Dorotheea Petre

Dorotheea Petre

출생 : 1981-01-09, Eforie Nord, Constanța, România

프로필 사진

Dorotheea Petre

참여 작품

비행중에는 읽지 마세요
파리에 거주하는 작가인 요바나 페이의 세 번째 책이 출간됐다. 하지만 첫 번째 홍보 도시인 베네치아에서 출판사의 부도 소식을 듣고 홍보 일정 동안 아무런 재정적 지원을 받을 수 없게 됨을 알게 된다. 게스트하우스에서 만난 이들을 통해 무료로 여행자를 재워주는 네트워크를 알게 된 요바나는 거의 무일푼으로 유럽 곳곳을 다니며 홍보 일정을 소화하는데…
Maybe Darkness Will Cover Me
On the night before Easter, a priest has to bring the Holy Fire from Jerusalem to his rural church. The closer he gets to the destination, the darker the night becomes.
Yet to Rule
A surrealist drama about a 40-year-old criminal court judge with a dying father, an unhappy marriage and petty cases to solve - shown as struggle between ANDI, the animal within, and K, his rational side.
The Miracle of Tekir
In the heart of the Danube Delta, superstition and religion are mixed together, like the earth and water that make up the mysterious mud from Tekir’s area, not far away. Chased away from her village because of her mysterious pregnancy, Mara finds herself employed at the Europa Hotel, providing treatment for infertile women using this miraculous mud. As she meets the rich and eccentric Mrs. Lili, Mara questions her beliefs and intuitions. The relationship between the two women is the key of the miracle of Tekir, between magic and power, tradition and modernity.
The Childhood of Icarus
Infirmière Jonathan
Jonathan Vogel (Guillaume Depardieu) would like to turn back the clock and undo the accident that led to his disability and destroyed his life. When he learns that Stivlas Karr (Carlo Brandt), a well-known professor and geneticist, has developed a gene therapy for regenerating the human body, he makes an appointment with him for some clinical tests. But the therapy doesnt go according to Professor Karrs plan and leads to unexpected results. Jonathan, whose life is now in danger, has become aware that there is only one person who can help him: Alice (Alysson Paradis), the professors daughter.
미국 네브래스카 주의 경찰인 캐스린 볼코박은 돈이 필요하다는 지극히 개인적인 이유로, 정부에서 파견하는 평화유지군 임무에 지원하게 된다. 캐서린은 보스니아에 파견된 후 얼마 지나지 않아, 숲에서 상처투성이로 발견된 한 여자아이를 조사하게 되고, 그 아이가 보스니아 인신매매의 피해자라는 것을 알게 된다. 하지만 사건의 진실을 파헤치는 과정에서, 인신매매에 가담한 사람이 포주 한 명에 불과한 게 아니라는 것을 알게 되는데…
In a small village in the Danube Delta, where traditions are confronted with new material purposes, a teenage girl is becoming a woman. This is the story of Ryna, a 16 year old girl, working as an motor mechanic in Sulina, who strives to find her identity next to a father who is firmly denying her femininity.
The Way I Spent the End of the World
Eva Matei
Bucharest 1989 - the last year of Ceausecu's dictatorship. Eva lives with her parents and her 7 year old brother, Lalalilu. One day at school, Eva and her boyfriend accidentally break a bust of Ceausescu. They are forced to confess their crime before a disciplinary committee and Eva is expelled from school and transferred to a reformatory establishment. There she meets Andrei, and decides to escape Romania with him. Lalalilu becomes convinced that Ceausescu is the main reason for Eva's decision to leave. So with his friends from school he devises a plan to kill the dictator.