Ho Tzu-hua

참여 작품

Flotsam and Jetsam
Since his wife Mei-yun was left comatose after nearly drowning, CHEN You-ming has been raising his three sons alone in their seaside village. And since the mechanical digger he drives broke down, Chen has had more time on his hands than he likes. His life is suddenly disrupted by the appearance of a disturbed young woman who calls herself XIE Hui-zhen (“Zhen” for short) and says that Chen is her father. To uncover the facts behind Zhen’s wild claim, CHEN has to contact his old girlfriend KE Li-jia, last seen twenty years ago. Before the truth about Zhen’s inner turmoil emerges, CHEN has to deal with the death of his wife in hospital and the stresses in his relationships with his sons Wei, Ting and Liang.
나의 영혼은 사랑으로 만들었다
Kevin's mother
중학교 교사인 케빈은 성소수자의 인권에 목소리를 내는 동성애자다. 진하오와 사랑에 빠진 케빈은 반대를 무릅쓰고 그와 동거를 시작하지만, 곧 그가 유부남이며 HIV 양성이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 학교에서도 그가 동성애자라는 사실이 알려지며 위기에 빠진 케빈. 불안하게 흔들리는 관계 속에서도 케빈은 진하오를 놓아버릴 수 없다.
Mom and Me
The Mosquito Patch
Kaikai, a 17 year old high schooler, is declared brain dead after an unfortunate car accident. The doctor recommends his parents to give their consent for organ donation. Kaikai’s father thinks it is a moral decision to make since Kaikai is still young and he would be able to contribute himself one last time. But Kaikai’s mother is hesitant about this decision and is unable to make up her mind.
사랑이 찾아 올 때
복잡다단한 가족사를 통해 가족의 의미를 짚어보는 작품. 레이천의 삶은 복잡하다. 기어이 아들을 낳고야 말겠다는 어머니의 집념으로 뒤늦게 막내 남동생을 얻었고, 자폐증에 걸린 삼촌까지 함께 살게 되면서 정신이 없다. 여기에 임신까지. 그들은 사랑의 힘으로 가족을 지켜낼 수 있을까?