Yu Sung-Chao

참여 작품

Abbot White
After 30 years of living in a box buried six feet underground, the so-called Devil Claw breaks from his grave and takes over the body of a monk (Yuen Yat Chor), whom he uses to get revenge on the men who buried him decades before. With supernatural abilities to fend off blows, become invisible and use his extremities like swords, the reincarnated corpse is a vengeful force to be reckoned with, making for a classic kung fu flick that packs a punch.
No One Can Touch Her
A blind martial arts practitioner is out to find her father's killers and hopefully regain her sight in this chop-and-kick-filled combat film.
The 72 Desperate Rebels
This movie has a sword eating lama, a bell trap formation with big bell wielding belles, people dressed in multi-color ku klux klan outfits and Chen Sing.Set in the Ming Dynasty, an infamous pirate finds 72 martial arts experts from all over China to help him battle the imperial government. Includes breathtaking kung fu fighting and plenty of ninja action.
The Secret Rivals 2
The twin brother of the Silver Fox attempts to avenge his brother's death and get a hidden treasure using the 8 Diagram. It is up to one hero from the original and the brother of the 2nd original hero to stop him.
Judicial Sword
This rare swordplay team with top kung fu starlet Polly Shang Kwan and Pai Ying are on a mission to escort an official across a particularly treacherous and dangerous valley.
Torture Chamber Guard
청나라 조정이 소림사를 불 질렀을 때, 채덕중, 마초흥, 방대홍, 이식개, 호덕제 다섯 명이 살아남았는데, 후세가 이들을 오조라 불렀다. 이들은 중원에 도착하자마자 적극적으로 반청 인사들과 연락하는데, 마초흥의 부주의로 행적이 노출되어 내부 첩자인 마복의에게 미행당하고 그를 믿었다가 감옥에 갇히는 신세가 된다. 이에 나머지 사조가 연천 부락의 촌장과 연합하여 동료를 구하던 와중에 촌장이 죽음을 맞는다. 이러한 상황에서 정의가 피가 끓어오르던 오조는 재차 반청 결의를 확고히 하고, 소림사로 돌아가 고된 수련을 이겨내면서 적을 무너뜨릴 무공을 연마하고, 결국에는 악당 모두를 섬멸하지만 애석하게도 방대홍과 이식개 두 명을 잃게 된다. 당시 홍콩 달러로 150만 이상의 수익을 벌어들이며 1974년 쇼브라더스 스튜디오의 최고 흥행작으로 등극하였던 작품. 소림을 배경으로 한 영화가 정점에 이르렀음을 보여주는 작품으로, 그 해 5대 흥행작 가운데 하나일 정도로 흥행에 성공을 거두었다. 제12회 대만 금마장 최우수 녹음상을 수상한 바 있는 이 작품은, 홍콩무협의 황금 콤비인 강대위와 적룡을 비롯, 부성과 척관군이 주연해 현란한 쿵푸 실력을 선사하고 있다.
A Sword Renounced
Also known as The Blind Swordsman's Revenge, this is Zatoichi Versus The Flying Guillotine (1972). Zatoichi is "born Wu Ching Hui, he was kidnapped by pirates as a youth and taken to Japan, where he learned his cane sword skills. He appears to be widely known in China by his Japanese name, but as the film opens he is just returning to China to look up his long-lost brother, Tieh Hou. To his dismay, he learns that the brother has been killed in a sword duel with one Chu Yen Jieh. The grief-stricken prodigal blubbers in mourning and vows revenge."
Lightning Of Bruce Lee
Two Martial art experts take on Canton, and the most notorious Triad overlord and his posse of vile fighters with devastating effect. A must for all kung fu fans! This is a foot to face action at its best.
Chinese Boxing
In early Republic of China when Taiwan was still under Japanese occupation, people were oppressed, and their condition was miserable. A Kung Fu coach from China was invited to Taiwan. His name was Wan Chin-san. Mr. Wan established a Kung Fu School in a small village and refused any Japanese to be his student. For this reason, he was assassinated. When his son, Wan Ming-Chieh, heard the terrible news, he came to Taiwan in search of his father.
Duel with Samurai
During the Ming dynasty in China, the coastal areas were rampant. A Wokou who refers himself as the Nippon Ronin (Chan Hung-lit), colludes with the coastal local tyrants of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces, along with cult religious groups. They occupy Baiyunzhuang and plundered everywhere. Young warrior Fan Chen-tung (Kong Ban) leads a resistance group to retaliate which prompts the Chinese martial world to share the same hatred against the Japanese and tyrants.
The Rattling Whip
An undercover marshal wants to arrest famous bandit Kao Pao Tien, and he wants his daughter to help him find the castle where the bandit lives. He mistakes a young lady for Kao Pao Tien's daughter and saves her life while she is in an inn where she met her father's friend, who was Kao Pao Tien's man. She discovers that Kao Pao Tien was her mother's brother-in-law and that he tried to rape her once when he was drunk. He fought with the young lady's father and hurt her mother with a poisoned dart. During the 18 following years, the lady's father trained her to fight in order that she takes revenge for her mother's death.
Life And Death Entrance
Two ladies of the sword are transporting a valuable Dragon Pearl and everyone else wants it. They’re assisted by two heroes, one of whom is somewhat less heroic and more of a rascal, although both demonstrate strong fighting skills.