Mirsad Purivatra

참여 작품

키스 더 퓨처
It showcases the struggle of the citizens of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War and how aid worker Bill Carter's determination resulted in the enlistment of U2 to help shine a light when the world wasn't paying attention.
슬픔의 삼각형
Associate Producer
부유한 패션 모델과 인스타그램 인플루언서 커플 등이 호화 유람선에 올라탄 뒤 이 배가 좌초되면서 유일하게 낚시를 할 줄 아는 청소부를 중심으로 계급관계가 반전되는 이야기
Focus, Grandma
April 1992. Members of a large family strewn around the former Yugoslavia gather around the death bed of their elderly matriarch. She is not well, but the forecast of a family doctor that her death is a matter of minutes away proves incorrect, so the waiting stretches out for days. Relatives start bickering, playing tricks and arguing over the inheritance to be left by the old woman, especially over her large family house in Sarajevo. Despite her deteriorating health, Grandma happily joins the fray. It appears as if that might be what is keeping her alive. Family feuds and intrigues directed against one of the sisters are more important to the family than the clear, terrifying signs of an approaching cataclysm. When the scheming is finally revealed, it is too late. A war has begun in Sarajevo.
넓은 땅의 소유자 '니콜라이'는 넓은 저택 안에 머물 곳을 마련해 자신의 친구들을 모아두고 시골 땅을 처분하기로 한다.
Executive Producer
In a sweaty, overcrowded tram in Sarajevo, a shy teenager is beset by every imaginable impediment as he tries to capture the attention of his object of desire. Yet the overheated hero of this wild farce will not be easily defeated.
The Factory
Executive Producer
Five uniquely moving films about motherhood—bubbling up in the grocery store, the cemetery, or even a car ride—come together in this omnibus film set in Sarajevo.
Good Day's Work
Armin has been unemployed for a long time, and in desperately need of a job. His wife Jasmina is pregnant, and his son Edin has behavioral problems at school.
중년의사 라리는 40일 전에 고인이 된 아버지를 추모하는 가족행사에 참여한다. 추도식을 주도할 사제는 오질 않고 가족들은 그동안 쌓인 서로에 대한 불만을 쏟아낸다. 마치 동유럽의 축소판같은 좁은 아파트를 세밀한 카메라로 해부하는 크리스티 푸유의 시선이 돋보인다.
Cirkus Columbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991. After the fall of the communists, Divko Buntić, who has lived in exile in Germany for the past twenty years, returns to the village where he grew up, intent on reclaiming ownership of his family home, driving a swanky Mercedes and accompanied by his young bride; by Bonny, his lucky black cat; and with pockets full of money.
Woman in Purple
Executive Co-Producer
Mirza, a young Sarajevo orphan, earns easy money by assisting a local drug dealer. Dispatched on a job one day, a chance encounter makes him painfully aware of his despicable role - but equally of the possibility of changing things for the better.