Marisa Traversi

Marisa Traversi

출생 : 1936-08-05,

프로필 사진

Marisa Traversi

참여 작품

State buoni se potete
Teresa d'Ávila
Around the year 1500, the Italian priest Don Filippo Neri helps street kids and orphans in his poor little chapel. He is no clergyman by the book, but a true believer in terms good and bad and he teaches this to his children. Neri is not very well-seen by the church and his only "friend" is the dry, humorless Ignatius De Loyola. But Neris real counterpart is the devil himself, working in endless incarnations in Neris direct neighborhood, trying to seduce his kids. His newest kid is the young thief Cirifischio, making a lot of problems. When Cirifischio has an argument with a young boy of a local aristocrat, the boy turns out to be a girl, the young Leonetta, some kind of a sex slave for her owner. Neri adopts her too, and the young people fall in love. 15 Years later, the devil is back and leads Cirifiscio onto a murder. Now lawless, the thief must flee Neri and leave Leonetta back...
The Burning Years
Madre di Saverio
Horse Fever
De Marchis' Wife
Bruno Fioretti, known as "Mandrake", is an inveterate gambler who never misses a day at the horse racing track in Rome. He is doubly unlucky: he bets too much on one horse, and his wife is sleeping with his best friend because Mandrake is always at the track. Penniless and cuckolded, Mandrake decides to make one last bet.
마이 프렌즈
Bruna, l'amante del Perozzi
Four middle-aged friends in Florence organize together idle pranks (called zingarate, "gypsy shenanigans") in a continuous attempt to prolong childhood during their adult life.
Shoot First, Die Later
Luc Merenda gives the performance of his career as a highly regarded police detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for departmental favors. His father, a simple man, also works for the department but on a lower rung; he isn't jealous of his son, but rather proud of him, little knowing that he's a crooked cop. A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by the syndicate) and it doesn't take long for the detective's father to realize his son is on the take... which leads to numerous complications.
The Profiteer
In the city of Ostuni in Puglia, the mute seminarian Ercole is designated to be the driver and nurse of Parsifal, the paraplegic son in a rich and sanctimonious family of landowners. Ercole soon becomes the lover of his master's wife, the beautiful Baroness Clotilde. In a familial and social context where only money, sex and power count, everyone tries to take advantage of everyone, but the real saprophyte turns out to be Ercole.
Ingrid on the Road
After being raped by her father, Ingrid moves to Rome and ends up becoming a prostitute. She finds a friend in Claudia, but Claudia's protector is a sadistic thug by the name of Renato who will show her the worst of the what life in the city has to offer.
Aretino's Blue Stories
Madonna Violante goes to Rome to find the three Armida daughters, Lorenza and Vanna, who she has not seen for many years; but first she stops by her friend Antonia from whom he learned many unseemly things about them.
Frankenstein '80
Second Prostitute
A mad scientist creates a monster called "Mosaico," who breaks out of the laboratory to hunt down and kill beautiful women.
Master of Love
The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
Come Together
An American stuntman working on spaghetti westerns in Europe picks up two pretty American tourists and they decide to take a road trip around Europe together. However, things don't turn out exactly as each of them expected.
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Two chaps who earn a living repairing household appliances are hired by a formula one manager who has had his best pilot kidnapped. One of them drives the car which is remote controlled by a device invented by the other.
