Tina Barnes

참여 작품

Fyre Rises
Debt-ridden pacifist Richard Fyre is propositioned to return to his abandoned mercenary ways by flamboyant zealot Priest to eliminate his international competition in exchange for a clean slate. Standing at a crossroads, he must overcome his fears of becoming the monster he once was to the rightful man he needs to be now before his indecision has dire repercussions for his family.
아웃포스트 369
아프가니스탄 분쟁 지역, 미사일과 유도칩을 호송하던 미군 부대가 탈레반에게 습격을 받는다. 그러나 미군 부대가 탈레반과 모종의 거래를 했다는 사실을 알게 된 ‘노아’ 중위는 유도칩을 챙겨 아웃포스트 369로 피신한다. ‘노아’ 중위는 그곳을 지키는 유일한 군인 ‘라나’와 함께 단 400발의 총알로 배신한 부대에 맞서게 되는데… 과연 이들은 작전을 완수할 수 있을 것인가?
Beyond Fury
Ex-Mercenary Michael Walker and his pregnant girlfriend Claudia are brutally attacked. Now with Claudia and the unborn child dead, Walker reverts to his military training to hunt down and serve his own kinda street justice.
Battlefield Death Tales
Jezebel (segment "Medal of Horror")
3 interlocking stories from the dark days of World War 2. A soldier on a suicide mission. A troubled family with a monster in their bomb shelter. A supernatural investigator on her most dangerous assignment yet.
위터링 칼리지 고등학교 교사인 로버트 앤더슨은 수업 도중 F학점을 준 학생에게 구타를 당한다. 이후 학교에서는 법적 소송에 휘말릴까 두려워 졸업을 앞둔 학생이니 원만하게 타협하고 장기 휴가를 내라고 권유한다. 1년 가까이 세월이 흐른 후 로버트는 상처를 씻어내지 못하고 직장 내 폭력 같은 문서를 교직원들에게 돌려 물의를 일으킨다. 한편, 구타 사건 당시 현장에 있던 로버트의 딸 케이트는 이후 아버지와 사이가 멀어지고 자꾸만 비뚤어진다. 그러던 어느 날 로버트는 케이트에게 손찌검까지 하게 되고, 교실 밖으로 뛰쳐나간 딸을 찾던 중 학교에 괴한이 침입한 사실을 알게 된다. 교장인 사라 발햄은 로버트가 딸에게 폭력을 쓴 사실을 알고 케이트의 엄마에게 사실을 알린 후 딸을 데려가라고 한다. 마침내 괴한들에게 교직원들이 하나씩 살해되고, 부상당한 딸과 병원으로 향하던 로버트는 아내의 차를 발견하는데...
A Day Of Violence
Mitchell Parker lies dead on a morgue slab. In life, 'Mitchell' served the low ranks of Debt Collectors, surrounded by all the filth and scum that the world had to offer. He thought his luck was in, when on a routine collection he stumbles across 100,000 in cash, hidden in the sofa of one of his clients. A dark and haunting past hangs over the head of 'Mitchell Parker', one that will lead him on a journey of redemption and ultimately sacrifice. Hunted by the gang whose Money he has stolen. He must evade capture and use the money to rid himself of his demons once and for all. Witness his last days of life.
Held captive in an underground prison by a sadistic sicko who fancies himself a surgeon, 4 women fight for their lives, knowing the exact time they're scheduled to die thanks to a crudely carved set of numbers on each of their bodies. None of them can remember how they got there, but if any of them figure out the secret to their imprisonment, they stand at least some chance of surviving.
The Witches Hammer
Edward's Wife
On the day of her death a normal woman is transformed into a genetically engineered vampire and trained to kill. She is sent on a mission to stop the Souls of the Damned being unleashed into our dimension.
Walking the Earth as an undead spirit has Charlie Jackson in a quandary. Unable to interact with his family, Charlie feels he's been forsaken by God. Now, his ultimate goal is to get to heaven as soon as possible - but that's easier said than done. The battle between good and evil for Charlie's soul has begun, and salvation might only come via Carol Miller, a darkhunter who brings lost souls back to death.
Five years ago Alice saw her son murdered; now every day is consumed with the need to find his killer. In the sleepy town of Ludlow, the arrival of the mysterious stranger who Alice suspects of being the killer of her son coincides with a renewed spate of horrific child murders. Now a weary detective must uncover the truth behind the killings before another child is killed; and Alice must face the unbelievable truth behind the death of her son before insanity, grief and guilt break her mind