Minako Tanaka

Minako Tanaka

출생 : 1967-09-12,

프로필 사진

Minako Tanaka
Minako Tanaka

참여 작품

Sefure no Hinkaku: Ketsui
Adapted from the manga series "Sefure no Hinkaku" (セフレの品格) by Minato Yoriko (湊よりこ).
사무라이-검신 주베에
에도 시대 초기, 백년에 걸친 전국시대를 평정한 도쿠가와, 하지만 아직도 천하 통일의 꿈을 꾸는 다이묘들에 의해 마침 평화의 시대에 존재의 이유를 찾지 못하던 닌자들의 암약이 이루어지는데. 이러한 움직임을 알게 된 장군 명에 의해 검신으로 일컬어지는 야규 쥬베에는 음모를 파해치기 위해 여행을 떠난다.
우메즈 카즈오 공포극장: 얼룩 소녀
Kyoko's Mother
엄마의 고향을 방문한 유미코(나카무라 아리사)는 사촌인 쿄코(나리미 리코)의 집에 머물게 된다. 그런데, 이유없이 마을 주민들은 유미코를 '뱀녀(ヘビ女)'라고 하면서 기피하는데..
도어 3
Miyako is a frustrated insurance saleswoman stuck in a major dry spell. She tries every trick in the book, including aggressive flirting, which gets her plenty of gropers but no buyers. One day while venturing down a narrow stairwell, she injures her ankle and happens upon Mitsuru who works for some mysterious foreign company. Decked out in high goth style -- complete with long inky black hair and mascaraed eyes -- Mitsuru cuts quite an odd figure, yet his seductive though menacing ways make him difficult for Miyako to resist. Escorting her to his office to treat her ankle, Miyako notices that his all-female staff seem more glassy-eyed and soul-deadened than the average office workers. In fact, they seem almost like zombies. Later, weird things start happening. Mitsuko finds vomit on her doorstep, she seems to be tailed by a shadowy woman in a red dress, and most strikingly, she finds herself utterly powerless against Mitsuru's advances.
The Files of Young Kindaichi: School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case
Asano Reiko
At Fudo High, the principal receives threatening letters from someone called the "Afterschool Magician," who warns them to stop the plans to tear down the old school building. Scary rumours of students who died in the "Seven Mysteries of Fudo High" began to spread again, and it isn't long before Kindaichi and Miyuki gets involved when the Mystery Club asks them to help investigate. When the members of the Mystery Club turns up dead one by one and Miyuki also gets attacked, Kindaichi realizes that he must solve it before any more people are killed.
The City That Never Sleeps: Shinjuku Shark
Adaptation of the Arimasa Ohsawa novel Shinjuku Shark.