트레버는 아내의 잔소리를 피해 조그마한 헛간에서 무료한 나날을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 세상은 갑자기 좀비들이 창궐하는 멸망의 지경으로 치닫게 되고 트레버의 가족과 친구들은 유일한 피난처인 헛간에서 생존하기 위해 몰려오는 좀비들과 처절한 사투를 벌이게 된다.
트레버는 아내의 잔소리를 피해 조그마한 헛간에서 무료한 나날을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 세상은 갑자기 좀비들이 창궐하는 멸망의 지경으로 치닫게 되고 트레버의 가족과 친구들은 유일한 피난처인 헛간에서 생존하기 위해 몰려오는 좀비들과 처절한 사투를 벌이게 된다.
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only downside, Rafe has made a real treasure hunt that takes him on the roads... And the spirit of his brother is traveling with him.
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only downside, Rafe has made a real treasure hunt that takes him on the roads... And the spirit of his brother is traveling with him.
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only downside, Rafe has made a real treasure hunt that takes him on the roads... And the spirit of his brother is traveling with him.
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only downside, Rafe has made a real treasure hunt that takes him on the roads... And the spirit of his brother is traveling with him.
아일랜드 출신 카우보이 팰런, 그는 뱀파이어이자 전직 뱀파이어 사냥꾼이다. 그를 제이콥 가족이 있는 곳으로 부른 것은 바로 검게 빛나는 흑요석 거울이었다. 이 거울은 단순한 거울이 아니라 과거 에덴에서 추방된 아담의 첫번째 부인 릴리스를 부활시키기 위한 마법의 포탈이기 때문이었다. 복수심에 불타는 뱀파이어 카우보이와 세상을 죽음과 파멸로 이끌기 위해 다시 깨어나는 아담의 첫 번째 부인 릴리스의 숨막히는 대결이 펼쳐진다. 뱀파이어 팰런은 깨어나는 릴리스를 과연 어떻게 막아 낼 것인가!
Voluntarily locked in a cell for 48 hours with no restrictions and no outside help three emotional archetypes battle for psychological supremacy before they can be destroyed by their own weaknesses.
Voluntarily locked in a cell for 48 hours with no restrictions and no outside help three emotional archetypes battle for psychological supremacy before they can be destroyed by their own weaknesses.
Director of Photography
Young lawyer Millie has fallen madly in love with the mysterious Liz, but romance turns to betrayal when Millie, about to prosecute a vicious thug, discovers that the love of her life works for him. To make matters worse, two killers – the dangerously methodical but bookwormish Beckett and the seriously deranged Hansen — appear on the scene to forcibly extract information from Millie. Who she should trust and who is bent on murder are the overriding questions as loyalties are tested, guns are drawn and knives are flashed.
Young lawyer Millie has fallen madly in love with the mysterious Liz, but romance turns to betrayal when Millie, about to prosecute a vicious thug, discovers that the love of her life works for him. To make matters worse, two killers – the dangerously methodical but bookwormish Beckett and the seriously deranged Hansen — appear on the scene to forcibly extract information from Millie. Who she should trust and who is bent on murder are the overriding questions as loyalties are tested, guns are drawn and knives are flashed.