Donna stazione
결혼하자마자 제2차 세계대전이 터져, 남편 안토니오(마르첼로 마스트로얀니)를 전쟁터로 보낸 여인 지오반나(소피아 로렌). 소식을 모르던 남편이 어느날 전사했다는 통지서를 전해받고 지오반나는 망연자실한다. 하지만 안토니오가 소속된 군대에서 제대한 군인이 그가 죽음 직전에 눈 속으로 도망쳤다는 이야기를 전해주자, 지오반나는 남편이 살아있다고 믿고 멀고먼 땅 러시아까지 찾아간다. 모스크바에서 우크라이나까지 계속되는 그녀의 여행은 고달프기만 하다. 간신히 묻고 물어 모스크바 북쪽 변두리 지역에 이태리인들이 함께 모여 살고 있다는 말을 듣고 찾아간다. 그녀가 지나가는 우크라이나의 들판에는 해바라기가 끝없이 펼쳐져 있다. 이윽고 그녀는 마샤(루드밀라 사벨리에바)라는 러시아 여인의 집에서 남편 안토니오를 발견한다. 하지만 그는 전쟁의 후유증으로 기억상실증에 걸려 마샤와 함께 살면서 아이까지 있는 처지다. 지오반나는 슬픔에 잠겨 그 집을 떠나 밀라노로 돌아온다. 다시 이태리로 돌아온 지오반나는 남편을 잊기로 하고 나이든 공장 일꾼 에토(마이클 그린)과 결혼하여 가정을 꾸민다. 이들 사이에서 아들이 하나 태어난다. 세월이 많이 흐른 후, 고향에 대한 향수 때문에 안토니오가 그 곳에 나타나 지오반나의 삶을 뒤흔든다. 이미 재혼을 한 지오반나와 재회한 안토니오는 말이 없다. 각자의 길을 가야만 하는 것이다.
Quintana: Dead or Alive
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
Bandits in Rome
Blonde Prostitute
After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
Be Sick… It's Free
Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.
죽음의 영혼
Marilù Traversi (segment "Toby Dammit") (uncredited)
첫번째 에피소드(로제 바댕 연출/제인 폰다, 피터 폰다 주연). 프레데리크 백작부인(제인 폰다 분)은 기분 내키는 대로 방탕한 생활을 일삼다 숲 속에서 우연히 만난 빌헬름(피터 폰다 분)을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그러나 빌헬름은 그녀의 유혹을 뿌리치고, 화가난 백작부인은 심복을 시켜 그의 마구간에 불을 지르게 한다. 말들을 구하려던 빌헬름은 불길에 휩싸여 죽고, 불길 속에서 검은 말 한 마리가 살아남는다. 프레데리크 백작부인은 그 말을 길들이려 하지만 검은 말은 그녀의 뜻을 따르지 않는다. 그러던 어느날 벼락이 떨어져 숲에 불이 나자 검은 말은 그녀를 태운 채 불 속으로 달려든다. 두 번째 에피소드(루이 말 연출 / 알랭 들롱, 브리지트 바르도 주연). 사디스트적인 기질을 가진 한 오스트리아 장교(알랭 들롱 분)가 타인을 모욕하고 괴롭히려 할 때마다 그와 아주 흡사하게 생긴 신입생이 개입해 그의 행동을 저지하게 되는데, 어느날 카드게임에서 패한 한 아름다운 여성(브리지트 바르도 분)을 능욕하려하자, 예의 신입생이 나타나 그의 속임수를 폭로하며 저지하려 한다. 이에 흥분한 장교는 그를 단도로 살해하고, 자신 역시 불행을 당하게 된다는 내용을 담고 있다. 세번째 에피소드(페데리코 펠리니 연출, 테렌스 스탬프 주연) 술에 취해야 천재성을 발휘하는 영국 배우 토비(테렌스 스탬프 분)는 페라리 한 대를 제공하겠다는 영화제작자의 말에 솔깃해 이태리로 날아온다. 공항에서 우연히 한 소녀의 공을 주워주게 되는데, 기다리던 제작자들을 만나 함께 차를 타고 가면서 다시 공을 주으러 뛰어가는 금발의 소녀를 목격한 토비는 전율에 휩싸인다. 이태리에서의 행사를 마치고 페라리를 받게 된 토비는 그를 괴롭히는 군중을 피해 혼자 시운전을 하게 되고, 무너진 다리 때문에 인부들이 통행을 막고 있는 도로에서 자신의 목을 걸고 도박을 벌인다.
Spia spione
Eurospy movie
Though set in England, Flashman is another fun Italian production from the late 60s that leans on -attempted- humor and is heavily inspired by Batman. He's even got a very Battish theme song…. The somewhat convoluted plot concerns two gang of thieves who rob the same bank. One is a band of babes headed by a ruthless woman; the other is a group of thugs lead by a guy who has a serum that can turn anyone invisible. The employee they rob is none other than Flashman in disguise.
The Ten Million Dollar Grab
Singer on the ship
A thief fakes his death in order to steal a 10 million dollar Diamond from his former employer. He has the gem then he looses it and gets it back through various ploys around Europe
Italian Engagement
In this romance, a middle-aged playboy finds himself running his father's fur business after his father's death. He continues to allow his papa's mistress to run the business. The playboy's fiancee gets pregnant and he refuses to marry her. She dumps him in favor of his best friend. Soon the selfish man finds himself deserted by all his friends. He winds up involved with his father's patiently waiting lover.
Il medico delle donne
amica di Paola
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
After their boss' death, two clerks eagerly await the arrival of the next one, each one of them hoping to become the apple of his eye. They compete in every possible way to impress him, which causes lots of trouble and many misunderstandings.
The Third
A clothing merchant Ofelia, a naïve housewife Rina, and the outspoken nurse Edna meet at a police station and discover that they share a failed sentimental life.