Owen's Mother
여자친구와 동거중인 불쾌하고 냉소적인 성격의 오웬. 그는 부모님을 잃게 하고 여동생 펄을 불구로 만든 화재에 대한 죄책감으로 나머지 가족과 연락을 끊은 채 정신과 치료를 받고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 그의 여자친구 이사벨은 임신했다는 사실을 알게 되고 오웬의 가족에게 다시 연락하여 화해할 것을 권유한다. 이에 오웬은 강하게 거부하지만 결국 그들은 가족을 찾게 되는데…
The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to the mounting energy crisis - found abandoned amongst ruins, a miraculous motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, someone is watching. It’s a race against the clock to find the inventor and stop the destroyer before the motor of the World is stopped for good. A motor that would power the World. A World whose motor would be stopped. Who is John Galt?
Rachel Clarke
A cruise ship succumbs to a terrorist act and capsizes on New Year's eve. A rag-tag group of survivors, spearheaded by a priest and a homeland security agent, must journey through the upside down vessel and attempt an escape.
Priscilla Wayne
헬스 클럽을 경영하고 있는 이혼남 마이클(Michael: 윌리암 부미러 분)의 애인인 로라(Laura: 브렌다 브케 분)는 헬스 클럽에서 운동을 하다가 사우나실에 들어가 있는데 갑자기 뜨거운 열기가 나와서 죽을 뻔한 위기를 모면한다. 이 연락을 받은 마이클은 병원으로 뛰어가고, 경찰에도 알리지만 원인은 알 길 없다. 그 후에도 계속 사고를 유발한 살인이 연속적으로 일어나고 여러명이 죽어간다. 마이클은 이 일이 있은 다음부터 계속 악몽을 꾼다. 휠체어가 등장을 하고 그 위에 로라가 불타고 있는 장면이 항상 보인다. 그리고 불안해진 마이클은 심령학하는 사람을 찾아가서 그에게 도움을 요청한다. 그가 헬스크럽 곳곳을 돌아다니다가 지하실에서 심령이 있는것을 느꼈으나 그곳에서 그들에게 죽음을 당한다.
In the future, large corporations earn millions of dollars by staging gladiatorial fights to the death that are shown on worldwide television. One day, however, a fighter who is scheduled to hunt and kill an opponent in the Arizona desert decides he's had enough, and makes a run for it. His opponent is instructed to track him down and kill him.
Kate Ferrar
A young theatre director is accused of killing a more famous Broadway director. Perry takes his case.
Gerlinde Krueger
Jason Starr is an international spy. While on a mission there was an altercation and Jason disappears. His boss Vaughn then goes to his twin brother Warren Starbinder, a veterinarian, and asks him to pose as Jason so to complete his mission. Warren agrees to do so but the talk will not be easy since he is not a spy. Warren also cannot tell his wife and family what he's doing which makes it hard for him to explain the peculiar ways he is now behaving.
Karen Moore
A Wyoming cop teams with a Beverly Hills policeman to track down the killer of her best friend.
Sandy Martinson
In a research lab, a scientist's pet chimpanzee mixes up an invisibility formula. A young woman accidentally drinks the solution and becomes invisible.