고 내성적인 소녀이고, 다른 한 명은 거칠고 파티를 즐기는 열광적인 헬레이저입니다. 파티 참가자는 그녀의 "좋은 여자" 친구에게 세상의 방식으로 교육을 주기로 결정합니다
Eugenie is the capricious daughter of a rich diplomat, living in a seaside resort in Spain. She exhibits her young and splendid body in the beach and night-clubs. She feels an incredible adoration for her father who returns his daughter's passion.
Original Story
Jess Franco film about a woman returning home from an insane asylum only to discover her husband is now living with a man. The two men eventually find a nun who's been raped and the three come up with a plot to kill the wife for her money.
Justine is a nubile young virgin cast out of a French orphanage and thrust into a depraved world of prostitution, predatory lesbians, a fugitive murderess, bondage, branding, and one supremely sadistic monk. It's a twisted tale of strange desires, perverse pleasures and the ultimate corruption of innocence as told by the Marquis de Sade.
제 3 제국의 운명이 끝을 향해가고 있을 무렵, 타락한 이탈리아 귀족들 네 사람이 성욕을 마음껏 분출할 수 있는 천국을 만들기로 합의한다. 악명이 자자한 뚜쟁이 네 사람을 확보한 뒤 나치군인 몇 사람을 끌어 모은다. 이 타락한 귀족들은 이탈리아 10대 소년 소녀 백여 명을 강제로 데려와 "재미와 게임"을 위해 외딴 빌라에 가둬 놓는다. 권력자들은 매일 어떤 방식으로 성욕을 분출할지 회의하고 그 수위도 점점 높아지는데…
Justine and Juliette is a modern re-telling of the classic sex tale from the Marquis de Sade. Beautiful actresses Marie Forsa and Anne Bie Warburg play two sisters caught in a web of sex and sensual pleasures.
Martine Bressac is released from a psychiatric clinic after a year's treatment and is driven home by her chauffeur, Mathias. She is welcomed by the demented hunchbacked gardener Malou and the mute servant girl Adèle, and impatiently demands the key to her mysterious private chamber. There, set out like exhibits in a waxwork, are the bodies of beautiful girls frozen in postures of terror on the point of death. With Mathias' help, Martine has just added another girl, a prostitute, to her collection when her husband and accomplice, Charles, arrives home with slides of a further prospective victim: Cécile the virginal daughter of a diplomat...
Sachiko has just committed a crime. She is helped by a couple to whom she grants her confidence. Quickly this couple blackmails her and threatens to deliver her to the police. Sachiko has no other choice but to obey them.
Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.
Therese, a beautiful but naive young girl, who finds herself being passed around from depraved pervert to depraved pervert, enduring just about every kind of sexual degradation there is while still believing that some kind stranger will eventually help her.
Loosely adapted from de Sade's play "Philosophy in the Bedroom". Set in the present day, a cult of depraved hedonists cavort at a remote, elegant mansion.
Fiction based on texts by Baudelaire, Sade, Lovecraft and Lautréamont.
Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.
Original Story
한 쌍의 남녀가 진흙투성이 길 위에서 사랑을 나누고 있다. 거리가 시끄러워지고 결국 남자는 체포된다. 남자는 수갑을 찬 채 끌려 가면서도 오로지 자신이 갈망하는 여인만을 생각한다.
영화는 마치 다큐멘터리처럼 전갈의 생태를 묘사하며 시작한다. 그리고 산적들, 사제, 군인, 관료가 차례로 등장하고, 영화의 주인공으로 보이는 한 쌍의 젊은 남녀가 사랑을 벌인다. 이들의 사랑이 부르주아들에 의해 끊임없이 방해받는다는 것이 이 영화의 주요한 이야기인 셈인데, 영화의 마지막 부분은 영뚱하게도 사드 후작의 소설 <소돔의 120일>의 후일담으로 넘어간다. 여기에 등장하는 4명의 '패륜아' 중의 한명은 예수의 모습을 하고 있고, 영화의 마지막 이미지는 사막에 버려진 십자가이다. 이러한 이야기 사이사이에 우스꽝스럽고 기괴한 부르주아의 삶의 단편들이 끼어들고, 자막과 대사, 음악은 이 영화의 공격대상이 무엇인지를 숨김없이 드러내고 있다. <황금시대>는 일부 좌파 지식인을 제외한 모든 이들의 격렬한 분노와 항의를 불러일으켰다. 가장 문제가 된 것은 예수를 사드 소설의 주인공으로 묘사한 신성 모독적인 부분이었다. 영화가 상영되는 극장에 몰려온 극우단체 회원들은 영사막을 찢었고, 찢어진 영사막 위에 영화는 며칠간 계속 상영되었다. 결국 들끓는 여론과 카톨릭 교회의 압력에 따라 파리시 당국은 상영 금지 조치를 내리고 프린트를 압수하였다.
Based on the depraved and libertine eroticism of the Marquis de Sade's "Justine or The Misfortunes of Virtue." A teenager who uses all social methods to preserve her virtue finds instead only incitement to vice.