Håkon Ramstad

참여 작품

When Tyra returns to visit her family, on the 20th anniversary of her beloved father’s death, everything changes when her Dad comes knocking on the door that same evening - forcing the family to examine what grief has done to them.
Ibsen's Ghosts
Are we ever honest enough to be unaffected by lies? This is the question asked by Henrik Ibsen's drama Ghosts (Gengangere). Oswald Alving returns from a bohemian existence in Paris to small-town Norway. Encountering people who do not communicate, Oswald responds by becoming ironic and distant. He gradually learns more of the secrets that weigh on his family, as well as those inside himself. His mother, Mrs Alving, welcomes her much-missed son home - and slowly understands what, or whom, he has brought home with him. Together with the young, critically acclaimed choreographer Cina Espejord, she retells Ibsen's play as a ballet. The pair feel the story is suited to dance because both it's inner and outer brutality can be pitted against the power of dance. Ibsen's Ghosts is an evocative production in a modern dance style. Nils Petter Molvær has composed new music, which he performs on-stage together with Jan Bang.
23살의 디노는 일자리를 얻기위해 스웨덴에서 노르웨이로 이주해 왔지만 하루하루 생존을 위해 일해야 하는 현실이 불안하기만 하다. 공동 숙소에서 지내며 불규칙한 임시직에 방탕한 파티가 무의미하게 계속되던 어느날, 그녀는 우연히 한 중산층 가정의 베이비시터 일을 맡게 된다. 가족 구성원들과 친밀한 관계를 맺어나가던 디노는 아내와 별거 중인 스테펜과 사춘기를 겪고 있는 그의 딸 이다 사이에서 미묘한 삼각 관계를 형성하며 예상치 못한 위기에 봉착하게 된다.
The Garbage
Garbage Truck Driver
Deadpan black comedy about a garbage man who gets in trouble in a stinky rich neighborhood.
The Father
At dawn, 16-year-old Eva walks along a foggy road. She’s just had her first kiss. She believes this is the bittersweet pain of first love. Her first love is her dad’s girlfriend, Inger. At first, Eva cannot tell if it is her envy of her dad’s love or her passion for Inger, but as time passes she finds herself clearly in love. It is an outstanding film that captures delicate, shaky feelings of first love in a cold Norwegian city in winter.
Den Spanske Flue
Fritz Bergstrøm
Den Spanske Flue (The Spanish Fly) is a situation comedy-farce, set in the home of businessman Ludvik Klinke in 1915s Christiania. Struggling to keep his hag of a wife happy, while trying to secure his daughter a nice husband, things are about to get a whole lot worse when a fling from his past turns up on his doorstep. But who is this young lad, who calls him dad?