Fanny Sidney

Fanny Sidney

출생 : 1987-04-05, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Fanny Sidney, whose real name is Fanny Mauferon, is a French actress and director born April 5, 1987 in Paris. Fanny Sidney attended classes at the Hector-Berlioz conservatory (2005-2006) then took part in the free class of Cours Florent"(2006-2009) before joining the "Direction" section of La Fémis (2011-2015). She is particularly known for her role of Camille Valentini in the series "Call my agent!". In 2019, she announced that she was pregnant with her first child. Source: Article "Fanny Sidney" from Wikipedia in French, subject to the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

프로필 사진

Fanny Sidney

참여 작품

It's gonna be okay
After the ode to love of "Loving", the b-side, about sadness, breaks-up, loneliness.
관종의 세계
다섯 명의 감독들이 하나의 에피소드를 맡아 엮어낸 코미디 관종의 세계는 우리의 일상을 지배하는 네트워크 시스템 안에서 관심에 집착하거나 받지 못해 좌절하거나 혹은 지쳐 거부하는 사람들을 냉소적으로 관찰한다. 불치병을 앓고 있는 아들과 헌신적인 가족의 V로그는 몇 백만 명의 구독자에 집착하고, 연애 한번 못한 찌질남은 데이팅 앱 평점을 조작해서 킹카가 되려 한다.
Allée des Jasmins
Melle Sidzina
À l'ombre du palmier
Juliet is looking for a job. After being rejected from a magazine for which she wanted to write, she tries to become the photography assistant of Stéphane, her mate.
Aucun regret
Aurélie and Célia are friends studying at the École des Beaux-Arts. One day Aurélie falls for the charms of Olivier, a handsome architecture student. Célia warns her friend of Olivier's bad reputation with women, but Aurélie lies to her, saying that she's not interested in him and doesn't mention that she has agreed to go on a date with him.
숨 막히는
질풍노도의 시기를 겪고 있는 17세 소녀 샬리. 예쁜 얼굴에 재주도 많지만, 불안과 실망, 외로움에 시달리기도 한다. 어느 날, 샬리에게 사라가 다가온다. 사라에게 푹 빠져버린 샬리는 웃음이 늘고, 생기발랄하고, 열정적인 소녀가 된다. 사라의 존재는 무서울 정도로 샬리의 마음을 채워간다. 냉정하기만 한 사라는 둘 사이에 쉽게 싫증을 낸다. 사라는 샬리를 버리고 새로운 친구를 삼을 또 다른 희생양을 찾아나선다. 혼란스럽기만 샬리. 그녀가 받은 마음의 상처는 꽤나 깊다. (2016년 제18회 서울국제여성영화제)
섹스 러브 앤 테라피
섹스중독자 랑베르는 금욕을 결심한다. 커리어 우먼 주디스는 모든 남자와 섹스를 해야 직성이 풀리는 님포매니아다. 안 하기로 결심한 남자와 꼭 하기로 작심한 여자. 티격태격 ‘하자’’말자’ 섹스 배틀이 시작된다. 그들은 과연 할 수 있을까?
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.
퍼블릭 에너미 넘버원 2
Sabrina at 16, Mesrine's daughter
쟈크 메슬린은 경찰에 잡혀 법정에 서게 되면서도 미리 화장실에 권총을 숨겨놓았다가 판사를 인질로 삼아 탈출에 성공하는 등 프랑스 정부로부터 공공의 적으로 지목을 받게 된다. 은행이나 카지노를 털고 국가 권력에 맞서는 데에도 서슴치 않았던 그는 시대 분위기에 편승해 로빈훗과 같은 인물로 묘사됐고, 거액을 받고 잡지사와 비밀 인터뷰까지 하며 이러한 상황을 즐긴다.
Avoue que tu mens
After he has seduced Claudia, Gabriel is concerned when she mysteriously disappears. Is she stricken with guilt? Is she ashamed that she gave in too easily to him? When he finds her again, he refuses to accept the fact that he must share her with another man. A woman’s vengeance can be a terrible thing, as Gabriel soon discovers...
La neige au village
Two park benches, chewing-gum, a student waiting for her exam results, a strange young man who hangs around the park walkways, another who is bored. And a lot of sunshine. We are in a little southern French town at the end of June. Beads of sweat dot skin, skirts are shorter. The afternoon has only just begun.
Passés troubles
A former police officer, Marc Lorca, sees his wife die from a terrible car accident, which occurred while he was driving. Previously alcoholic, Lorca seems to collapse under the weight of guilt. But a former colleague, Marianne Duriez, recently become a police captain, shows him that the accident is not accounted by any negligence on his part. The survey of experts has indeed revealed that the steering axis of the vehicle was sabotaged. Gradually, the suspect list is expanding. Lorca realizes he knows nothing of the past of his deceased wife, who was obviously part of a small extreme left group.
Confessions d'un menteur
In order to win back his wife, a writer in need of inspiration disguises himself and lands a job at the magazine where she works.